Page 46 of It’s Your Love

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“You said there’s a class reunion trip coming up, though?”

He turned his attention to washing his coffee cup.

Beth raised her voice over the running water. “You should go.”

“I’m fine. I don’t need a vacation.” He rinsed the mug and turned off the faucet.

“But it would be good for you to—”

“I don’t need to head out on some European vacation, Beth.” He set down his mug on the folded towel. “I’ve got you and Dylan and Deep Haven, and that’s all I need. It’s always been enough.”

He’s afraid.

“I thought you might want a change of scenery. To get out of the house.”

“Are you trying to pawn me off on Janet?” he asked, his hand scrubbing over the top of his thinning hair.

“No—of course not.” She closed her eyes. Okay, maybe?

“I’m heading to Bible study,” her dad said. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Love you, sweetie.”

“I love you too.”

He stuffed his ballcap onto his head, grabbed his keys, and walked out the door.

Beth eyeballed the entryway. Her bags stood like sentinels, waiting. And she couldn’t bring herself to leave.

So, okay, she was afraid too. Afraid of losing Dad.

Maybe even a little afraid Janet could replace her in Dad’s life.

She should prep a few more meals for the week. She grabbed the freezer bags, chicken breasts, carrots, onions, and potatoes. Started chopping.

She lifted her eyes at a knock at the door. It opened and Vivien walked in wearing a yellow empire-waist sundress and wide-brimmed straw hat, a beach tote over her shoulder.

“Ready to head out?” She slipped onto a stool at the peninsula. “We’re going to have to hustle if you’re getting moved into the cabin today.”

Beth sliced into the onion. Blinked. “I want to prep two more meals for Dad. He’s upset.” And, well, she wasn’t ready to drive up Gunflint Trail either. Move into the camp cabin. Sit by herself at breakfast. At lunch. At dinner.

Vivien clasped her hands. “I know this is hard, but he can do this. You can do this.”

“Why does it feel so bad?” Beth asked. “I want this job—I want this job like I haven’t wanted any other job ever.” She sniffed. She could blame the onions, but it wasn’t them. “I don’t want to hurt him.”

Beth went to the sink, washed her hands, a little sob escaping.

Vivien came around the peninsula and wrapped Beth in her arms. “Aw, hon. I’m sorry.” She released Beth and leaned against the counter. “Courtney and I found you a little something.”

She dug through her tote and pulled out a bookmark with a silver tassel.

Beth dried her hands and took it.

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8

She swallowed. “Thank you.”

“Of course.” Vivien snugged her bag back onto her shoulder. “You know, they say in theater, there aren’t any small parts—only small people.”

Beth slid the cut vegetables into the zip bags. “Is this a joke about my height?”

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