Page 56 of Idol Moves

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“Jealous? No fucking thank you.”

“Yun Seo!”

“What? I’m a grown-up, oppa. I can swear if I want to.” Yun Seo rested her hand on Tae Hyun’s thigh. “And I’m not saying anything about you and them. I’m only saying think about it before you shut them out completely.”

“If I think about it any more than I already do, I’ll have to stop thinking about anything else.”

Yun Seo snorted. “Right. As if ninety percent of your brain isn’t focused onyou know who.”

Tae Hyun shrugged since she was absolutely right. But, as they say, turnabout was fair play. “Speaking of which, what’s going on with Seong Min?”

Yun Seo’s jaw dropped. “What?” She quickly looked away, but not before Tae Hyun caught a peek at her pink earlobes behind her long hair.

Tae Hyun chuckled. “Oh, so that’s how it is?”

Yun Seo huffed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I mean this.” Tae Hyun snuck a hand up and pinched her closest earlobe. “Be honest. You like him, don’t you?”

“Oppa.” Yun Seo mumbled something Tae Hyun didn’t catch. “Alright, fine. Yes. I like him. But if you think–”


Yun Seo’s eyebrows popped up. “What?”

“I like him, too. He’s sweet, thoughtful, and considerate.” Tae Hyun chuckled. “Not to mention a total hottie.”

Yun Seo bashfully giggled, not bothering to hide her rosy ears. “I would climb that man like a tree.”

“Yun Seo!”

“Still a grown-up, remember?” Yun Seo huffed. “Besides, it’s not like it’ll ever happen. You keep him too busy.”

Tae Hyun shrugged. There was no reason to deny the truth. “Yeah, that’s true. And it’ll only get worse once I go on tour.” Then he chuckled again. “Of course, you’ll need to come along, too.”

“What? Seriously?”

Tae Hyun snorted. “Did you really think I’d leave my assistant at home while I’m on tour?”

“I–” Yun Seo hesitated. “I guess I hadn’t considered that.”

“But it’s work, so the tour comes first.” Tae Hyun chuckled. “Of course, if you need any tips on how to sneak away for a little bit of quick fun on tour–”


“What? I’m a grown-up, too, Yun Seo.”

Before Yun Seo could respond, a production assistant went onstage to coach the audience members who’d never attended a taping before. Tae Hyun knew it happened before each broadcast but had never seen it himself since he’d always been backstage before the show. Then, the audience lighting went dark, and the show’s theme music played in the studio.

Tae Hyun had a moment of near vertigo, remembering the dozen or so times he, Xiang, and Chang Min had performed their comeback stages there. Although he’d watched a hundred differentChart Mastersepisodes, he’d never once attended a taping.

The audience roared with thunderous applause as the show’s current MCs, Sunny fromMiss Kissand Min Si Woo fromG-Go, bounded onstage. Tae Hyun knew both of them, of course, although not very well. But he was quickly caught up in the surrounding excitement and soon forgot all about his parents. And Sunny and Si Woo had surprisingly good chemistry as they bantered–much better than the MCs from Tae Hyun’s last appearance on the show.

Yun Seo leaned in close. “Si Woo is so handsome.”

Tae Hyun nodded. He was very good-looking. And very straight. “You know he’s married, right?”

“A girl can dream.”

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