Page 9 of It’s Your Love

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A chair scraped across the floor, and a customer stood at a nearby table. Grayson shifted out of the way. Then two more customers came through the door.

“No, it’s okay—you’re busy.”

She moved back to the counter to serve her new patrons but held up a finger to him to wait. Then she disappeared into the kitchen for several minutes.

When she came back, she smiled. “Here, you have to have one of these.” She drew out an oversized cinnamon roll from the bakery case and plunked it onto a plate with a napkin-wrapped utensil.

His stomach won out over his nerves. He lifted the offering, his mouth watering before his fork reached his lips, and took a bite.

Oh man, it was good. The sweetness of the glaze landed on his tongue with the gooey, double-filled cinnamon roll.

He’d forgotten what home-baked tasted like.

“Take a seat—I’ll be over when I can.” She waved him off with a tentative smile.

He slid into a chair at the front window. Took another bite. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had anything so delicious. The kind of taste that left him craving more.

Robin finished with the last customer and dropped onto the chair across from him. “Do you like it?” She set a cup of coffee in front of him. “I didn’t know…if you still drink it black.”

“I do, yeah—and this is amazing.” He chewed. “I remember when you were a kid, we’d end up with crunchy brownies.”

She laughed. “Don’t even bring that up—I didn’t realize those egg shells had fallen in.”

“Seriously, though”—he raised another bite—“this is award-winning.”

“I think I’m done with contests for a while. I’ve got lots to do here.” She smoothed her apron. “And I hear you’ll be busy at the camp.”


“I’m a little surprised—I didn’t think anything would get you back here.”

“Me either.” He rubbed his arm, a sudden itch crawling on his skin.

“What gives?” She put a hand on her hip. “Why’d you come all this way to work at the camp?”

Yep. She was on to him.

He toed his boot against the slick tile floor. “I’m buying my own place. My own little ranch.”

Robin’s eyes got big. She blinked. “Wow, Grayson, that’s amazing—but can you afford to be gone all summer? I can’t imagine Noah pays as much as you were already earning.”

Here it goes…“I had to part ways with Three Sisters.” He held up his hand to her gaped mouth. “No—it’s okay. It was the push I needed to move on and take a risk on my own place.”

“Wow. Okay.” She pressed her lips together, as if processing the news. “That’s big news and seems so…permanent.”

What could he say to that? He shoved his hands into his jean pockets.

“You’re staying at the camp?”

“Yeah. There’s an apartment in the barn. Makes feeding and caring for the horses easier.” He lifted a shoulder. “And, you know—it’s what I’m used to.”

“Right. Sticking to your comfort zone. Dusty boots and manure?”

Deep Haven was nowhere near his comfort zone. “Exactly.”

The door opened behind him. Closed. He could tell by the way Robin’s eyes went from him to the arrivals—a smile creasing her face—it wasthem. Her brows rose and she fluttered her hands at him. “I’ll talk to you later,” she said, then walked back up to the counter.

He stood and turned.
