Page 76 of Riley's Storm

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My mother looked astounded as well. “Did you say it came with a house? On-site?”

“Yes, we provide that for all the managers because they are technically on call a lot and it’s just easier for them to be right there and available if needed. Now, with a new setup like what we are proposing, there will be a lot more issues that arise in the beginning. It does tend to settle down as time goes on. Don’t worry about constantly having to put out fires or anything,” Declan explained.

“Would, um, would our whole family be able to stay with us?” my mom asked softly.

“If they want to, yes. It is your house. If you ever leave or look to retire, we will assist you in purchasing a home elsewhere so that we can grant the on-site one to the next person to take over,” Victor said. “Although, I think Riley will come with us when we leave, and Drew, I have a feeling, will be with his pack for a while.”

“What about me?” Dell asked. “Do you have a place for me on your crew? I don’t want to be managerial or anything, but maybe starting in the field as a laborer?”

Victor studied him. “We are looking for a new apprentice for the electrician at our main headquarters. If you like, we can bring you to meet her and see if you think you would enjoy that type of work.”

“That would be amazing! Would you mind, Mom? Dad?”

They looked at each other and then back at my younger brother. “It would be a great opportunity for you. You must promise to still come home sometimes though,” my mom said.

“Yes, of course! Oh, now I’m all excited! I have to pack.”

Without another word, Dell ran from the restaurant, completely forgetting his meal. Storm snorted and buried her head into my shoulder. I ran my hand down her back, her hair falling through my fingers like a waterfall. I heard a throat clear and I glanced up, fully expecting it to be one of our pack trying to get our attention. Instead, I met the angry stare of a strange alpha.

“Excuse me,” he scoffed. “The two of you need to knock it off.”

“Knock what off? We aren’t being inappropriate,” I asked, completely thrown off.

“Not being inappropriate? There are families here. Two omegas should not be over here canoodling. It’s not right.”

My jaw dropped open, but before Storm or I could say anything, Declan and Victor rose to their feet. Growls came from both of them as they glared at the alpha that dared to speak poorly of us.

“What did you just say about our omegas?” Victor demanded.

“Your . . . But . . . that’s just not right.”

“Says who?” Declan snarled. “Just because you haven’t seen it before doesn’t make it wrong. They obviously love one another. You can clearly see the bond marks on their necks from us. And yet, you have the gall to come over here and insult them, insult us, and their family? Because you decided they shouldn’t be together? Get the fuck out of here.”

The alpha gulped in the face of Declan’s ire and scurried away. Declan scanned the rest of the restaurant and saw several people looking over at the scene that had just occurred.

“Same goes for the rest of you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with our pack or who is a part of it. If you have an issue, you can leave.”

Declan dropped back into his chair, still glaring at the few people that hadn’t immediately returned their attention to their own table. Victor sank back into his chair too, albeit much slower.

He looked at both of us and asked, “Are you alright? I apologize you had to experience that.”

Storm snorted derisively. “We know there is nothing wrong with our love. We are happy. Complete. If they are so close-minded over the fact that two omegas can find that together, then screw ‘em. Right, Riles?”

I smiled. “Always my protector. And now that I have you three, I have even more.”

“Yeah, one more second and I was going to stand up too,” Ryan said sheepishly.

Storm chuckled. “It’s alright, Ry-bread. We know you would defend us if our big, bad alphas weren’t here.”

He groaned. “We have to get a better nickname.”

“Nope, that’s yours now, Ry-bread.”

“Save me from these silly omegas, please,” he pleaded, looking up at the ceiling.

“Ry, I don’t think there is any saving. I think we’re stuck with ‘em,” Declan stage-whispered.

Everyone laughed, even my parents. I looked around as the waiter reappeared with everyone’s food. Declan and my dad fell into a discussion about the business. Victor was asking my mother what appliances she would like for the home they would be building for them in the new office location. Ryan and Storm were play-fighting over his nickname.

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