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I'm taking back my ex to the tune of a Christmas carol.

At least, I will be if he ever shows up.

Festive music plays over the speakers and a Christmas tree sparkles in the corner of the small bar, but no one is dressed for the holiday. Except for a guy in the back in a full elf costume who has, hopefully, just come from work, everyone is wearing sweatshirts and jeans. It's December first and, apparently, just another night for the folks of Yuletide, Colorado. It's like they think an evening out at the bar is equivalent to a night at home curled on the couch, drowning in the misery of having no one to look at you and appreciate your fabulousness.

Thank goodness I went all out tonight. When RJ sees me in this green and red sparkly mini-dress, he'll remember why he fell in love with me. I even got a blowout from the local salon, where they also played Christmas music and offered me hot chocolate and candy canes. I love the holiday season, but hopefully, RJ isn't too serious about staying here, because I don't think I can deal with living in the equivalent of a Christmas snow globe all year long.

I finish my peppermint martini and scan the bar again. Still no sign of RJ even as the place gets busier, with people playing pool in the back and chatting around small tables throughout. It's getting so noisy, I can barely hear the Christmas music and the smack of pool balls is not putting me in a sexy mood.

RJ's social media is how I know he's moved to this tiny, backwoods town and started calling himself James. I've been staking out this bar every night for the past week, but have yet to 'accidentally' run into him.

He's posted pictures of himself here far too many times for how unglamorous it is. I have a bad feeling his social life has suffered since he dumped me.

My bladder is screaming and, as much as I want to be the first person RJ sees when he walks up to the bar to order a drink, peeing on myself isn't going to make him open his arms to me. I hop off my barstool and head to the restroom. Even the bathroom smells like Christmas, with actual live Christmas greens strung up along the walls and mistletoe hanging from the center of the popcorn ceiling, like the bar owners are encouraging people to sneak off to the bathroom for a quickie.

I'm freshening up my lipstick when a tall woman, her hair up in a messy blond bun, in yoga leggings and an over-sized sweatshirt walks in. She looks young, like maybe not old enough to be drinking in a bar young.

Her eyes widen when she sees me at the sink. She's fresh-faced and dewy-eyed. Definitely pretty. Like she just stepped out of a forest on a bright sunny day with butterflies and birds flittering around her.

"I love your dress." She reaches out, but stops just shy of touching it. "Did you just come from the wedding?"

"Nope. This is my going out dress. I'd never show up the bride by wearing this to a wedding." I'm only twenty-six, but I definitely feel like the elder imparting wisdom in this relationship. "It's incredibly tacky to look hotter than the bride."

She smiles. "That makes sense." Then her smile slips and her cheeks flush. "This is awkward, since I don't know you at all, but I'm meeting my boyfriend here in like three minutes, my period decided to show up four days early, and I don't have any tampons."

Happiness bubbles up. I love when I can help a stranger. It doesn't happen often, but it always makes me feel like a superhero.

I like to imagine they'll remember me fondly for the rest of their lives as that impeccably well dressed, kind, and gracious woman who went out of her way not just to brighten their day by being beautiful, but by taking time from her glamorous life to help them. My life is far from glamorous, but no one needs to know that.

I dig in my small clutch and pull out a tampon. My period isn't due for another week, but it's irregular, so I always keep them with me.

"Oh, my goodness. Thank you so much." Her relief is palpable. "My boyfriend's great, but he's really weird about period stuff and I did not want to have to tell him I need him to take me back home to grab a tampon."

I roll my eyes. "Men can be such babies."

"I know, right?" She waves the tampon and heads into the nearest stall. "Thanks again."

Feeling like a rock star, I finish putting on my lipstick and head back out. My seat's been taken, and the bar is surrounded by a crowd three people deep.

I'm only five feet and, unless I stand on the bar, I'm not going to find RJ in this crowd. If he's already here, he'll be at the bar or heading to it. My man always needs to have a drink in his hand at social events, or he gets anxious.

I just need to find a good spot in view of the bar. I look around and notice that the tree near the door is on a raised platform. Perfect.

I spot RJ as soon as I'm in front of the glittering Christmas tree. He's dressed in a worn t-shirt and jeans, his hair's gotten even longer than in the last photo he posted and he's got more than a five o'clock shadow going on. I hope the way he's letting himself go isn't a sign of depression.

He still looks good, his jaw sharp, his teeth perfectly straight and white. He rolls up the sleeves of his sweatshirt and lifts his beer to his perfectly shaped lips, his forearms flexing deliciously.

I take a step in his direction, but the girl from the bathroom pops up next to him and he wraps an arm around her shoulders before planting a chaste kiss on her lips. My blood runs cold and my heart stops beating.

RJ has a girlfriend? How can he have a girlfriend? He's supposed to be pining after me. He's not supposed to be locking lips with someone barely old enough to buy beer.

I pull in a deep breath and get it together. They can't be serious or he'd have posted about her on his socials. There would be pictures of her all over his wall if he were truly in love with her.

The girl is almost as tall as RJ and she smiles at him with adoration. They look really good together.
