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How the hell did this conversation go from everyone I love being pissed at me to me being a stuffed animal? "I'm not a teddy bear."

She just smiles sweetly. "Okay."

I narrow my eyes. "I'm not a—"

Someone knocks on the door, a rat-a-tat-tat that is far too familiar.

"Shit." I pull my shirt over my head. "Take your clothes off."



Xavier pulls his shirt off and I stare, completely unabashedly. I don't think I'll ever get tired of looking at him. For a candy maker who probably eats his own product all day, there's no sign of sugar deposits on him.

I want to lick him.

More knocks at the door are followed by a woman shouting. "Cherry? Is my brother in there?"

"What are you doing?" He whisper-shouts at me. "Get naked."

I am so confused right now. "Is there some sex party going on you didn't tell me about? Because I have to tell you I am not down for that and I am definitely not on board with incest."

He pauses midway through pushing down his jeans, his face twisted with disgust. He opens his mouth, but gags before he manages to get a hold of himself. "I need Alice to think she's interrupted us in the middle of sex. She has to believe this is real."

"And we couldn't possibly just be hanging out watching a movie or something?"

He gives me a look like he's insulted. "I do not watch movies with the women I date when I could get naked with them."

After pushing his pants off the rest of the way, he kicks them to the side and grabs a pillow from the couch. "At least get under the blanket, so she thinks you're naked."

As he hurries to the door, pillow over his crotch, I dive under the blanket, just my head sticking out. I muss my hair as best I can and smear my lipstick.

Xavier's back is to me as he opens the door, but I swear his whole body smiles. He's over-emoting. I can just tell.

I can't see Alice through his back, but it sounds as though her teeth are clenched. "Why the hell did it take you so long to answer the door if you weren't putting clothes on?"

"Cherry and I were in the middle of a very intimate—"

"Nope." Alice pushes past Xavier. "I don't want to hear it." She narrows her eyes at me, but before she can say anything, the adorable, golden-furred puppy she's holding licks her chin.

"Why do you have a puppy?" Xavier asks.

"And that," Alice says, "is why I don't believe I interrupted anything. If you two were really getting it on, you'd have noticed the puppy first, but you're a terrible liar, so of course you'd be ultra focused on getting your story right."

"Not true." Xavier shuts the door. "I was distracted by all the hot, steamy, sexy sex Cherry and I have been having because we are in love."

His eyes widen as though he did not mean to say that last part.

Alice's smile is victorious. "You're in love? After knowing each other for what? An hour? And dating for thirty seconds?"

"We've known each other for two weeks." I want to stand for this conversation, but I have too many clothes on.

Without even seeming to realize it, Xavier takes the puppy from Alice and snuggles it against his chest. "Love doesn't work on a time line. And we are in love." He looks at me, desperation shining in his eyes, but I have no idea what he wants.

Alice sits on the couch, on top of my blankets, forcing me to pull my legs under me while also making sure the blanket doesn't slip to reveal my clothing.

Xavier drops the pillow to reveal his boxer briefs and strong, muscled thighs. I love strong thighs. He sits, puppy in his lap and I wish I had my phone so I could take a picture of this absolute thirst trap of a gorgeous hunk of grump with an adorable puppy.
