Page 93 of It’s Your Love

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Oh dear.

He reached out, caught her hand, pulled her back down, and wrapped her in the cocoon of his arms. “Don’t think you’re not going to help me clean this mess up.”

She laughed and he brushed his fingertips across her cheek, captured her face in his hands. Even in the moonlight, their eyes met. His sparked with something like…delight. “What are you doing to me, Beth?” he whispered, then drew her closer.

He’d conquered the lake. He’d admitted he’d missed things about Deep Haven. And this?

That wasn’t the kiss of a man who was leaving town.

Yeah. Maybe Grayson Fox was truly coming back to stay.

He’d kissed her right here, on purpose, beneath the velvet sky that sparkled with a million diamonds. Sweet and tender and oh so perfect.


The lightof Sunday morning should have cast regret over the kisses Grayson had shared with Beth. Instead, it left him feeling like what Robin would call a giddy idiot.

Don’t ever look at my sister like that again.

He rolled from the bed and stood on the cold floor. Groaned and got dressed.

Dylan was going to kill him. Because no matter how hard Grayson had tried, he was falling hard for Beth, and that was bad. Very bad, because his life wasn’t in Deep Haven. A reminder that had arrived via text from Nathan Decker.

Because his lot was still very much for sale, and now several offers were in the works.

He was losing as sure as he was winning. Getting himself all muddled up in his head.

And no, he didn’t want to hurt Beth. It was the last thing he wanted to do. But the girl kept a bucket list—and maybe he was building his hope on that bucket list.

She’d made him completely doubt everything he’d believed about the safety in living life unfettered from all the responsibility of grown-up relationships.

He was leaving, wasn’t he?

He could still see Beth talking about the bucket list she kept.

Get back on a horse.

She’d shown off the bold check mark next to it.

See the ocean. Fly somewhere beautiful. Buy my own place. Visit Yellowstone.

Each one written in her perfect penmanship, enumerated by curly designs and tiny sketches.

Oh, Beth.

She had all these dreams tucked away. He couldn’t help but wonder if she just might be willing to go on an adventure…with him.

Once the offers on the lot came through, he wouldn’t be able to put them off for long. And then he’d owe Vincent an answer.

When had his life gotten so impossibly complicated?

He grabbed his day-old coffee. Took a swig of the cold, bitter brew, then opened the small refrigerator, snagged a carrot, and headed out of the apartment.

First stop, Tally.

He looked over the stall door. Her bandage had slid down her leg, leaving the wound bare and soiled. “Aww, girl.” He ran his hand through his hair and checked his watch. “You know I’m going to need to fix that before I head to church.”

The mare shook her head. Stomped the foot. It was probably getting itchy as it healed.
