Page 90 of Idol Moves

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“How are you feeling? Head still hurt?”

Tae Hyun nodded. “A little, but it’s not too bad. How’s Naomi?”

“Worried about you.” Jason bent his neck and kissed Tae Hyun’s forehead. “Are you hungry? I can make us something to eat.”

Tae Hyun shook his head. “No. I’m not really that hungry.”

Jason frowned. “Are you sure? You didn’t eat anything last night before bed.”

“I’m sure.” Tae Hyun gently bit down on his lower lip. “Could you lay with me some more?”

Jason nodded. “Sure, of course.” He climbed in next to Tae Hyun, who lay back and rolled to his side so they could spoon. “How’s this?”

Tae Hyun pressed himself against Jason’s body, more to ensure there weren’t any gaps than anything sexual. “It’s perfect.”

“Do you want to talk about yesterday?”

Tae Hyun shook his head, brushing his hair across Jason’s nose. “Not right now, hyung. Could we please just lay here for a while?”

“Yeah, sure. Sorry.”

Jason tried his best to lay still, glad he’d at least used the bathroom before being called back to bed. Whispers of worry poked at the edges of his thoughts. It wasn’t like Tae Hyun to stay in bed that late. He was almost always an early riser. It had to be everything that happened the day before weighing him down. At least he wasn’t pushing Jason away. If he had to choose between neediness and the walls going back up, Jason would take needy every time.

Jason had no idea how long he lay there while Tae Hyun slept. It was hard to measure the time beyond counting his heartbeat. But Jason hadn’t eaten anything the night before either and was starving. Since Tae Hyun’s breathing had been calm and even for a while, Jason decided to risk carefully sliding his arm out from under him and quietly climbing from the bed. His heart hung a bit heavier with guilt as he softly closed the bedroom door, but he still needed to eat.

Jason had just stuffed a bite of cold bulgogi in his mouth when his phone buzzed. He glanced at where it lay on the counter, saw that Yun Seo was calling, tapped the answer button, and tucked his phone between his ear and shoulder. “Hi Yun Seo.”

“Jason?” Yun Seo sighed. “What a relief. Tae Hyun said he’d call when he woke up. But he hasn’t, so I just tried calling, and his phone’s off.”

“Mm-hmm.” Jason swallowed his mouthful of meat. “That’s because he’s still in bed. It’s nothing personal.”

“Oh, damn.” Yun Seo sighed again. “I guess that’s to be expected. I’m sorry. I’m just–you know?”

Jason quietly chuckled. “Yeah, I get it. I think we’re all gonna be a littleyou knowfor a while. And he seems pretty down, but he’s okay otherwise, all things considered. What about you?”

“What about me?”

Jason chuckled again. “How are you doing?”

“Oh.” Yun Seo chuckled, too. “I don’t get asked that much. I guess I’m alright. Yesterday was–” Then she sighed. “It was a lot. I don’t know that I’m cut out for this sort of thing.”

“Hmm.” Jason finished chewing and roughly swallowed. He hated eating on the phone but had to multitask. “I don’t know if any of us are, Yun Seo. It’s not like it happens all the time. You know?” He snorted. “Shit, I’ve been a celebrity since I was sixteen, and this is my first kidnapping.”

“Still.” Yun Seo’s tone said she wasn’t convinced. “It’s about more than that. It’s been so much this whole time. I thought I would manage his appointments and stuff, not go to war with his old label.”

“Yeah.” Jason huffed. If that’s what Yun Seo had thought, then she obviously hadn’t considered what being an idol’s assistant would really be like. “Look, Yun Seo, promise me you won’t quit right now. Tae Hyun doesn’t need that stress. At least give it a few days.”

“Who said anything about quitting?”

“So you’re not thinking about quitting as his assistant?”

Yun Seo snorted. “Alright, fine. I guess I am. But you’re right. It would be shitty of me to do it right now, considering everything.” Then she chuckled. “I know I’ve said this before, but I see why he likes you.”

Jason frowned. “Why’s that?”

“You don’t bullshit. Most people would, especially most people here. You know, saving face and all that. But you just come right out and say shit. It’s–I don’t know, maybe–”

