Page 21 of Idol Moves

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“Oh.” Jason didn’t know how to take that. He was obviously flattered. But he hadn’t heard a peep from Tony since they finished all the movie press tours. “You did? How come you’re just telling me now?”

Tony briefly looked at his chunky, pristine white high tops as he awkwardly shuffled his feet. “You know the score, Jason. It’s a small town. You were persona non grata at Lodestar after the Marvin Lindsey thing. And I needed to keep working.”

Jason reluctantly nodded. Tony hadn’t told him anything new. A lot of doors had slammed in his face that day. Just because they were opening up again didn’t change the past. “Yeah, I get it.” He sighed. “So, what do we do? Will you wait for me?”

Tony laughed. “I’ve waited this long, haven’t I? Of course, I’ll fucking wait. I mean, you’ll be producing it, too. Right? I hear that’s your new thing.”

“It’s the only way I could think of to stop getting fired all the time.” Jason chuckled. “I mean, it was that or stop beating up creepy old directors.” He snorted. “No offense.”

Tony playfully scoffed. “Does thirty-five count as old? I mean, I’m definitely creepy.”

Jason laughed, remembering how his last director from the CheezyFish commercials had let a stranger onto a closed set to film him while he changed. “You’re the least creepy director I worked with, man.”

“You always say the sweetest things.” Tony gently put his hand on Jason’s shoulder. “Look, I’m sorry again for coming on so strong. I’m really excited about working with you again.” He grinned. “And, like I said, I may be a little drunk.”

Jason patted Tony’s arm. “It’s all good. I should get back to Tae Hyun. But I promise I’ll be in touch.”

“That was Tae Hyun?” Tony chuckled. “I thought he looked familiar. My wife’s a big fan. She’d kill me if I didn’t get a picture with him.”

Jason snorted. Of course, even the director who’d admitted writing a script just for him couldn’t help geeking out over the K-pop star. “I’ll let him know you want one when I find him.”

Jason had meant that as a joke, expecting to find Tae Hyun still chatting with Riki. But his idol was nowhere to be seen. He unsuccessfully checked all around Raven’s main floor before finally stepping onto the balcony. The cool, nighttime air nearly overwhelmed him and made quick work of the sweat on his brow. He hadn’t realized the party had gotten so hot. A few guests had also gone outside, quietly chatting and sipping their cocktails. But no Tae Hyun.

Jason let out a quiet sigh as he walked up to the railing overlooking the pool deck. Tae Hyun had to be in the bathroom, which Jason hadn’t checked. Either that, or he’d gone home. Jason was about to check his phone when he spotted the wayward idol leaning on the railing down on the pool deck. Of course. He was at a party with some of the American music industry’s hottest names, and Tae Hyun had done what he always did. He’d gone to enjoy the view.

Jason found the stairs down to the pool deck and wandered over to where Tae Hyun stood at the railing. “I should’ve known I’d find you here.

Tae Hyun turned to Jason and smiled. “It’s almost as good as the view from your house.

Jason chuckled as he pointed toward the hills to Tae Hyun’s left. “Look up there.”

“What?” Tae Hyun turned to look where Jason pointed. “Wait. Is that your house?”

Jason laughed. “Yep.”

“Oh, wow. I didn’t realize we were so close.”

“It would actually be walkable in a straight line from here,” Jason explained, “if that was possible. But with all the canyons, it’s easier to drive.” Jason turned to look at Tae Hyun and was immediately captured by his profile–especially how the moonlight shone off his cheekbones and the curve of his nose. “But I prefer the view from here.”

Tae Hyun turned to see Jason looking at him and sheepishly grinned. Jason knew his ears were turning pink even if he couldn’t see it. “You always do that.”

“I have yet to find a better view than this one.” Jason took Tae Hyun’s hands and turned them to face each other. “No matter where we are, you’re always what I want to see.”

Tae Hyun beamed with a fairy blue glow in the reflected light from Raven’s pool. “You always say the sweetest things, hyung.” Then, he turned away to face the twinkling lights of the distant LA skyline. “Who was that you were talking to?”

Jason was caught off guard by Tae Hyun’s awkward tone. Had he really gone outside because he’d seen Jason talking to someone else when he went to the bar? “A director, actually. Why? Are you jealous?”

Tae Hyun frowned. “No.” Then he shook his head. “I mean, I know I’m not supposed to be. You always say you don’t own me, so I guess it’s the same for me with you.”

“But you are?” Jason frowned at Tae Hyun’s nod. “That was Antonio Ruiz. He wrote and directedThe Moon Shines Madly.”

Tae Hyun’s mouth fell open. “For real? Shit.” He shook his head. “I never imagined–” He sighed. “Now I feel stupid.”

Jason took Tae Hyun by the hands and turned him back. “Please don’t. You feel the way you feel.” He gently caressed Tae Hyun’s hands with his thumbs. “And you don’t have to worry about me. I have no desire to cheat on you. Okay?”

Tae Hyun reluctantly nodded. “I know, hyung. It’s not fair for me to put that on you. You’re not Chang Min. You’ve always been honest with me.”

Jason watched the undulating pool light paint the shadows of Tae Hyun’s cheekbones and quietly sighed. “Well–”
