Page 27 of Idol Moves

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“I don’t fucking care.” Jason’s seething fury could’ve set Naomi’s office ablaze. And he’d been thinking lately that maybe he’d moved on from losing his temper like that. But recent events seemed to indicate otherwise. Jason had vaguely remembered the story of the idol’s suicide, but Tae Hyun had given him the insider’s version, including the rumor that KBR had been the one to drive Jong Soo over the edge. And the idea that someone could get to Tae Hyun that easily with no one the wiser was too fucking much. He pointed an angry finger at Seong Hyeon. “Tell me how they even fucking found him in the first place.”

Seong Hyeon’s nearly ramrod-straight posture visibly stiffened. Jason imagined he didn’t like being openly called out like that. But that was too fucking bad. His security team had seriously fucked up. At least he had Alex there. If anyone ever managed to get past Seong Min–an unlikely prospect at best–Alex could easily take his place. Jason had never told Tae Hyun, but he’d first met her as his taekwondo instructor. He’d only learned later on that she was also a dancer. And her dual pedigree kind of made her ideal in Jason’s eyes.

“We’re working on that, sir. We know that one of the dancers made a social media post with a photo of the location but no other information. That’s our only lead.”

“Which dancer?”

“Malik Collins.”

Jason scoffed. “Well, he’s obviously fired.”

Tae Hyun shook his head. “Jason–”

“What? He signed an NDA, which he clearly violated.” Jason had little sympathy for the dancer, considering the last time one of his employees violated their non-disclosure agreement.

Naomi sighed. “That’s not helping, Jason.”

Jason was tempted to tell Naomi where she could put her judgy attitude. But he was upset, not suicidal. “No? And what the hell do you suggest?”

“I suggest you calm down before you make things worse.”

Jason huffed. It wasn’t hard to imagine how things could be worse. And that was the primary reason for his rage. “You want me to do this now? Or during our meeting with Seong Woo?”

Naomi sighed again. “Fine. Just get it out of your system.”

“Get it out of my system?” Jason nearly growled. He wanted to scream. “I don’t understand why no one else is upset about this. KBR is obviously trying to fuck with us.” He pointed to Tae Hyun. “To fuck with him.”

“We don’t know it was them yet, sir.” Seong Hyeon’s confidence was impressive. Jason wasn’t sure anyone else would’ve spoken up to someone yelling like he was. “We’re still looking into it.”

“Looking into it?” Jason openly scowled. “Looking into it?” He scoffed. “You’d better give me more than that pathetic fucking line.”

Seong Hyeon’s only visible movement was slowly flexing his hands open and closed. Jason knew what he was thinking. If he wasn’t Seong Hyeon’s employer, they’d probably come to blows. And, if it came to that, Seong Hyeon could probably take him in a fight. But it wouldn’t come to that owing to the simple fact that Jason was right and Seong Hyeon was to blame.

“We’re doing the best we can with our limited resources,” Seong Hyeon finally explained. “Ideally, I should bring Yu Min Kyu into this.”

Jason threw his hands up. “Then why the fuck don’t you?”

“Because I told him no.”

Jason whirled on Naomi. “You what?”

“We’re hemorrhaging money, Jason. We can’t afford any additional salaries and expenses.”

“What?” Jason vigorously shook his head. “They fucking threatened Tae Hyun! What about that don’t you understand?” He turned to Seong Hyeon. “Hell, you could be working on it full-time. Lord knows I don’t fucking need you to watch me.”

Seong Hyeon quietly cleared his throat. “With all due respect, Mr. Park–”

Jason shot Seong Hyeon a vicious glare. “And exactly how much fucking respect am I due here, Song Seong Hyeon? Is it enough that I don’t have to worry about my boyfriend’s safety anymore?”

“Stop it, Jason. You sound paranoid.”

Jason whirled on Naomi and ominously leaned forward, planting his hands on her desk. “Paranoid?” He usually let her shut him down, but not this time. Instead, he stared daggers at her, displaying enough open hostility that she blinked and looked away. “We can’t make a move in this fucking game without some jealous ex-lover or global media empire slapping us down.” He pushed back from her desk with a low grunt. “All of you need to listen to me very carefully.” Jason slowly panned from Naomi to Tae Hyun to Seong Min to Seong Hyeon. “Because I want to make this absolutely fucking clear.” He pointed to Tae Hyun. “He’s the only fucking thing that matters to me. So you all might enjoy the new and improved Jason, who’s more thoughtful and considerate and less of an asshole. But I’ll hold you all personally responsible if anything happens to him. And you don’t want to see that Jason. Do you understand me?” Jason waited for an answer, but everyone was either too intimidated or annoyed to respond. “Well?”

“That’s seriously enough, Jason.” Naomi’s tone was firm, but she still wouldn’t make eye contact. “You need to calm down.”

Jason scoffed. “If one more person tells me to calm down, I swear to god I’ll–”

“Jason.” Tae Hyun stood from his chair and walked to him. He grabbed Jason’s hand and stood before him, his face calm and posture non-threatening. Jason wanted to scream at him. Or cry.
