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She pats my hand. "Prove it to me by going after what makes you happy. Not what will make you successful or what will benefit the town, but what will truly make you happy."

"Maybe they're the same thing." But I'm not so sure that's true. I want it to be, because that's the easy answer, but easy answers haven't been working for me lately.

She narrows her eyes. "If they are, I'll support you. As long as you're certain it's what you want, I'll always support you."

She gets up and leaves me to my own thoughts. She's given me a lot to think about it, and it's going to take some time to truly unravel it and figure out what the right answer is for me.

All I know for sure is that I miss Liam and Murphy and I want them back in my life. And I long for Cherry with an ache that's only gotten worse with each hour that passes.


I knock on Liam's door, not at all sure how this is going to go. I hadn't planned to come here, but it's Christmas Eve and I fucking miss them.

The door swings open and Liam's expression shifts immediately from friendly to annoyed. "What do you want?"

"I've been an asshole." I hold up two gift bags. "And I've brought presents."

Liam crosses his arms over his chest, but his harsh expression is already lightening. "Be more specific. In what way were you an asshole?"

Murphy joins him in the doorway, frowning fiercely. Unlike Liam, she's not a pushover.

"I didn't accept the two of you dating, because I thought all your arguing meant you weren't good together. I thought you were settling because you couldn't find anyone else."

Murphy gasps and her cheeks go red with fury. "Settling? Xavier Frost Shaw, do you honestly believe I'd settle for a man I don't love?"

"It's not like there are a lot of options here and you've always wanted a family more than anything." I'm digging my hole deeper, but I can't seem to stop. "With all the arguing, it just didn't seem like you two belonged together." I stomp my feet to warm up my toes.

"We don't fight." Liam looks genuinely confused. "You always say we fight, but we almost never fight."

"We have discussions." Murphy rubs Liam's back and leans toward him. "And sometimes we disagree, but that's not the same as fighting."

Liam wraps an arm around her shoulders, and she leans into his side.

They're so natural with each other and they look so good together. How have I never seen it before? "You two are like family to me. I would hate to see either of you hurt and the idea that you could hurt each other, that you could break each other's hearts threw me. It's possible I didn't react well."

Liam looks down at Murphy, and she glares up at him. "Fine. Let him in, but don't blame me if he ruins our Christmas."

"He apologized," Liam says. "He'll be on his best behavior for at least a week."

Murphy slips out from under his arm and stalks into the house with a snort. "I'll believe it when I see it."

"Come on in." Liam gestures me inside.

"We don't have any presents for you," Murphy yells.

Liam shuts the door and rubs his chest. "We don't have presents for you. We were both kind of pissed."

"Very pissed," Murphy yells. "We were very pissed."

"Right." Liam looks sheepish. "We were very pissed. These better be the best presents you've ever gotten us."

"Don't worry." I may not be great at friendship, but I'm an amazing gift giver. "I went all out."

Liam grins and I know that, at least for him, all is forgiven. "Please tell me you got me the new—"

"Warlock Wars game? Have I ever let you down?"

"Damn it, Xavier," Murphy says as we walk into the living room. She's on the couch, her slippered feet up on the coffee table, the only light in the room from the Christmas tree in the corner. "You're the worst at keeping a secret."
