Page 25 of Riley's Storm

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My nose wrinkled as my perfume floated up around me. Kisses. She said kisses. Now all I could think about was kissing her. Damn it. I closed my eyes and tried to think of anything else to take my mind off the image of Storm’s gorgeous face.

Grandma’s underwear. Dell’s stinky socks. Mom’s vegetable garden. Dad’s work boots.

I heaved a sigh of relief when I felt my yearning halt. My perfume subsided and, even though my underwear was drenched, my slick wasn’t pouring from me any longer. I flicked on the ceiling fan, hoping that would help push some of the scent from the room and out the open window.

I had to get this under control. I couldn’t be slicking every time she talked to me when she got back. How embarrassing would that be? A quick glance at my watch and I saw it had been almost an hour, and I hurried off to go move everything to the dryer.

An hour later, I was back in our room, putting the now dry comforter on the bed. Thankfully, because I had used sheets that were in our closet, Storm’s and my scents still clung to them. Enough so that our room still smelled likeus. I closed the window and looked around, assessing what I saw. I had done the best I could. Dinner was still a couple of hours away. I had time for a nap. I crawled under the covers and nestled into the pillows. Within moments, I was drifting off to dreamland.

BANG. I jolted up from my deep sleep and, bleary-eyed, I looked over to the door. Storm stood there, grinning and holding tons of bags.

“Hello, sleeping beauty,” she called out. “Wake up and come greet me properly!”

I chuckled and rolled off the bed. Storm’s skin was glowing. She had a slight tan and had tied her hair up in a topknot. Break had done her good; she looked fabulous. I welcomed her back and took some bags from her hands, taking them to the dresser to be put away later. Suddenly, I stumbled as she launched herself at my back, wrapping her arms around my neck.

“I missed you so much, Riles! I’m so glad to be back.”

She nuzzled her face into my neck, rubbing along my glands. A moan tried to work its way out of my throat, and I bit my cheek to keep it inside. “I missed you too, Storm.”

“Let’s go get dinner. I’m starving. I can’t wait to hear all about your break!” She grabbed my hand and pulled me from the room, heading down to the cafeteria.



Even if I hadn’t been watching Riley’s location on my phone, stepping into our room would have clinched it for me. Knowing that she hadn’t left, I mean. Her scent was so saturated all over our room, it would take days to ease up.

And I was fine with that.

I loved smelling her perfume filling my space. With how strong it was, I knew she had been having a great time while I was gone. When she had turned away from me to put the bags by the dresser, I had physically stumbled. My body was screaming out at me to go to her. I couldn’t hold myself back and I launched myself onto her back, clinging like a koala.

Rubbing against her hadn’t helped me at all. I knew I had kept my perfume from puffing out around us, but only by pure dumb luck. I wanted to drag her into our nest and have her show me exactly what she had been doing the last two weeks while I was gone.

If I stood there smelling her any longer, I would have done just that. I wanted this omega something fierce, and I couldn’t wait to make her mine. I wasn’t even hungry, but I had to rush us out of the room because I was worried I was going to do something stupid. Like try to fuck her on the bed that was lacking my perfume and covered with hers.

It was obvious she had tried to wash the bedding to hide how strong her scent was. The problem was the green tea and honey were so deeply embedded into everything in the room, there was no way she could have gotten that out of there. My omega side wanted nothing more than to roll around in the sheets, covering myself in it.

Seeing the cafe right ahead, I picked up my pace. I typically hated the convergence of everyone’s smells in there, but right now, I needed it. I needed to clear my head before I pressed Riley to the wall beside us and kissed the daylights out of her.

Thankfully, right before my slim hold on my control snapped, we entered the cafeteria. I sucked in the smells all around us and shook my head to clear it. I was still holding Riley’s hand, and I didn’t let it go until we had ordered our dinners and had to carry our trays to the table. Sitting down so I faced her, I asked how her break had been.

Riley’s face flamed bright red and she ducked her head. “It was great. I didn’t do much, just hung around the house. How about you?”

It was obvious she was lying, but it was also obvious she was extremely embarrassed so I let it go. “Mine was great too. My family and I went out on a few excursions. Then, about a week ago, my childhood best friend, Ryan, and his new pack came over for dinner.”

My face must have morphed into a scowl because Riley looked really concerned. “What happened? I would have thought that was a happy thing, but you look annoyed.”

“It should have been fun, but Ryan ruined it in the end.” I waved my hand and scoffed. “It’s fine, just another male with his head up his ass. I don’t want to talk about him right now.”

“Alright. For what it’s worth, I am sorry that it didn’t go how you wanted.”

“Thanks, Riles. Hey, I brought a TV back from home. Want to watch the new Frankie Powers movie after dinner?Knot for You?”

“Oh, that sounds fun! I’ve been wanting to see that one. She’s amazing in everything.”

“She really is! It’s so awesome that she can act the way she does and still have time for her pack at home.”

“Right? She’s an inspiration. I hope whoever I end up with lets me do something outside the home. I would hate just putzing around the house all day.”
