Page 44 of Idol Moves

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“But nothing. I love you. Your sister loves you. Yoo Mi loves you.” Jason grinned. “Not to mention your many, many fans.”

Tae Hyun smiled, sniffling as he blinked away a few tears. “Thank you. And thank you for coming with me to the gates of hell.”

Jason snorted. “You think that was bad? Just wait until you meet my parents.”

After washing and getting dressed, Jason and Tae Hyun found Seong Woo waiting behind the granite-topped mahogany bar off the great room. He served them both a drink–which turned into two–while they waited for Yoo Mi to finish dressing. Seong Woo was about to pour them all a third when Yoo Mi finally appeared in a short, striped, sleeveless cocktail dress sparkling with black and white rhinestones. Tae Hyun excitedly asked her for a spin, then clapped to show his approval. Jason also clapped, even though he liked Tae Hyun’s top with the black satin shoulders and a fine mesh that showed off his flat, toned midriff better.

Dinner was at Veil in Gangnam. Seong Woo couldn’t get a private dining room but managed to secure a pair of tables on the mezzanine. Jason had been curious about Veil at first. But after having dined there a couple times, it felt too much like being an exhibit in a celebrity zoo. Still, it was Yoo Mi’s weekend, and they were her guests.

After they were seated and made their orders, the conversation started out light and breezy. But the topic of Tae Hyun’s Daejeon visit came up by the time they’d had at least a pair of drinks and were eating. Tae Hyun described what happened, glossing over some of the worst details and omitting Jason’s actions entirely. Even then, it still sounded awful. His parents had made it clear that they no longer accepted him.

Yoo Mi and Seong Woo’s faces fell as they listened to Tae Hyun’s story. Jason could understand why. Their parents had probably never threatened to disown them.

“And so I told them I hoped KBR paid them off well since I wouldn’t send them any more money,” Tae Hyun explained as he wrapped things up. “And then we left.”

“It was hard to witness,” Jason added. “Even coming from a similar family dynamic.”

Yoo Mi shook her head. “It sounds horrible. I don’t understand why they’d feel that way. It’s not like you’re marching in gay pride parades or anything.”

Tae Hyun frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Jason wondered what she meant, too. But he had a sinking feeling he knew where she was coming from.

Yoo Mi’s eyebrows briefly fell before she purposely relaxed them. No wrinkles before the wedding day, right? “Exactly what I said. You’re just Woo Tae Hyun, a K-pop idol who happens to be gay. It’s not like you’re shoving it down everyone’s throat or anything.”

And there it was. Jason hated what Yoo Mi was implying and was tempted to intervene. But he’d already done it once that day, to disastrous effect. Maybe it was better to let Tae Hyun handle it.

Tae Hyun’s eyes narrowed as if Yoo Mi had suddenly gone out of focus. “I thought you didn’t have any problem with my being gay.”

“I don’t!” Yoo Mi’s defensive tone didn’t bode well for the continuing exchange. “I kept your secret, didn’t I? And then I stood up for you when you came out, which cost me my job. Hell, you’re in my fucking wedding, Tae Hyun!”

Tae Hyun angrily snorted. “But only because I’m not one of those gays, right? You know, the ones shoving it down everyone’s throat?”

Yoo Mi frowned. “I don’t–”

“What would you do if I kissed Jason,” Tae Hyun asked, cutting her off, “right here, right now?

“In public?” Yoo Mi’s laugh was probably meant to sound casual, but it sounded forced. “I wouldn’t even kiss Seong Woo right here in front of everyone. I mean, there’s acceptance, and there’s public decency.”

Tae Hyun put his hands on the table and leaned forward. And Jason suddenly wondered if not intervening was the right call. “But you could do it, right? And there wouldn’t even be half the scandal.”

Yoo Mi’s frown returned, only angrier. “That’s not fair.”

“No, it isn’t fair.” Tae Hyun snorted and waved his hand toward Seong Woo. “You can kiss your boyfriend in public. You can legally marry him. And you’ll even put me in the wedding as long as I’m nottoo gay. So tell me, who exactly is shoving what down whose throat here?

Yoo Mi’s barely contained fury nearly erupted. If looks could kill, Tae Hyun’s face would’ve melted off. “I don’t think I want you in my wedding anymore.”

“Good.” Tae Hyun shoved his chair back and stood. “Come on, Jason. We’re leaving.”

Jason shared a brief, panicked look with Seong Woo, who offered the barest of shrugs. He obviously hadn’t expected that to happen, either. So Jason pushed his chair back and stood, too, because Tae Hyun was his boyfriend. And because he was right.

Seong Hyeon and Seong Min, who’d undoubtedly heard the entire exchange, had already stood from the table they’d been sharing with Min Kyu and another bodyguard. Jason tried not to look at the other mezzanine tables to see who else had overheard them, knowing that everyone had, but no one would admit to it. The Songs followed Jason and Tae Hyun down to the main floor and outside through the front entrance. It wasn’t until he stood on the sidewalk that he remembered they had no vehicle. He turned to Seong Hyeon, who nodded before Jason could speak. Then, he held out a set of keys.

“Min Kyu suggested I hang onto these for the time being.”

“Is that for one of the tanks?” Jason let out a relieved sigh when Seong Hyeon nodded.

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