Page 35 of Riley's Storm

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Declan and I stood outside the door to Storm’s room. Neither of us felt comfortable enough to just barge in. This was the omega’s sanctuary, her space. The door was slightly ajar, and we could see a dresser shoved out of the way to make room for Ryan to enter. Inside was silent, then came the sweetest sound: a faint giggle. Tension that had stiffened my shoulders without me even realizing it fled, and I heaved a sigh of relief.

I used the back of my hand to knock on the doorframe and called out, “Storm, Ryan? May we come in?”

I craned my ear to listen and heard feverish whispering between the two.

“Who is ‘we’?” Storm asked.

“Declan and me, Victor.”

More whispering ensued and Declan hid a snicker as Ryan’s voice carried to us. “I’m going to be in so much trouble.”

“I’m sure it’s fine!” Storm whispered back. Raising her voice, she called out for us to come in.

I pushed hard on the door. The dresser protested as I forced it farther into the room. My eyes swept her bedroom, and I felt fear grab hold of my heart. Declan had the same reaction as I did because he rushed to the door to her nest and yanked it open a split second before I got there.

“Are you both alright?” he demanded.

“Are you hurt?”

I moved to step into the room, to check on my mate and our‌ unclaimed omega, but stopped myself when a rumbly growl came from her as a warning. My eyes widened, and I knew I looked stricken at the faux pas I had almost committed.

“I apologize, Storm. I’m not thinking clearly. May I please enter your nest to check on Ryan?”

“Check on me? Whatever for?” Ryan seemed truly perplexed as to why we were so concerned.

“What for? Ryan, have you seen her bedroom? It’s completely ransacked. It looks like a tornado came through! How did you guys not hear the destruction?” Declan asked.

Storm’s face blanched, and she looked downright embarrassed. I nudged Declan and nodded my chin in her direction. From the corner of my eye, I watched as it dawned on him. His jaw went slack and he rubbed his hand over his mouth, trying to hide the grin that was forming.

“Did you do all that, little bit?” he asked her.

She squeaked and shuffled backwards into the pile of clothing she was currently hiding in. Ryan chuckled and reached his hand in to pull her back out. Something slightly dislodged the mountain of material and the smell of green tea and honey wafted over toward us.

It took all of ten seconds to fill my lungs and even less than that to register that I needed to know whose it was. Beside me, Declan appeared to be having just as hard of a time controlling himself.

“Whose clothes are those?” I rumbled out, bracing myself on the doorframe to keep from launching myself into the nest to get more of that delicious smell into my system.

Storm popped out of the top of her pile, a sad expression taking over her angelic face. “They belong to my Riley. It’s the only way I get any rest.”

“Riley,” I growled out, tasting her name.

“Mine,” Declan and I declared at the same time.

Storm’s face transformed in an instant. She went from looking embarrassed and sad to downright ferocious. Popping up from her makeshift nest, she stomped over to us, jabbing her finger into our chests. Fire spit from her eyes as she snarled angrily at us.

“Listen here, buddies. Riley is mine. My scent match. My omega. Mine. If you think you’re going to steal her away from me, you have another think coming. Riley and I are a package deal. Where she goes, I go. So, either you take us both or neither of us.”

I grinned down at the tiny firecracker, standing up for herself and her omega mate. “Then, I guess it’s a good thing you're ours too, omega.”

“And another thing— Wait, what?” She spluttered to a stop, her righteous tirade halted in its tracks.

I reached a hand out and tenderly cupped her cheek. My thumb stroked across her soft skin absently. “Storm Vareth, Declan and I knew you were ours from the first moment we stepped into this house. Your scent called to us like no one else’s . . . besides Ryan’s and now this mysterious Riley’s. We didn’t intend to tell you about it until you could reciprocate the feeling. We know that you’ve got a little more time until you can match to us, but I think you needed to know. We have every intention of courting you and that honey-scented girl of yours and hopefully winning your claim. If you’ll have us.”

“But I . . . I mean, well, I don’t . . . Maybe . . .” Storm seemed completely thrown off. Her eyes bounced back and forth from my brother to me, and then over to Ryan. “And you, Ryan? How do you feel about all of this?”

He rose to his feet and nimbly walked to where Storm was. He grasped her hands in his and stared into her eyes. “Storm, I’ve been in love with you for years. I know we used to joke about growing up and becoming pack, but the idea it could be a reality means everything to me. You’re my Storm. My precious, precious firefly. It would honor me to be allowed to date you alongside my pack. And if Riley is anything like you, I’m sure I’ll fall for her easily, if she wants that.”

Storm took a step back from us. Her hand fluttered to her mouth as her gaze ran over all three of us. Declan had an expression of hope and yearning on his face. Ryan looked downright dopey with his love. Me? I wasn’t too sure what I looked like, but it must have been appealing to her because she blushed prettily.
