Page 20 of Riley's Storm

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Suddenly weighed down by immense exhaustion, I stumbled over to our bed and collapsed onto the mattress. We never ended up getting a second one. Storm had told her dads that we were fine simply sharing this gigantic bed or the nest. I buried my face in the pillows and inhaled deeply.

Without realizing it, I had ended up on Storm’s side. Or maybe it was a subconscious decision. Either way, when I took that deep breath, cinnamon and pine filled my senses, curling around my lungs and filling me with a strong peace. I loved it. Who knew if that would change as I got older, but for now, it was perfect.

I hoped that whoever my future pack turned out to be, they smelled as delicious as she did. Rolling onto my back, I let my mind wander to what I thought my pack might be like. I didn’t much care who was in it or what they looked like. I just wanted people who were kind. Thoughtful. Caring. Like Storm.

Fuck. I needed to stop imagining her when I thought of my pack. It had been drilled into my head this year how there would never be more than one omega per pack. We would be too possessive of our alphas. We would not want to share them with another, especially another omega who would be demanding of attention as well.

Storm wasn’t for me, and I needed to remember that.

Her scent wafted up around me from her pillow, and I closed my eyes, enjoying it. And like always, I felt my thighs getting slippery. It seemed my body still hadn’t gotten the memo about her not being mine. Ever since I arrived here at school, I had produced more slick than ever before, particularly while around Storm. It was like I had a Pavlovian response to her smell.

French toast with cinnamon for breakfast? Had to change my slick pads before class. A classmate brought in a pine bough for a lesson I couldn’t even remember anymore? Had to run to the bathroom to double up on the pads.

I had never had this much slickever. The first time I noticed it, I had thought I had an accident. Storm had been so sweet and understanding. She knew immediately what had happened to me and had produced several pairs of slick panties that she had secretly bought for me. She hadn’t wanted to embarrass me, but she said she knew it was coming eventually. Storm said that it was natural and just our omega sides becoming more pronounced as we crept toward twenty-five.

I groaned as I moved to head off to the bathroom to clean myself up. But then, a thought hit me. Storm would be gone for two weeks. I would definitely wash these sheets before her return. Did it really matter if I let them get a little . . . messy?

I mean, the reason for this was because I was so turned on. Maybe a littleself-reliefwould finally calm down this obnoxious amount of slick? It was worth a shot.

My palm slid down my side and under my loose top, brushing my stomach. I was so sensitive and primed that even that tiny touch was enough to bring a whine from my throat. Worried someone would hear, I snapped my mouth shut and darted my eyes to the door. I snorted at my worry and relaxed. I then remembered I had the floor (and much of the school) to myself.

My hand continued to trail across my skin, sliding up under my shirt. I hadn’t bothered with a bra today, leaving my breasts open for my exploration. I slid over my peaked nipples and rolled them between my fingers. A low moan worked its way out of my throat.

Fuck, that felt so good.

I imagined it was someone else touching me, caressing me, pleasing me, and I felt another gush from between my thighs. My hips wiggled on the bedding, mussing up the sheets even more. Keeping my one palm grasping and kneading my breast, I slipped my other one into the waistband of my pants and under the elastic of my panties.

I met zero resistance, thanks to how absolutely drenched I was. My fingers parted my lower lips and circled around my swollen clit. The room filled with my perfume, and I wasn’t bothering to conceal my moans and whimpers any longer.

The first brush of my thumb over my needy clit had me arching up off the bed. I flicked it back and forth rapidly, using my copious amount of slick as lubricant. Abandoning my breasts, I shoved my other hand down my pants as well, seeking my entrance. My middle and pointer finger glided right inside me.

I curled them and stroked at my walls, pretending it was a nameless, faceless alpha making me feel this good. My pussy walls pulsed around me, trying to drag my fingers deeper. I added a third finger, groaning at the stretch that felt so right, so wonderful. Slick continued to pour from me, drenching my hands. The room echoed with my pleasure. I felt my body start to tighten. It started in my lower back and then, like a lightning bolt, shot straight through me.

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine a face to go along with what I was feeling. My release tore through me and I screamed out, “Fuck YES, Storm!”

It wasn’t until several minutes later, after I came down from my high, that I realized what had happened. Whose name I had screamed out as I orgasmed. My eyes popped open, and I bit my lip.Well, damn. That certainly made me question a few things. That was the most intense orgasm I had ever had. And it was because I saw Storm’s face at the crest of it.

I was so screwed.



Spring break was taking forever to end. I had never had such an urgent feeling to return to school before. I usually loved my breaks and spending time with my family, but being away from Riley was almost torture at this point.

I felt terrible, too, because I knew she could tell I had been pulling away over the last few weeks. I was just confused after figuring out that she was my scent match and I didn’t know how to process that. Coming home and talking to my dads and mom about it had put everything back into perspective.

After our talk, I immediately texted Riley, begging for forgiveness. I blamed it on end of quarter stress and I thought she bought it. I knew once I got back to school, I would have to make it up to her. I’d never sleep well until I did.

In regard to my scent matching Riley, my parents had been wary when I first told them. They had legitimate concerns, and we took the time to break them down. How was I going to feel if Riley didn’t recognize the match? How was I going to feel if one of us met a pack and bonded to them? Would I be able to accept it? Especially if they decided they only wanted one omega?

Or, if everything worked out and they accepted us both, would I be able to handle sharing my alphas with another omega? How would I feel during heats when not all the attention was on me? Could I take seeing Riley getting pleasure from those that I had claimed?

The thing was, none of those concerns seemed to be of any major importance to how I felt about Riley. I knew I would never accept a pack that didn’t also accept her. The thought of her being left behind while I moved on was abhorrent to me. Also, the idea of my pack giving us both pleasure, while simultaneously allowing us to seek it from each other? Well, that was just the hottest thing I could imagine.

Riley was mine, and I wanted to share the world with her. Sharing a pack would just be a small part of that.

As I explained all of this to my parents, and they saw how much I meant every word, their reservations disappeared. My parents were perfect scent matches for each other, which helped them understand where I was coming from.
