Page 61 of It’s Your Love

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She hoisted her laundry bag and carried it to the washing machine, then returned to the kitchen.

Dad stirred his last bite of pancake in syrup and chewed it.

“I’m sorry to run out on you.” Dad stood and put his plate and silverware into the dishwasher. “That was delicious. Thank you.” He gave her a squeeze, tugged on his shoes, and opened the door.

And there stood Grayson on the doorstep, holding a box, looking wickedly handsome in a way that seemed wholly unfair. He wore jeans and boots and a snug, tucked-in T-shirt that made him look like a superhero.

He’s not staying in Deep Haven.

Dad turned. Shot a look at Beth. “Grayson,” he said, his tone flat. “What a surprise.”

“Good morning,” Grayson said. The rich tenor of his greeting practically made her toes curl.

Dad tugged on his ball cap, stepped past the threshold, and turned back to her. “Please, Beth, remember what we talked about.” With that final plea, he turned and left.

So much for steering clear of Grayson.

“Those don’t look like cinnamon rolls,” she said, pointing to the box. She stepped aside so he could enter.

“I brought you something.” He walked to the coffee table and set down the box, opened it, and pulled out a straw Stetson cowboy hat. “You mentioned you didn’t have any of your old stuff. I know you and Vivien went shopping, but I thought you might want this too.”

“You got me a Stetson?” It had a blue-and-green band on it, and when he placed it on her head, the hat slid into place.

“Something to shade your eyes and face. You’ve been working in the sun all week.”

She stepped in front of the mirror by the front entry. “How did you get me the right-sized hat?”

“Vivie—she was very helpful.” He put the lid back on the box.

Beth shook her head. “I’ll bet she was.” She’d have to have a few words with Vivie—hopefully she didn’t try to give him her ring size too.

“You’d mentioned theater.” He lifted a shoulder. “I took a guess she’d have your measurements from costumes and stuff.”

“How did you know I was here?”

“I didn’t. I stopped by to see my parents’ lot.” He nodded toward the view of the vacant lot out the kitchen window. “Saw your car.”

“I thought I was having breakfast with Dad. I just assumed he’d be sitting around the house today.” She moved back into the living room. “Turns out he has other plans.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

She scrunched up her face. “I think so?” She shrugged. “I mean, yes. Did you already walk the lot?”

He shook his head and his Adam’s apple bobbed. “How come you never went to college?” He gestured toward her sweatshirt. “I always thought you’d go to college. You were such an outstanding student, despite your complete inability to catch me in tag.”

“Hilarious. I had planned to go.”

“But you didn’t.”

“No. I mean—yes, I left for college. I didn’t even last eight seconds.”


“Okay, probably it was closer to three hours.”

“What happened?”

“I was accepted. Went for a tour with Dad.” She plucked a stray thread from her sweatshirt. “It probably sounds silly to you, but I didn’t know anyone there. I didn’t like the girl who was going to be my roommate. I didn’t even like the carpet in my dorm room.”
