Page 25 of Wicked Knight

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“Yeah, thanks.” I glared at my reflection to hang on to my resolve a little while longer.

As soon as I ended the call, I strode out of the bathroom and headed straight for Luca’s office upstairs. I hadn’t yet figured out what I was going to say to him when I heard gigglingat the end of the hallway. I recognized them right away. They were the women I ran into outside the auditorium—the ones who wanted to lick Luca.

For no reason at all, the anger churning in the pit of my belly turned into something else—something that felt like jealousy and possessiveness. Luca wasn’t mine. But the thought that he might’ve had other women touching themselves for him tonight made me see red.

“Hi.” I greeted them when they turned to me. “Are you here to see Professor Gallo too?”

“Yes, but I don’t think he’s here.”

I gritted my teeth. Did they have an appointment with him? Okay, I had to calm down. Just because they were here didn’t mean they were here for anything other than academic reasons.

“Did you knock?” I rapped on the door lightly. When no answer came, I turned the knob and pushed the door open.

A quick glance around his office told me he hadn’t even come up after class. “His coat and briefcase are not here. I don’t think he’s coming tonight.” I turned to look at both girls, hoping the news would send them home.

“I have time to wait.” The one girl tossed her bag on the floor and sat next to it.

“Yeah, me too.” Her friend did the same.


Was he running late or not coming at all? My gaze switched between the women and Luca’s empty office. Why did this bother me? He wasn’t mine. At best, Luca was my teacher. At worst, he was my bully. I fished my second phone from the front flap of my backpack and texted him.

Me: no office hours?

That was innocent enough. He didn’t need to know I was here to yell at him and demand he stop this ridiculous game. And while he was at it, maybe he could stop flirting with all his students. I glanced down at the two girls sitting a few feet away from me then at my screen, where three dots flashed in and out of focus. After a few beats, the dots cleared, but no message came in.

Really? He was ignoring me now?

I tapped on his number and called him. After three rings, I went to voicemail. Shaking my head, I ended the call and switched to the Uber app to order a car. Years of stalking Luca meant I knew exactly where he lived. I entered the address to his brownstone in the Upper West Side then headed out to wait for my driver. Luca thought he had me by the balls. But this game of his would be over tonight.

I stood at the curb for about five minutes before a black sedan pulled over. It was a good thing too because I didn’t know how long I had before my resolve crumbled. In terms of leverage, I didn’t have much. Truth was, I didn’t want to get him in trouble. He was right when he’d told me that lies had gotten me here. Would Aunt Vittoria even believe me if I told her what was going on? Would Enzo?

That was highly unlikely. Luca’s entire revenge plan was so far-fetched, no one would believe it. I still couldn’t believe it.

The short ride to Luca’s house didn’t do much to diffuse all the thoughts and feelings swirling in my head. He had to know that when it came to him, I was a complete mess. He was my first love. The first guy to ever make me feel alive.

“This is the address, Miss.” The driver pulled up in front of Luca’s place.

“Yeah, it is. Thanks.” I glanced up at the classic brownstone stoop.

I’d never been inside Luca’s ten-million-dollar mansion in the city. But I knew he had six bedrooms, nine bathrooms, four separate outdoor spaces, and a gourmet kitchen built to his specifications. Of course the man could cook. Or, at least, that was what Page Six had said when they covered the purchase of his home a couple of years ago. Right around the time he was fired from Midtown High because of me.

I climbed out of the car and went up the stairs. I knocked and stepped back. Fuck. What the hell was I doing? Luca didn’t owe me anything. Not even an explanation for being an asshole to me. I deserved all of it. I turned around, just as the door swung open.

“Ms. Salvatore?” His voice dripped down my back like honey.

“I…” I faced him, and my jaw dropped. Why the hell was he opening the door shirtless? “How many women were masturbating during your lecture tonight?” I blurted out.


Go Home, Ms. Salvatore


“What?” The space between his brows furrowed as he shot a glance up and down the empty street. “What are you talking about?” He grabbed me by the elbow and pulled me inside.

“There were two women waiting for you back at school. You weren’t in your office.” I yanked my arm away from him. “So how many more women do you have on your roster? All of them?” I was rambling. I knew that.
