Page 38 of Idol Moves

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“Oh, don’t worry. He already went to bed. That’s why I came out here.”

“What? When?”

“He started nodding off after you got up,” Yoo Mi explained. “So Seong Woo took him to bed.”

“He what?”

Yoo Mi laughed. “Sorry, I meant put him to bed.” She snorted. “He’s the last one you’d need to worry about, Jason. It’s you he’s got the crush on, anyway.”

“But Seong Woo is so very straight.”

“Oh, no doubt. But you don’t have to be gay to have a crush on another man.” Yoo Mi chuckled. “I mean, he talked about you so damn much after that party. When you called him for help with security, it was like you’d finally asked him on a date. He was so giddy it was adorable.”

“Giddy?” Jason snorted. “I’m glad you’re not the jealous type.”

“Why be jealous? I’m gorgeous, talented, and have great tits. He’d be crazy to fall for someone else.” Yoo Mi smiled. “Plus, he trusts me.”

“Trusts you? That man worships you.”

Yoo Mi’s smile grew a fraction wider. “I know. Why else do you think I’m marrying him? Speaking of which–”

Jason held up his free hand. “Please don’t. We’ll get there when we get there. Right now, our plates are totally full.” Then he sighed, suddenly overcome with unexpected melancholy. “Plus, he’s nowhere near ready for it.”

Yoo Mi frowned. “He’s not? I thought things–”

“Things are fine,” Jason assured her. “We’re both just as committed as ever. I meant that he’s having a rougher time coming to terms with everything than I am. You know? First with KBR coming after him, and now his parents?” He shrugged. “I’m used to getting nailed to the wall by the public. But this is new for him.”

“Okay.” Yoo Mi’s nod suggested that she wasn’t agreeing with him so much as humoring him, which almost made Jason laugh. “But are you? Ready for marriage, I mean.”

“Yeah. I’d do it tomorrow if I thought he wanted to.”

Yoo Mi’s eyes narrowed with obvious judgment. “If you say so.”

“You don’t believe me?”

Yoo Mi shrugged. “It doesn’t matter if I believe you. It only matters if you do.” Then she smiled. “But it’ll happen when it happens, right? Now, get your ass inside and get to bed. You look like you fell asleep ten minutes ago.”

Jason laughed, knowing she was probably right about that. Whether or not she was right about the other thing remained to be seen.


Tae Hyun had originally hoped to catch an early KTX train for Daejeon out of Seoul Station so they could be back before dinner time. But, between their jet lag and all the drinking at dinner, Jason and Tae Hyun overslept. Tae Hyun didn’t even remember going to bed and woke in a mild state of panic until he found Jason’s slumbering form lying next to him. After rushing through their showers and coffee, they ended up catching a train shortly after noon. And it was so cold and overcast in Seoul that Jason had to borrow a coat from Seong Woo. With the trouble they had just trying to leave, Tae Hyun wondered if going was a bad idea after all. Sure, he’d get to see Yun Seo again, but he didn’t have to go all the way to Daejeon for that.

Seong Woo kindly sent Tae Hyun, Jason, and Seong Min to the train station in one of the tanks. Seong Hyeon had elected to stay behind. That was partly out of convenience since they didn’t want to overwhelm Tae Hyun’s parents with too many people and partly to allow Seong Hyeon time to meet with Min Kyu to consult about upgrading Tae Hyun’s security. And they were traveling incognito. After the airport incident, even Seong Min agreed to go full ninja until they were on the train. But Yun Seo still spotted them as soon as they exited the massive, black SUV.

“So much for not getting recognized,” Tae Hyun complained after a hug from Yun Seo.

Yun Seo rolled her eyes. “I knew what to look for, oppa. But no one’ll recognize you otherwise.” She chuckled. “You could be any K-pop group behind those masks and sunglasses.”

They were just visiting for the day and had no luggage, so the group went straight for the train and boarded their first-class car. They’d purchased seats at the front of the train to minimize the number of people walking by them, which meant they could take their masks off. And Jason agreed to sit next to Seong Min so Tae Hyun and Yun Seo could have a chance to talk during the not-quite hour-long trip.

Yun Seo fidgeted in her seat while they waited to depart. Maybe she was trying to get comfortable. Maybe she was nervous. Tae Hyun certainly was.

“Are you trying to rock the train?” Tae Hyun hoped a little humor would help lessen their nerves.

Yun Seo took the hint and sat still. “Sorry, oppa. I’m just nervous about what’s gonna happen there.”

“What do you think will happen?”

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