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"Wow. They're so… They're beautiful."

"Yeah." Xavier's smile is fond. "They really are."

I can't take my eyes off the reindeer, who is now trotting along next to the slow-moving truck. "Its antlers are so big." They rise at least two feet in the air. "Are the males the ones with the antlers?"

"The males and the females have antlers." Xavier's gaze flits between the driveway and the reindeer. "But they lose them every year around this time, some sooner than others."

"And I'll have to get close to them? Are they like horses? Will they try to kick me or gore me with their antlers?"

"They're gentle animals. Use caution around them, like you would with any animal, and you'll be just fine."

"I helped my friend Keating out on his ranch in the desert near Vegas. I've got some experience with horses and alpaca, even goats." I pull in a fortifying breath. "I can do this."

"Of course you can." Xavier pulls up in front of the biggest barn I've ever seen and parks. He's far more certain of me than I've ever been of myself, and it warms me more than the excessive heat still circulating in his truck.


Hopping out of the truck, I push my shoulders back and straighten my spine. I can do this job and I can prove to RJ and everyone else who's ever doubted me that I am a strong, capable, smart woman. I'm worthy of a man who sticks around. I'm worthy of it all.

I follow Xavier down a cleared path toward a barn that could double as an airplane hangar. My last boss and friend, Keating, is a billionaire and I thought he had the biggest barn money could build, but this woman has tripled his barn.

I follow Xavier through a door into a dim, but warm-ish space that smells more of oil than hay and manure. As my eyes adjust to the dark, I realize the barn is filled with tractors and trucks, some of them rusty and ancient looking.

Metal clangs against metal from somewhere deep inside and a feminine voice lets loose with a long string of curses.

"Josephine?" Xavier calls. "I've got a visitor for you."

I rub my suddenly sweaty palms over my snow pants. I was hoping to change out of them for the interview, and I've got wool slacks on underneath. Very professional.

I consider stripping off the snow pants in the middle of the barn, but a woman is already striding toward us.

She's wearing coveralls and a heavy canvas coat, her silver hair cropped close to her scalp. She's got delicate features and looks to be in her forties, tall and lithe.

She smiles as she approaches and pulls Xavier into a warm hug.

When she pulls back, her blue eyes twinkle. "The only way I get a visit from you is by asking you to plow my driveway."

"I was wondering why you didn't do it yourself." He pulls a small bag from his coat pocket. "Lemon drops, right?"

Her smile widens. "You never forget."

Stepping closer to me, he gestures in my direction. "This is Cherry Beckstone. She's here to interview for the job."

The woman holds out a hand. "Josephine Winters. Good to meet you, Cherry."

I shake her hand. "I'm sorry I'm late. I-"

"She couldn't get up the driveway because I was late coming out to plow it." Xavier scowls and squeezes the back of his neck like it hurts. "I got pulled into an unexpected meeting."

Josephine frowns in sympathy. "How long until Landon's back from leave?"

"Two weeks. I'm counting every day."

Josephine turns back to me. "You ever worked with reindeer before?"

I expect Xavier to turn around and leave, but he walks farther into the barn.

I focus on Josephine. "I've got some experience from working on a ranch in Vegas. I've ridden horses before and helped care for an alpaca. I'm a fast learner and I'm not afraid to work hard."

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