Page 51 of Idol Moves

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“Not prudent? Not fucking prudent!”

Jason shook his head as he tried to ignore the argument. Seong Woo had just taken the dragon by her tail. He’d hopefully let go before she bit his hand off. Jason glanced at Tae Hyun as he stepped from the shower. Even after disposing of their ruined tuxedos in tightly sealed trash bags and thoroughly washing themselves, the bathroom still smelled of tear gas. He wondered if he maybe still had some up his nose. The sensation felt uncomfortably close to the times he’d done coke with Amber Merritt while they filmed theMonday Night Clubmovies. Hopefully, it wouldn’t last. But he didn’t notice it as much in the bedroom.

Tae Hyun rubbed his hair with a towel as the rest of his body dripped on the bathmat. “They’re still going at it?”

Jason nodded as he examined his face in the bedroom vanity mirror. His eyes were still red-rimmed and bloodshot, but he looked well enough otherwise. “Yeah.” He tried on a casual smile he didn’t feel. It was obviously false. There’d be no pretending for the near future, at least. “How are you doing?”

“Me?” Tae Hyun wandered in from the bathroom and began to dry off the rest of his body. “Aside from the long fucking day, I guess I’m doing alright. How about you?”

Jason blew out a long sigh. “I never liked weddings anyway.” A loud crash outside their door caught Jason’s attention. “And it sounds like that’s not getting any better. Maybe we should–”

Their door suddenly swung open before Yoo Mi stomped through and slammed it behind her. Tae Hyun practically squealed as he quickly wrapped his towel around his waist and jumped back into the bathroom.

“What the hell, Yoo Mi?”

Yoo Mi snorted as she plopped herself on the end of the bed. “Oh, relax. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

Jason turned from the mirror to face his host with a raised eyebrow. “You have?” He was dressed only in gray boxer briefs. It was hard to ignore Yoo Mi’s thorough once-over, especially when she focused on his crotch.

“Yes, Jason, I have. It was all those times Tae Hyun and I fucked.” Yoo Mi rolled her eyes. “So many times.” Then she scoffed and gestured toward Tae Hyun. “I’m not talking about him. That’s the most skin he’s ever shown me.”

Tae Hyun huffed as he emerged from the bathroom, still towel-clad, grabbed his underwear, shorts, and shirt from the bed, and went back to get dressed. “Why are you even in here, Yoo Mi?”

Jason turned back to the mirror–partly to finish fixing his hair and partly to give Yoo Mi the full show. “She’s running away before she loses her argument.”

“What?” Yoo Mi snorted. “I never lose.” Then she frowned. “It just so happens that Seong Woo is right this time.”

Jason nodded. “Leaving town right now isn’t a good look. It’d be a shame to throw away all that precious, hard-earned public goodwill.”

Yoo Mi frowned. “Are you looking to argue, too, because–”

“Tell me I’m wrong.”

Yoo Mi sighed. “No, of course, you’re not. But just because I know we can’t go doesn’t mean I can’t be upset about it.”

Tae Hyun returned to the bedroom fully dressed and sat beside Yoo Mi. “What’ll happen now?”

“Vital is working on our public statement right now. And I imagine I’ll do press and interviews all week instead of relaxing on a Tahitian beach.”

Tae Hyun shared a conciliatory smile. “Tahiti will still be there when this blows over.”

Yoo Mi nodded, but Jason caught the initial flash of a frown in her reflection. He doubted Tae Hyun even noticed. Then again, Tae Hyun was often far more perceptive than he let on. Still, Jason was sure he knew what her look meant. He may have only met her a few months ago, but he could still read her like a book. “So, how long until you throw us out?”

Tae Hyun’s jaw fell open as he turned toward Jason. “What?” Then he turned back to Yoo Mi. “What does he mean? Are you seriously throwing us out?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Yoo Mi’s surprised frown suggested that she really didn’t. But Jason assumed she’d probably expected more time to ease into the announcement. “You know you’re always welcome here.”

Jason turned around to face the bed. He knew he was right when Yoo Mi wouldn’t even make eye contact. “Let’s not do it like this, okay? I mean, it’s bad enough that he won’t even come in here and tell us himself. But I’d love it if you treated us like grown adults and told us the truth.”

Tae Hyun frowned. “Why are you saying that? She just told us it wasn’t true.”

“He’s saying it because he’s right.” Yoo Mi sighed. “Shit. I guess I thought–” She threw her hands out and frantically waved them around. “We thought maybe it would sound better coming from me. And I thought I could maybe even get you to agree to it.”

Tae Hyun’s mouth fell open again. “You’re serious? So, you came to–what? Gaslight us into leaving?” He shook his head. “That’s fucking low, even for you.”

Yoo Mi didn’t reply, but her expression told Jason everything he needed to know. “She thinks it was our fault.”

Yoo Mi scoffed at Jason. “Are you just going to keep doing that instead of letting me talk?”
