Page 83 of Idol Moves

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Jason gripped the wheel with one hand and shifted the truck into drive with the other. “I’m fucking stopping them. Go get Min Kyu!”

The minivan’s tires kicked up a cloud of dust and gravel as it darted away. So Jason slammed his foot down on the accelerator, and the tank leaped forward. No wonder Min Kyu had been able to drive the thing so fast. It was a fucking monster. The minivan, already pointed away from the scrapyard’s entrance, sped down a wide path bordered by tall piles of rusted metal junk. Jason didn’t know where they were headed. Was there another entrance they hadn’t seen? But he kept his foot planted on the gas pedal as he steered the unwieldy vehicle down the same path. He needed to catch up and stop them before they got away. There was no way he was losing Tae Hyun again.

But there was no other exit. Instead, the minivan barreled toward the corrugated metal fencing surrounding the scrapyard. Jason silently willed them to stop. That van couldn’t possibly make it through to the road. Then, a distant screech of metal on metal wailed as the van veered into an impossible turn. Maybe the driver hadn’t known there was no other exit. Maybe they were hoping to lead Jason away before doubling back. It didn’t matter. They’d blown their one shot at escape.

Jason pointed the front of the tank at the van as it came out of its turn and slammed his foot on the brake pedal. He would’ve rammed them at full speed but couldn’t risk hurting Tae Hyun. Even then, it was a heavy truck, and there wasn’t much space to slow down. Jason braced himself with his hands on the wheel as the tank plowed into the front corner of the van. The airbag exploded in his face, drowning out the low crunch of crumpling metal as the truck finally stopped.

Dazed, Jason shook his head, threw his door open, and climbed out. The minivan’s windshield was cracked but intact. And Tae Hyun sat in the van’s passenger seat on the opposite side, slowly shaking his head behind a deflating airbag. A flash of movement to Jason’s right caught his eye. He turned just as the van’s driver took off, shambling back toward the warehouse.

“Fuck that.” Jason spun around and ran, practically bouncing off the tank’s rear corner as he rounded it and sprinted toward the running driver. They slowly ran with uncertain steps, possibly still dazed or even injured from the crash. So Jason quickly closed the distance between them like it was nothing. He ran for an hour practically every day. And he was angry. No, he was furious. They’d already taken Tae Hyun once, and that man had tried doing it again. Someone had to fucking pay, so it may as well be him.

As soon as Jason was close enough to hear the fleeing man’s labored breathing, he leaped forward, wrapped his arms around the man, and dragged him to the ground. The man groaned as he struggled beneath Jason’s weight. It was time to let him see the face of his captor. Jason pushed himself to a squat to flip the man over and–

Jason knew that face. He’d met and nearly fought with him at the Music Video Awards rehearsal. It was Oh Min Su.

Jason growled as he fell to his knees and straddled Min Su. Probably still stunned from the crash and again from being knocked to the ground, he finally looked up at Jason and gasped with recognition.

Jason sneered. “That’s right, ass face. You know me.” Min Su weakly flung an arm at Jason, who quickly knocked it away. “You’ve got one chance to walk away from this, Oh Min Su. Tell me why you took Tae Hyun.”

“I don’t–”

Jason cut him off with a tight-fisted strike to the side of his face. “Don’t even try it. I said tell me why you took Tae Hyun.” Min Su groaned and turned away, so Jason struck him again. “Fucking tell me why you took Tae Hyun!” But Jason didn’t even wait for an answer before hitting him again. Then again. And again. He remembered his father telling him he was better off dead. He remembered Tae Hyun’s father calling him a deviant. He remembered a stranger holding a protest sign telling him to remember what happened to a dead idol. But none of that came remotely close to what Min Su had done. He’d hurt Tae Hyun and needed to be punished.

Jason lifted his arm for another strike when someone grabbed it. He snarled and whirled on his newest foe, only to see Seong Woo holding his arm.

“That’s enough. Go check on Tae Hyun. Min Kyu’s on his way, so I’ll watch this one until he gets here.”

Seong Woo’s grip was strong–probably stronger than Jason’s–so there was no use fighting him. Plus, he was right. Jason had left Tae Hyun alone in the minivan as he chased after Min Su. He reluctantly grunted. “Okay.”

Seong Woo helped Jason to his feet before letting go. “Is he–”

“He’s Oh Min Su,” Jason spat. “He works for KBR.”


Jason nodded as he loomed over the man he’d just bloodied and bruised. It wasn’t nearly enough, but it was a start. He left Seong Woo with the unconscious Min Su and rushed back to the minivan. Tae Hyun still sat in the passenger seat, but he’d slumped down, and his head was lowered.

“Tae Hyun!”

Tae Hyun’s head popped up at the sound of Jason’s voice. His frantic expression was obvious even behind the cracked windshield. “Hyung?”

Jason pulled the door open and gripped Tae Hyun by the arms, holding him steady while he inspected him for injuries. His cheek was red from being struck, but he seemed okay otherwise. “Are you hurt?”

Tae Hyun shook his head. “No, nothing serious. Did you get Min Su?”

“I did.” Jason pulled Tae Hyun close, hugging him more tightly than he probably should’ve, considering he never planned to let go again. “I’m glad you’re okay. I was so fucking scared.”

Tae Hyun buried his head in Jason’s shoulder. “You came for me, hyung.”

“Of course, I came for you. I love you. I’ll always come for you.” Jason reached down to feel the thick, plastic zip ties binding Tae Hyun’s wrists. “Let’s get these off you.” He glanced at the interior of the van. It was bare, painted metal scraped and scuffed from the countless crates and junk it had hauled. A cargo van. He turned to the glove box and popped it open. Sure enough, there was a box cutter inside. “Turn around, and I’ll cut them off.”

Tae Hyun twisted around in his seat, presenting Jason with his bound wrists. The skin was angry red fading to pink under the zip ties. “What happened to Min Su?”

“I dealt with him.” Jason extended the blade on the box cutter and began to slice through the thick, black plastic. “Seong Woo’s with him, now.”

“Seong Woo’s here?”

Jason nodded. “And Seong Hyeon, Min Kyu, and a bunch of Min Kyu’s people.” Tae Hyun suddenly gasped, and Jason quickly jerked the box cutter away. “Did I hurt you?”
