Page 21 of Riley's Storm

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Finding a perfect scent match was the dream. Not everyone did. Some people settled for a pack whose smells they could tolerate. But finding someone, orsomeones,who were meantforyou, who called to you so perfectly was a little rarer of a phenomenon.

And it was completely unheard of it happening prior to an omega’s twenty-fifth birthday, when their first heat started. The fact I knew Riley was mine and neither of us had reached that golden age? Well, it was a miracle. Papa Corey told me I should snatch this up and hang on. I couldn’t agree more. I just needed to make sure Riley felt the same way.

Because if she didn’t . . . my world would never be the same without her in it.

It was why I was dying to get back to school. I knew she hadn’t gone home for break. She forgot that the phone I had bought her so we could keep in contact had location services turned on. Her locator dot hadn’t moved from the school the entire time. If I had bothered to check with her to know she wasn’t going home, I would have invited her here with me.

I had been too stuck in my head, however, to even consider her, and that was making me feel like a terrible friend. The first thing I planned on doing when I got back was apologizing for my behavior and spending the next several months making up for it. Then, I was going to make sure she either got to go home for our summer break or I was bringing her with me.

One week to go, then I could see my gorgeous, curvy queen again.

Tonight should at least pass quickly. My parents had invited my best friend from childhood, Ryan Brown, to come over for dinner. They said that he had a surprise that he wanted to share with me. It had been several months since I had seen him, and I couldn’t wait to find out what it was he wanted to tell me.

We had grown up together. There had been a time we were certain he was going to present as an alpha and that he and I would start a pack. But the year of our eighteenth birthdays, when we designated, I became an omega and he stayed the same, a beta. To say we weren’t just a little heartbroken would be a lie.

The only thing that would have made our friendship even more perfect was if fate had destined us to be a pack. But either way, I couldn’t wait to find out what he wanted to tell me tonight. We both had secrets to share. I knew I couldn’t keep Riley from him. He was my best friend. I told him everything, even if we weren’t as close as we once were.

Getting ready for dinner that night, I carefully chose my outfit. I refused to let my mind dwell on the fact that I was setting out to look my best for Ryan. He was just my friend. That was all he would ever be. I just . . . Well, I wanted to make a good impression after not seeing him in so long. Yeah, that was it.

I brushed out my long, dark hair, clipping it up on top of my head. Loose strands framed my face and made my green eyes sparkle. I slicked a light layer of shiny, clear gloss over my lips and dusted on yellow glitter eyeshadow. Blinking at my reflection, I grinned. It was amazing what a little makeup did for my complexion.

Downstairs, I heard the doorbell ring and Papa Greg answered the door. Giddily, I jumped up and exited my bedroom, practically racing down the stairs. Near the bottom, I stopped because it wasn’t only Ryan’s voice I was hearing. I craned my neck, tilting my head so I could hear better. Who was here?

“Welcome to our home, Alphas Victor and Declan. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Papa Greg was saying.

Alphas? What . . . ?

“Thank you for the invite. We appreciate it.”

The sound of the alpha’s voice sent a shiver down my spine. It was deep and gravelly. Something about it just checked all the right boxes for me. I swallowed and crept down another step, careful to watch for the creaks.

“Is Storm here?” I heard Ryan ask.

“Oh yes,” my mother replied. “She’s just getting changed. I’m sure she will be down at any moment. Why don’t you all go into the front room to wait? I’ll go check on dinner.”

Her footsteps grew louder then quieter as she went to do what she said. I heard my fathers leading the alphas and Ryan into the front room. My curiosity demanded that I go see who they were and what they were doing here, but at the foot of the stairs, I turned and hurried to the kitchen. I would see if my mother had any information first.



The second I entered the Vareth home, I knew. While the overarching fragrance of her parents filled the home, underneath it, my sensitive nose picked out Storm’s cinnamon and pine. It filled my lungs and one quick look at my twin confirmed it. We had found our omega scent match.

Beside us, vibrating with barely repressed excitement, was our beta Ryan. He knew from our expressions and body language what had happened. He had been hoping that it might because he had been so certain destiny was meant to place him and Storm together. The idea it might be possible was sending him into a tizzy. I placed my hand on his shoulder and tugged him to my side. A purr rumbled from my chest as I tried to help calm him.

“Settle down, Ry. I know you are anxious, so are we, but she isn’t twenty-five yet. She will not know our scents call to hers yet. We will have to wait to tell her.”

Ryan’s eyes lost a bit of their sparkle at my gentle reminder, but it quickly came back. Storm and her mother walked into the room, and it felt like the clouds had cleared after a torrential rain. She was easily the prettiest omega I had ever seen. I couldn’t believe she was mine. Peeking at Declan, I saw he, too, was staring at her, slack-jawed.

Ryan was the only one with any common sense between the three of us, and he jumped up from the couch we were on to greet her. His arms wrapped around her in a hug, and he swung her smaller frame in a circle, the pair of them squealing with happiness.

“Oh, it’s so good to see you!” Storm said once he had placed her feet back on the ground. “How have you been? And who are these handsome fellas of yours?”

Her brows wiggled jokingly at Ryan, and he ducked his head to hide his flush. “Storm, I’d like you to meet Declan and Victor Birmingham, my alphas. My pack.”

It was cute how he still stumbled over those words, as we had only officially brought him into the pack a month ago. Our meeting was a slew of random events that all lined up perfectly for us to be in the same place at the same time.

We had dated him, separately and together, for a few months, although, at least for Declan and me, we had known he was ours almost as soon as we had met. Then, last month, we had proposed, and now he was the proud owner of our bonding marks, right over his glands on either side of his neck.
