Page 24 of Wicked Knight

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I read the assignment again.

Back in high school, I made Rex, Santino, and Enzo play similar games. One time, just so he could have the bragging rights as the winner for a whole year, Santino had sex with a teacher in her classroom. The rumor was that her husband or boyfriend watched the whole thing. This was exactly what Luca wanted from me tonight. Not to have sex, but he wanted me to orgasm in his class, while he was teaching.

The worst part was that I had been thinking about it since Saturday when I agreed to play along in exchange for a better grade on my essay. I saw myself in this very seat many times throughout the day, touching myself while Luca talked about modern medicine and influential discoveries of our time.

I glanced up and focused on the rolled-up sleeves of his button-down shirt and his muscled forearms. Now I knew how hard his body felt and how easily he could restrain me. My eyes fluttered closed as I inched my hand down to my sex. To my surprise, the slight touch sent my overly-sensitive clit into a frenzy.

He smirked as he continued his lecture. That was the only clue he gave to let me know he was paying attention. For some stupid reason, this small fact sent a desire-induced shock of adrenaline through me. Luca was watching me.

I sunk deeper into my seat as I slid my finger down and under my skirt. As much as I had fought the idea of touching myself in his class, I still dressed for it this morning. I wore a short skirt and no tights, even though it was freezing outside. Of course, I had to wait until after Enzo had left the penthouse to come out of my room. Because if he’d seen me wearing this outfit to school, he would’ve guessed something was up.

At the very least, he would’ve accused me of trying to seduce Luca again. I considered telling him the truth. But what would that get me? I was an adult now. The choice to play was mine. Not to mention that I wasn’t ready to hear logical explanations to anything. Especially not right now. I hooked my fingers over my panties and pulled them down. There. Part one of the assignment was complete. By now, my aching pussy screamed for some relief.

Professor Gallo: such a good girl

The text came in as soon as I stuffed my underwear in the side pocket of my coat. I shot a glance over my shoulder. If the lights had been on full blast, everyone would be able to see the guilt and mortification on my face. With erratic breaths, I placed my jacket over my body then slipped my fingers between my wet folds. I pressed my lips together to stifle the moan. I had touched myself many times. But never in public like this. And never with Luca watching me. The intense sensation was like nothing I’d felt before. I glanced up and met Luca’s gaze.

His mouth was moving, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. All I knew was that he was looking at me, and that I had my fingers buried in my pussy for him. Omigod. My whole body melted as I drew small circles around my clit. I had roughly ten minutes to orgasm and complete my task.

I wanted the relief. I was so close.

In that moment, the lights came on with an obnoxious bright flash. I jerked in my seat and drew the coat tighter around me, hoping that if anyone was looking at me, they’d think I was cold.

Son of a bitch. I glared at Luca behind the podium.

He’d cut me off on purpose. “I guess that’s all the time we have for today. What can I say? Time flies when you’re having fun. I’ll see you all next week.” He did his signature wave where he touched his forefinger and middle finger to his temple, then started the process of removing his mic.

I stayed in my seat until everyone had left. If I hurried, I would have time to stop by the bathroom and put myself together before I had to meet up with Enzo. Omigod. I couldn’t believe how close I came to coming in public. What the hell was wrong with me? Oh yeah, Luca Gallo was what was wrong with me.

With renewed rage, I tossed my laptop in my backpack and swung it over my shoulder. My anger quickly turned to frustration when I took the first step and realized how wet and how freaking turned on I still was. Pursing my lips, I practically stomped out of the auditorium and down the hallway to the bathroom.

I ran the water and splashed my face before I went into a stall and put my underwear back on. What was the point of that? I pressed a hand to my forehead.

My phone pinged with a notification. When I glanced at the screen, I saw my grade for today’s essay. Another fucking F. The asshole flunked me again. Why? I did what he asked. I pulled my second phone out of my backpack and typed a message.

Me: I did what you asked.

Professor Gallo: No grades are given for incomplete assignments.

Me: what the actual balls are you talking about?

I typed fast and furiously before I hit send. Then kicked the stall door for good measure.

Professor Gallo: you didn’t finish, Ms. Salvatore.

Me: I did finish

Professor Gallo: lies are what got you here. Remember?

I started to type bite me, but then thought better of it. I wasn’t going to fix this over text. I ambled toward the mirror over the sink and fixed my skirt. My cheeks were bright red, but there was nothing I could do about that.

“Two can play this game,” I mumbled, then dialed Enzo’s number. When he picked up, I took in a breath and released it slowly. “Hey, so I’m running late. Don’t wait for me.”

“I don’t mind waiting.”

“I don’t know how long I’ll be. New study group.”

“All right. Call if you need me.”

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