Page 33 of Idol Moves

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Tae Hyun chuckled. “I keep telling you I’m not a superhero.”

“I know.” Jason winked. “Your secret is safe with me.”

Once they’d collected their bags, they proceeded to Arrivals, where Seong Woo waited with Yu Min Kyu, his head of security, and a small security team. Seong Woo looked surprisingly rested and happy despite his wedding being only three days away.

“Welcome back, my friends,” Seong Woo said in Korean as he hugged them both. “I’m glad you made it.”

Jason handed his bags to one of the dark-suited members of Seong Woo’s security team. “I’m surprised you came yourself. Don’t you have a wedding to prepare for?”

Seong Woo chuckled. “What? And miss a chance to see my two favorite people?”

“Yoo Mi kicked you out?” Tae Hyun asked with a smirk.

Seong Woo nodded. “Yeah. She said I was just getting in the way.” He nodded to Min Kyu, who said something to his wrist before nodding back. “Let’s head for the car. Airports make me anxious.”

The car was, in fact, a massive, shiny black SUV, although of the Korean variety rather than American. Even then, it filled up fast with Jason and Tae Hyun, the Songs, Seong Woo, and Min Kyu. So a second SUV followed them with their luggage and the remaining members of the security team. Jason noticed the thicker-than-usual doors as he climbed inside and guessed the truck was probably armored. His suspicion was confirmed when he tried to open his window, which didn’t budge. He glanced at Seong Woo, who nodded.

“I’m afraid the windows won’t work,” Seong Woo explained.

Tae Hyun tried his window, too, with the same result. “Are they broken?” He hadn’t worked out the issue yet.

“No.” Jason frowned. “Is there something you want to tell us, Seong Woo?”

“Alright.” Seong Woo quietly sighed. “Yes, the truck’s armored.”

Tae Hyun’s eyebrows shot up. “Armored?”

Seong Woo nodded. “We’ve been getting some threats. I think the tanks are probably overkill. But Min Kyu thought they were warranted.”

“Always better to be safe than sorry,” Min Kyu interjected.

“Threats,” Tae Hyun repeated. “Because of me?”

Seong Woo shook his head. “No. Well, not directly, at least. You know how Yoo Mi has always had a, let’s say, contentious relationship with her fanbase.”

Jason snorted. “It’s always the haters,” he said in English.

Tae Hyun sighed. “I’m sorry if I did anything to make it worse, Seong Woo.”

“Don’t be.” Seong Woo leaned back between the seats to get closer to Jason and Tae Hyun. “I’ll tell you a secret. It was dating you that put her on my radar in the first place .”

Tae Hyun’s eyebrows floated up again. “What? No way.”

Seong Woo nodded. “It’s true. So, if anything, we actually met because of you.”

Jason reached over to put his hand on Tae Hyun’s thigh. “See, there you go. No need to feel bad about Min Kyu’s overzealous security response.”

But Tae Hyun frowned anyway. “Please don’t–”

“I know,” Jason interrupted. Leave it to Tae Hyun to take his reassurance and turn it into something else. “I know. Don’t humor you.” He huffed and pulled his hand away. “Fine. Whatever.”

Tae Hyun’s eyebrows fell. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing.” Jason sighed and looked away, suddenly wishing he’d actually humored Tae Hyun instead of sharing how he really felt. “I’m just tired and cranky from the flight.”

Tae Hyun huffed. “Okay. Whatever.”

Jason didn’t even have to see Tae Hyun’s face to know his expression. And if he wanted to blame himself for the threats and armored truck, Jason didn’t have the energy to talk him out of it. He would’ve normally let that sort of thing slide. Most of Tae Hyun’s annoying habits were minor. And many of them had changed or gone away once they committed to each other. But Tae Hyun’s stubborn insistence that people not tell him what they thought he wanted to hear remained in full force. It didn’t matter that he was wrong about it most of the time.
