Page 15 of Abbe's Angel

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“But—that’s in a week,” Abbe stammered.

“You can apply for an extension,” the man suggested.

“Yes, let’s do that,” Abbe said, pacing about her office.

Once she had jumped through all of those unsettling hoops, hoops that informed her that if she didn’t pay up at the end of her extension the bank could start seizing property, she hung up and sat down with her head in her hands.

A part of her regretted that little spending spree she’d had for the shelter, but another part of her saw no way around it. All of it was equipment and supplies the shelter needed. The animals needed to be fed, and their habitats cleaned thoroughly. Abbe stared at her phone, knowing there was only one thing that she could cancel, and when she had the strength, called Henry.

“I’m sorry to do this when you cleared your schedule for me, Henry. I just can’t pay you right now,” she said.

There was a pause. “Look, don’t worry about that. I’ll be there this afternoon like we planned.”

“No, really, it’s too much—” Abbe began, but Henry wouldn’t hear of it.

“I’ll be there,” he said with finality.

Abbe felt her phone ringing in her back pocket just as she was greeting Henry and she couldn’t answer. Then she was so caught up in the whole process of assisting him with the animals as he checked them over that although she felt her phone buzz a few more times with texts, it was hours before she had a chance to check to see who had called.

It was Rafe. He didn’t leave a message when he’d called.

Pick up.That was his first text.

My flight just landed. Do you want me to meet you, or do you want me to come get you?That was his second text, sent ten minutes after the first.

Abbe. We made plans for tonight.Was his third text.

“Sheesh,” Abbe said, staring at her phone. He didn’t call her or text her all week, but then he expected her to just drop everything and respond immediately because he was back.

Another thought occurred to her. If he had been away for four days, what happened to Daisy? She turned away from Henry and sent a text to Rafe.

Where’s my dog?

I was starting to think I was going to have to show up at your door.Rafe replied, moments later.

“Ah, Abbe?” Henry said. She looked up from her screen to see him hesitate in front of Jinx’s kennel. Jinx was growling at him.

“Just a sec,” she said to Henry while texting Rafe.Did you get a dog sitter for Daisy?

Course not. I brought her with me.

Abbe was shocked. She pictured poor Daisy crammed into a carrier and shoved into the cold, scary cargo area of a plane. The thought made her livid.

“Sorry Henry, but I have to make a quick call,” she said, already dialing Rafe.

“Hi,” Rafe said, answering. She could hear the smile in his voice. “I just got in the car.”

There was the sound of traffic and movement in his background, then the sound of the phone being held away from his face and his distant voice saying,Settle down Daisy. That’s right lie down on your blanket. Good girl.Abbe heard the sound of Daisy’s dog tag clinking. Then she heard Rafe’s breath as he brought the phone back close to his face.

“We’re on our way,” he said with a sigh, like it had been a long day.

“Howcouldyou?” Abbe said, pacing back and forth with Jinx yapping hysterically in the background.

There was a pause. “How could I what?” Rafe asked, sounding thrown.

“Fly with an elderly dog. She must have been terrified. I’m surprised she survived it!”

“Wait—Daisy’s fine. She enjoyed it,” Rafe said quickly.
