Page 26 of Wicked Knight

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Luca Gallo shirtless was an aphrodisiac. To make things worse, his home smelled of freshly baked cookies and coffee. My eyes watered because I realized that the only reason I had come here was because I wanted to see him. I wasn’t angry. I was lonely.

“Something came up. I had to cancel office hours for tonight.” He smiled at the floor. “It was also why I had to cut the lesson short.”

“You did that on purpose. And then you failed me?” I raised my voice. “I did what youasked.”

My cheeks burned hot. Touching myself in front of him was one thing. But telling him exactly what I had done was a completely different thing. I had my jacket covering me. For all I knew, he didn’t know what I had done.

“I know you did.” He stepped closer. His body heat was a shock to my senses. “You looked so pretty with your legs spread wide just for me.” He whispered in my ear, “How far did you get? How many fingers?”

My knees buckled, and I had to brace my hand on his bare chest for balance. The light dusting of hair under my fingers sent a tingling sensation straight to my pussy. The man was all muscle and tanned skin. He was the drug. I was the junkie.

Two years I had gone without a hit. Two years sober. Two years down the drain because I was hooked on Luca all over again. His scent, his raw energy, and this air of danger about him called to me. I wanted him. And I didn’t even care about Aunt Vittoria’s mafia politics or her warning to stay away from him.

“How many women were masturbating in your classroom tonight? Answer me. How many dirty secrets do you have?”

“Just the one.” His gaze dropped to my lips. “You’re my dirty little secret, Donata. You’ve always been.” He said through gritted teeth. The lust in his eyes was hard to miss. Was this possible?

“What are you doing, Luca? You’re off limits.”

“I know.” He nuzzled my neck and tightly gripped my waist. “You’re meant for someone greater. You’re meant to marry a king. And what am I?”

“Is that why you decided it was okay to torture me?”

“I enjoyed it so much. So answer me.” His wide chest expanded with every breath. “How many fingers?”

The room swayed a couple of rounds. I had to be dreaming. “One.” I said in a hoarse voice.The desire rushing through me was so intense, all I could see was Luca’s beautiful face two inches from mine.

“Like this.” He slid his hand under my skirt and plunged a single digit inside me.

Ever since his class ended, I’d been on the edge of an unrealized orgasm. His voice and his hands on me were my undoing. A spark ignited in my core, right where his finger had landed. No one had ever touched me like that.

He exhaled. “Can you handle two?”

Omigod. “Yes.”

He added another finger and simultaneously inched deeper. “Is this why you came here?”

“No.” I shook my head.

He walked me farther into his parlor, past the wall lined with books and straight to the leather sofa. The whole time he made small movements inside me that sent me into a frenzy. But it was nothing like before. Whatever he was doing to me threatened to set my body on fire. The back of my legs touched the armrest, but he kept moving toward me. He loomed over me, using his full height to show me he was in control here.

“I want to see you finish.”

“I can’t.”

“Yes, you can.” He tilted my face up to meet his, then his lips brushed mine.

“Why are you doing this?” I glanced down at his hand between my legs, then up at him.

“You like to play games, don’t you?” He panted a breath. “You started this game, Donata. Remember? Now I want to see you come.”

I opened my mouth to tell him I couldn’t, that it was too embarrassing. But my body had other ideas. When he pulled out a couple of inches, then thrust in again, I completely unraveled. Arching my back, I widened my stance, while ribbons of hot liquid swirled in and out of my core, up into my chest and then down to my toes.

How was it possible for someone to make me feel so much?

The can lights overhead blinded me. Suddenly, the room was too bright and eerily quiet. All I could hear was the muffled beating of my heart. All I could see were his dark eyes fixed on me during class. And just when the adrenaline eased up, his cock pushed on my wet folds, then plunged inside me.

“What?” My eyes flew open to look at him.
