Page 95 of Idol Moves

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“What? I thought you–”

“Keep going.” Jason grinned. “You haven’t cum yet, and I want to be inside you when you do.”

Tae Hyun briefly bit down on his lower lip before nodding. He pushed up with his thighs, making Jason shiver as he rode his still rock-hard erection. Then Jason wrapped his hand around Tae Hyun’s cock, holding it in place for Tae Hyun to fuck while Jason fucked him. The combined sensation was nearly overwhelming, but Tae Hyun held out for as long as he could. They hadn’t fucked since before the hot tub in Incheon, and he didn’t want it to end. But he could only keep holding off for so long, and soon, the thrill was too much to bear. Tae Hyun threw his head back and cried out with ecstatic joy as he came, riding wave after wave of rapture as he rode Jason’s cock.

When he was spent, Tae Hyun let his head fall onto Jason’s shoulder and breathed. The water cascaded down his back until he finally lifted himself off Jason and stood to give his stiff, overworked legs a bit of rest.

“Holy shit.”

Tae Hyun chuckled as he glanced down at a seated Jason. “Yeah. That was amazing.” He held out a hand. “Let me help you up.”

Jason gripped Tae Hyun’s hand and pulled himself to his feet. Then he flashed Tae Hyun a bright smile that made him weak in his already wobbly knees. “Feeling better?”

Tae Hyun nodded. “A million times better.” Then he grinned. “Now, let’s actually wash up and go sit in our new hot tub.”

After washing themselves–and making out again–Tae Hyun and Jason dried off and wandered to the bedroom to retrieve their swim briefs. Tae Hyun had considered going naked until Jason reminded him they were one telephoto lens away from their blurry, grainy hot tub nudes hitting the internet. Then Tae Hyun picked up a pair of bath towels while Jason grabbed a bottle of Kingston and a pair of lowball glasses. Once outside, he poured a glass for each of them while Tae Hyun gingerly climbed inside the bubbling hot tub. The silky-smooth water was just on the unpleasant side of hot as he lowered himself into it. But he quickly adjusted and felt his remaining tension fall away.

Jason handed Tae Hyun his bourbon as he climbed in beside him. He swallowed a mouthful before putting his arm around Tae Hyun’s shoulders and pulling him close. Tae Hyun rested his free hand on Jason’s thigh as the pair sat together in the water, facing the dim twinkle of city lights in the hazy, late evening dusk. Tae Hyun had often enjoyed that view but never so much as he did at that moment. He couldn’t imagine anything that would make it more perfect.

“God, I love this,” Jason exclaimed. “I’m glad you talked me into getting a hot tub.”

Tae Hyun chuckled. “Is that what I did?”

“As far as I’m concerned, yeah.” Jason turned to kiss Tae Hyun’s cheek. “I mean, I never would’ve gotten one if it weren’t for you. I can’t imagine even wanting to sit in one out here without you.” He kissed Tae Hyun’s cheek again. “I can’t imagine doing anything without you.”

It was hard for Tae Hyun to miss the change in Jason’s tone. They still hadn’t talked about what happened–at his request. They’d only talked around it. Maybe it was finally time.

“Do you want to know what happened?”

Jason took a long, deep breath before responding. “I do. But only if you’re ready to tell me.”

“I think I am. I haven’t really thought about it since it was over.” That was almost a lie. Tae Hyun had been constantly thinking about it, but not on a conscious level. Maybe talking about it would help get it out of his head a little. “I knew something was off as soon as we visited Jeon I Jun. But it wasn’t until we left that things got bad.” Tae Hyun described what happened, starting with the fight in the corridor and finishing with Min Su dragging him outside to the van when everything went crazy. “I wouldn’t have made it without Seong Min. Even with everything, including getting shot, he was like a rock that kept me anchored.” To his surprise, Tae Hyun chuckled. “You know, he actually confessed that he wanted to date my sister when we were on our way to Seongsu-dong?”

Jason’s laugh sounded a little forced, but Tae Hyun couldn’t blame him. He’d just unloaded a whole day of violent trauma on him–a day that Tae Hyun had already had time to deal with. He’d happily give Jason some leeway as he processed everything that happened, too. “Finally. I wondered how long that would take.”

“Yeah.” Tae Hyun sighed. “And then we dragged him here with us.”

“We could fire him.”

Tae Hyun scoffed. “What? Why would we–”

“Relax, I’m only kidding.”

“Oh.” Tae Hyun snorted. “You’re always teasing me, hyung.”

“Do you want me to stop?”


Jason chuckled. “I guess I look at it like this. If you and I figured out a way to make things work, with everything and everyone working against us, they’ll make it happen if they want to.” He snorted. “At least as long as he thinks he’s invincible.”

“Yun Seo told me she would climb him like a tree.”

Jason laughed. “She’d have to. He’s at least a foot taller than her.”


“What? I’m just saying.”
