Page 75 of Idol Moves

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“Shit!” Jason angrily tapped on the call button.

Seong Hyeon put his hand on Jason’s shoulder and nearly got smacked. Jason could feel himself losing control of his temper as he turned around. But the mixture of anger, frustration, and fear coursing through his veins was too hard to keep a lid on.

Seong Hyeon bowed. “I know I failed you, sir. But you need to let me do my job.”

Jason recklessly poked a finger into Seong Hyeon’s chest. “Don’t start with that now. Just stop standing in my way.”

“If something were to happen to you–”

Jason loudly huffed. “I don’t give a shit what happens to me.”

The elevator door opened, revealing Min Kyu’s inscrutable face. “There’s no one there. My team is scouring the place, looking for any clues about what happened.”

Jason bitterly gestured toward the blood-stained wall. “That’s not a clue?”

Min Kyu’s eyes darted to Seong Hyeon, who carefully shook his head. “Mr. Park, sir. If you can’t control yourself–”

“You’ll what?” Jason scoffed. “I realize this is just a job to you. But there’s nothing in this world more precious and important to me than that man. Nothing. So you can all give up thatMr. Park, sirshit right now.”

Min Kyu, in an extravagant show of emotion, pursed his lips. Jason wondered if he’d finally crossed the line. Not that he cared. He was serious when he told Seong Hyeon that he didn’t give a shit about what happened to himself.

The silent tension built between them until Seong Hyeon’s pocket beeped. He quickly pulled out his phone and looked at the display. “I have Seong Min.”

Jason whirled on his security chief. “What? Is his phone on again?”

Seong Hyeon shook his head. “No. But he has a secondary tracker for emergencies. He must’ve activated it.”

For a moment, Jason was genuinely impressed with his security chief’s spy craft. They might never have needed a secret emergency tracker. Until they did. “Okay, that’s something. What now?”

“I could have a team meet us at that location inside thirty minutes,” Min Kyu suggested.

But Jason kept his attention focused on Seong Hyeon. “I asked you.”


Jason huffed. “You’re my security chief. You’re responsible for Tae Hyun’s safety. I want to know what you think.”

Seong Hyeon nodded. “I agree with Yu Min Kyu.”

Jason nodded. “Okay. Then what are we waiting for?”

Seong Woo’s permission, it turned out. Thankfully, when Min Kyu updated him on the situation, he nodded. “Alright. I trust Min Kyu’s judgment. Do whatever it takes.”

Min Kyu pulled one of his men aside. “Find the designer and detain him.” The man nodded and tapped a teammate’s shoulder before they both rushed toward one of the tanks.

Seong Woo frowned. “Why are you doing that?”

“We need to know if the designer is involved somehow,” Min Kyu explained. “He may have important information. And, if he’s not involved, he may be in danger. Either way, it’s necessary.”

No, it’s kidnapping, said the voice in Jason’s head. But he didn’t really care. His boyfriend was in trouble. And they were in another country, anyway. For all he knew, what they were doing was perfectly legal. As Min Kyu and Seong Woo returned to their truck, Seong Hyeon pulled Jason aside.

“I know you won’t want to hear this, sir,” Seong Hyeon carefully stated, “but–”

Jason snorted. “If you’re about to tell me I have to stay behind, the answer is no.”

Seong Hyeon shook his head. “No, sir. You’ve made your feelings on the matter clear.” Then he leaned in close enough that it took all of Jason’s willpower not to back away. “So, let me be equally clear. If you insist on being reckless and taking needless risks, I cannot ensure your safety.”

Jason grinned, knowing it would only make him look unhinged. But he didn’t care because Seong Hyeon had finally taken him seriously. “Good. Then let’s go.”
