Page 3 of Lost and Found

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I look up at him, confused. "The twenty dollars? You want to let it go?"

"The sleeping bag," he says slowly. "Leave it here so I can be sure you'll come back."

I keep rolling. "You're not seriously taking my sleeping bag hostage right now."

"You are not taking that sleeping bag with you into those woods."

I keep rolling.

He steps on the end of the bag. "I'm confiscating this until I have your license plate number."

His deep, commanding voice should piss me off, but it sets off a shiver that starts at the base of my spine. Looking up at him from the ground as he stands legs apart, arms crossed over his chest, staring down at me with hot anger in his eyes… Let's just say the tingling in between my legs has nothing to do with my need to pee at the moment.

Which only annoys me more.

"Fine." I stand and dance in place because even with the distraction of this ridiculous man, I have to pee so badly my bladder aches. What was I thinking drinking a half gallon of water while I was stargazing? "I'll give you my real name. It's—"

"Why would I believe you? Go pee. I'll be waiting here."

I really, really want to yell at this law-enforcing asshole, but peeing myself in front of him will be a humiliation from which I doubt I will ever recover.

With one last glare in his general direction, I turn and race into the forest. Since it's October, the underbrush isn't too bad and I'm able to make my way without getting hit in the face by a branch or tripping over anything.

Once I figure I've gone one hundred yards, I lean against the largest tree in the vicinity, drop my sweatpants, squat, and sigh with relief.

Has anything ever felt better than the relief of a long overdue pee?

I snort at the thought. It's a pretty good sign that I've done all the things wrong in my life.

After a quick butt shake, I stand and pull my pants up with me as I step away from the tree. I start back in the direction I came from, except… Nothing about it looks familiar. I turn in a circle, but see no landmarks to guide me back the way I came.

Did I go left around the big tree or right?

Where the hell am I?



My heart rate slows to normal and my muscles go cold as I wait for the entitled tourist who can't even bother to pay twenty bucks for her campsite. So, yeah, my blood is boiling.

I shake out my legs and arms and pace, getting more annoyed by the second.

Catalpa Creek is my home, but this forest is my sanctuary. If I have to put up with tourists stomping through it, dropping their trash, and starting forest fires, they're sure as hell going to pay the damn campsite fees at the very fucking least.

Pulling in a deep breath, I jog in place. My morning had been going so well. I'd actually been in something like a good mood, but… tourists. Fucking tourists.

I glance at my watch. It's been ten minutes and the forest that had gone quiet while I'd talked to the trespasser is getting noisy again. Bird song, squirrels running around in dry leaves.

Way too long. She's been gone too long. Either she's lost or she's constipated. Either way, I don't want to deal with this today.

Five more minutes and I'm going after her. Doesn't really matter, since my workout's already fucked.

My training schedule keeps getting wrecked by shit out of my control, like this tourist showing up and being a damn criminal.

An adorable criminal, with her hair a mess of brown curls around her head, her eyes sleepy and her cheeks red like maybe she overheated in her sleep.

Or she's feverish. Just what I need, to catch the flu from a tourist.
