Page 37 of Idol Moves

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Tae Hyun nodded. “We’re not staying. We’ll be back tomorrow evening.”

“Oh!” Yoo Mi smiled. “Then you should join us for dinner out.” She looked at Seong Woo and pouted. “Could you make us a reservation at the place I like?”

Seong Woo rolled his eyes. “Maybe we should see if our guests want to go first.”

“Want to?” Yoo Mi huffed. “Of course, they want to go!” She turned to Tae Hyun. “You do, right?”

Tae Hyun didn’t look so sure. “What if people find out I’m here?”

“You were already spotted at the airport,” Jason countered. “Everyone who wants to know you’re here already does.”

“Oh, yeah.” Tae Hyun still didn’t look sure. “I suppose so.”

Yoo Mi’s elegantly blushed cheeks spread into a proper smile. “Fantastic! Then I guess it’s settled.”

After dinner, Yoo Mi surprised them with a dessert of french crepes stuffed with a sinful chocolate hazelnut creme. Jason felt decadently full when they retired to the main room for after-dinner drinks. He noticed the view of Gangnam that he’d enjoyed the last time he’d come to Seong Woo’s condo. But the city lights were obscured by low clouds and a foggy mist rising from the Han River. Then he felt a sudden urge to smoke. He hadn’t smoked in months, but the cravings had yet to completely disappear. Thankfully, no one else there smoked, so he had no choice but to ignore it.

They’d been discussing their wedding plans–including a lavish reception and a two-week honeymoon to Tahiti–and the movie role Yoo Mi would take on when they returned. But Tae Hyun eventually started yawning and nodding off, which made Jason yawn, too. His 14-hour flight, the excellent food, and all the bourbon had finally caught up with him. So, Jason excused himself and headed for the balcony, thinking a little fresh air might do him some good. It was cool outside rather than cold, and the breeze blowing off the river helped perk him up a bit. But another cigarette craving made him second guess being out there. He turned to head back inside just as Yoo Mi walked up to the open sliding door.

“I’m sorry. Did you want to be alone?”

Jason shook his head. Something about his expression must’ve been off-putting, so he smiled. “No, no. Come on out.”

Yoo Mi nodded as she stepped out. Then she handed Jason his unfinished Kingston. “I thought you might want this.”

Jason chuckled as he took the glass from her. “Ordinarily, I would. But this day’s really kicked my ass.”

Yoo Mi shrugged and sipped her wine. Then she rested her arms on the balcony railing, leaned over, and deeply inhaled through her nose. “Ah, I love nights like tonight when it smells like the river and not fucking exhaust fumes.” She glanced at Jason and smiled. “Remember the last time we were out here together?”

Jason nodded. “How could I forget? I was trying to be cool, and you saw right through it.”

“It’s a gift.” Yoo Mi turned her gaze back to the distant city lights. “Not that you didn’t do the exact same thing to me. I feel like we’re alike that way.”

Jason quietly sighed as he leaned on the railing beside Yoo Mi. “Yeah. We’re like– wait. Do you know the English expressiontwo peas in a pod?”

Yoo Mi chuckled. “I’ve never heard that one. But if you’re talking about how alike you and I are, we’d say our hands and feet match.”

“Maybe, but I could never pull off that nail color. I’m more of a fall palette.”

Yoo Mi laughed. “You know, I always hoped things would work out for you two. You’re good for each other. As anxious as Tae Hyun is right now, he’s not even half as neurotic as he was when he first got home from the army.”

“I used to be so self-centered,” Jason admitted. “Until I fell for him. Now he’s all I think about.”

Yoo Mi stood up and turned to face Jason. “I know what you mean. I still feel guilty about making Tae Hyun pretend to date me so I could save my career.”

Jason shook his head. “Nah. That’s on you. I mean, it’s your choice, I guess. But you’re his closest friend.” He smiled. “I doubt he’d change a thing about that.”

“You’re probably right.” Yoo Mi chuckled again. “In a weird way, it’s because of Tae Hyun that I’m with Seong Woo.”

“We know. Seong Woo told us.”

Yoo Mi frowned. “He told you what?”

“He said that dating Tae Hyun first put you on his radar.”

Yoo Mi laughed. “Are you serious? That little shit. I had no idea.” She shook her head. “I meant that spending that much time fake dating Tae Hyun was what convinced me I could do it for real.” She smiled. “We may not have been in love, but I definitely love him. You know?”

Jason smiled. “I think I do. In fact, I should check in and see how he’s doing.”
