Page 66 of Idol Moves

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Jeong Woo spoke into the radio, and a moment later, inky blackness spread from the edges of the dome until night fell over the arena. Then the music started, bass notes thundering from unseen speakers so loud Jason could feel the vibrations in the air. He recognized the song immediately. It wasBlossom.

But the Director wasn’t just putting on a sound demo. A riot of color exploded overhead as a dozen massive flowers bloomed in time to the music. They were so clear Jason could’ve been watching them on his TV at home. The song’s lyrics appeared near the bottom of the dome, scrolling around the arena with each word pulsing karaoke style in time to the song, which continued through the end of the first verse until the music and light show faded. Then, the blackness disappeared, too, replaced by the previous view of the sky overhead.

“That was all my tech team had time to work up on such short notice,” Jeong Woo announced. “But I hope it’s enough to demonstrate our capabilities.”

Jason glanced at Tae Hyun, whose mouth hung open. Then he remembered himself, closed his mouth, and enthusiastically nodded. “I’ve never seen anything quite like it. It’s absolutely amazing.”

Jason nodded, too. “I’m with him.”

Jeong Woo smiled. “Excellent. My team will be pleased to hear that.” He gestured away from the stage. “If you like, we can visit my office to discuss the terms of the agreement. And I’d be happy to answer any questions you–”

“I have a question,” Jason interrupted.

Jeong Woo’s smile briefly faltered before he nodded. “Of course.”

“We’ve been stonewalled by every single venue in the Seoul Capital Area because of KBR. But you called us. Why? Aren’t you worried about losing KBR’s business?”

Jeong Woo reached up to smooth his mustache before nodding. “That’s a fair question. My official answer would be that we don’t yet have any of their business to lose. But I’m sure you’ll agree we have the most unique offering in the current market. And I have no doubt that labels will clamor to book their shows here once they learn what we can do.”

Tae Hyun narrowed his eyes in obvious suspicion. “But what’s your unofficial answer?”

“Oh.” Jeong Woo grinned and bashfully looked at his feet in an uncharacteristic moment of shyness. “Well, it would be that I’m also gay.”

Jason’s mouth fell open. “Are you serious?”

Jeong Woo nodded. “I don’t think that’s something most people would lie about.”

Jason chuckled. “No, I guess not.”

Jeong Woo looked at Tae Hyun. “I was shocked when you first came out. I couldn’t understand why someone in your position would risk everything like that. And how KBR reacted confirmed my worst fears about coming out, too.” Then he smiled. “But now, seeing how you’ve carried on–and even thrived–finally gave me the confidence to do the same. So, I came out as well. And that’s why I reached out to you. That’s why I want you to perform here. I want people like you and me to see you performing on this stage despite everything and everyone working to prevent it.”

“I’d be honored.” Tae Hyun’s tone was almost reverent. Jason could understand why. It was the first time someone in Jeong Woo’s position had openly supported him.

After heading for Jeong Woo’s office and discussing the relevant contract terms, Jason signed off on the proposal, signaling Big Hammer’s intent to sign the contract. Naomi had basically told him to do it. And it was enough to secure their requested performance dates. Once they’d done another round of handshakes with a promise to follow through on the contract and payments, Jeong Woo followed up with one more announcement.

“Very good. Now, Jason. About that hotel suite–”

Jason quickly shook his head, but Tae Hyun had already noticed. “What hotel suite?”

Jason quietly huffed. “I was planning on surprising you with it.”

Jeong Woo frowned. “I’m sorry. I had no idea–”

“It’s fine.” Jason waved off his apology and turned to Tae Hyun. “The Songdo Grand Hotel has a set of VIP suites for artists performing here, and I asked if we could stay in one tonight.” He reached over to take Tae Hyun’s hand. Tae Hyun briefly stiffened before remembering who they were with and relaxing. “I thought that, with everything that’s happened, it would be a nice mini-vacation for us.”

Tae Hyun snorted. “That’s what you’ve been hiding from me?” Jason nodded. “Oh, hyung.” He smiled. “Alright. Then let’s go see it.”

The hotel manager at the Songdo Grand personally escorted them to a giant, penthouse-level corner suite larger than their Seoul apartment. It included a main room with a full wet bar, dining and sitting areas, and two bedrooms with ensuite baths. A smaller pair of rooms were attached for staff or security–where the Songs would stay for the night. But the highlight was the rooftop veranda. It was almost as large as the main room and offered an expansive view of Songdo Central Park. After inviting them to contact the floor’s dedicated attendant staff for anything they needed, the hotel manager took Seong Hyeon and Seong Min to their rooms. So Jason opened the bottle of champagne chilling on the dining table and poured each of them a glass, which they took out to the veranda. It was warm enough to be outside in their shirtsleeves, so the pair stood at the railing, enjoying their champagne and the view, until Jason spoke up.

“So, you’re not mad about this?”

Tae Hyun chuckled. “Of course not. This is wonderful.”

“Good. What do you want to do first?”

Tae Hyun thoughtfully frowned for a moment. “It’s so nice out. Maybe we could walk around a bit. And I guess I want to go shopping. All the big labels have stores around here, and I don’t have anything else to wear.”

Jason smiled. “Actually, I packed a bag for you while you were in the shower. It’s probably sitting in the main bedroom.”

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