Page 31 of Wicked Knight

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I shifted my gaze to him. He stood behind the podium as the lights dimmed slowly. He had a video up on the screen ready to play. The clock over the entrance said we still had ten minutes left of class. He hit play and the clip started. I didn’t get to see what it was because at that exact moment, the buzz inside me kicked in again.

But this time, I had Luca’s full attention, while everyone else watched the white screen. He nodded as if urging me to relax, to let myself enjoy the game. Even if I had wanted to, I would not have been able to stop it. Luca was in full control here.

So I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. I relaxed in my seat with my knees resting against each other and my dress high up my legs. His gaze swept up and down my body then settled on my low cleavage. Meeting his gaze, I ran a finger over my hard nipple. He watched me intently with hooded eyes, and then, the vibrations increased. A second later, a new text came in.

Professor Gallo: show me.

I shook my head. It took all my pelvic floor strength to keep the small dildo clenched inside me. If I spread my legs for him, I wasn’t sure what would happen. So instead, I pulled down the top of my dress to reveal a bit of my nipple. The cool air stroked it into a tight bud. When I pinched it between my fingers, I had to cover my mouth to stifle a moan.

Professor Gallo: good girl

I could almost hear him saying the words. The minute hand raced me to the finish line. I had but a minute before class was over. If he didn’t finish it now…

As if he could read my thoughts, he switched up the rhythm from fast to slow, then slow to fast. I took in a breathjust as he switched to one long, intense buzz that sent me flying over the edge. I gripped my sweater to bring it to my face, but then remembered he had asked me to stay with him. I fixed my gaze on his and let him see me fall apart—right in the first row, just as class ended.

He stayed with me as wave after wave of pleasure rushed down my legs and my chest. With his mouth slightly parted, he stared at the apex of my things and then my face. I mouthed his name, and he nodded as if he understood what this meant to me. He had to know I was falling for him. My obsession had grown into something real.

More than that, if these flames were as high as they were now, it was because he had fanned them to life. He did this to me. And I had to wonder if this was his plan all along—to make me fall for him.

Unlike before, he didn’t cut me off by shining the bright lights on my face. The credits on the short film rolled and he let the students walk out while I rode every bit of my orgasm. When it was over, I sat there and buried my face in my sweater to hide the shame that washed over me.

I knew his end game was to humiliate me by getting me to do this in public. But the worst part of it was how much I craved for him to see me like this, all raw and wide open. More than anything, I wanted to feel seen. Luca had managed to give me that.

“Ms. Salvatore.” He sat at the edge of the stage. God, he looked especially hot when he rolled up sleeves to showcase his forearms. “How are you feeling?”

“Oh.” I figured he was asking if I was still sore from losing my virginity last week. School was the last place where I wanted to discuss the state of my vagina. Did he even care? I glanced behind me and spotted a few stragglers near the door. “Better.”

His intense gaze bore into mine. Suddenly, all I could see in my mind was the lust in his eyes when I came, when I was fully on display for him to see. I had to get out of here. This situation was too embarrassing. What the hell was I thinking? Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I put on my sweater and made to stand. Oh wow. My G-spot hadn’t fully recovered yet.

“Take your time, Ms. Salvatore.” Luca jumped to his feet and headed out, leaving me with my head spinning as usual.

I grabbed my things and headed straight to the bathroom. While there, I locked myself in a stall and removed my underwear. My task was complete. I couldn’t keep this thing inside me anymore. I reached in and took it out, allowing myself a loud moan of pleasure and relief.

“Are you okay in there?” Someone banged on my door.

“Yeah. Thanks. These shoes are killing me.”


I leaned against the door and stared at the wall. My heart still hadn’t come down to a normal beat, and my skin felt tingly all over. After a few more minutes, I wrapped the vibrator in toilet paper and tossed it in the trash bin.

When I left the bathroom, the corridor was mostly empty. At this hour, students didn’t linger the way they did during the day. I was grateful that I didn’t have to face anyone and wonder if they could tell I’d just had the most intense orgasm of my life during Cogs class.

And only because I was a slow learner when it came to Luca, I climbed the steps to the fourth floor and his office. As soon as I pushed open the door to the stairwell, I recognized Luca’s deep voice. More than anything, I recognized the anger in his tone. Out of habit, I let the door close quietly behind me, darted closer to his ajar door, and pressed my back to the wall.

“Luca, we’re family. If we don’t look out for each other, no one will.” The smoker’s voice was all too familiar—Don Jimmy Gallo was here.

Holy shit. My pulse spiked immediately. Luca’s uncle scared the shit out of me. Don Gallo was the head of the Gallo family and one of the sitting Dons of the Society. Enzo’s dad, Michael Alfera, was the most feared of all the Dons. Don Gallo was a very close second. Their enthusiasm for gore and pain exceeded that of anyone I knew. They were butchers.

Growing up in a Mafia world, surrounded by greed and violence, I had learned to listen to my gut. Something was wrong here. The word danger flashed in my mind, and I knew I had to leave.

I wasn’t a high school teenager. I couldn’t meddle in their business like I used to do with Rex, Santino, and Enzo. Could I?


Low-Key Stalking Him Again

