Page 28 of When You're Close

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Tenderly, she pulled back the sheets. "It's alright, my dear," she whispered, her fingers brushing his hair in a comforting gesture. "The storm will pass. Just like it always does."

Witnessing the scene, Finn felt like an unwelcome intruder. Lady Ferguson, the formidable matriarch of Huldra House, was momentarily transformed before his eyes, revealing a mother's undying love and concern for her child. It was a side of her he hadn't anticipated, and it made him question the assumptions he'd held.

Seizing the opportunity as Lady Ferguson moved to close the open window, Finn stealthily made his way out of the room and headed down the winding staircase, his feet barely making a sound on the old wooden steps.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he almost crashed straight into Amelia, who was making her way up. They both stopped abruptly, narrowly avoiding a collision.

"Well, at least you didn't shriek this time," she joked, trying to relieve the tension of the night. “Please don't climb out of a window again.”

“Agreed,” Finn said, knowing how close he had come to a fatal fall. “Though, I'm sure you would have caught me.”

Amelia gave him a playful shove. "What did you find out?" she whispered urgently.

Finn took a deep breath. "Nathaniel is in a sorry state, but he did give me something. He said that he overheard the servants talking. Apparently, Ivar Ward and Lord Carmichael knew each other from years ago."

Amelia's eyes widened. "A connection between the victims? Brilliant! That's our lead. But right now, let's get out of here before Lady Ferguson runs into us. I just hope Nathaniel doesn't tell her you were there."

“I have a feeling he won't,” Finn said, thinking back to his promise that he would get Nathaniel out of there. There were so many possibilities running through Finn's mind. He worried that, should he release Nathaniel, that he might prove violent, perhaps even be the killer himself. Was there a good reason for Lady Ferguson keeping him locked up there in the first place?

They continued their way back to their rooms, their steps echoing in the dimly lit hallway. As Finn prepared to enter his room, he glanced over at Amelia, who was doing the same.

"Let's not go wandering around again tonight," she suggested, her tone half-serious.

"Couldn't agree more," Finn nodded. "Tomorrow, we'll chase down that lead. But for now, a good night's sleep sounds like a blessing."

Amelia nodded, "Good night, Finn."

"Good night, Amelia."

With that, Finn entered his room. He climbed into bed, wondering if he would hear a knock on his window again. Sleep did not come easy, and when it did, it was filled with visions of Nathaniel's locked room and a horrid face at the window.


Amelia awoke to the gentle sounds of waves crashing against the rugged shores of Huldra Island. The storm from the previous night seemed to have abated, replaced by a calm serenity that contrasted with the island's ominous atmosphere. The room was filled with a muted morning light that highlighted the intricate details of Huldra House's antiquated architecture.

Drawing back the curtains, she took a moment to gaze at the glistening shoreline to the side of the moors. The waves rolled in with rhythmic grace, a testament to nature's ability to find balance even after the fiercest of tempests.

Pushing her thoughts aside, Amelia walked into the bathroom and stepped into the shower, letting the warm water cascade down her body, washing away the remnants of the harrowing events from the day before. As the water droplets trickled down her face, her thoughts wandered again. The island, with all its seductions and warnings, was beginning to get under her skin.

Finishing her shower, she wrapped herself in a soft white towel and approached the vintage wooden dresser. Her hair, a fiery cascade of red, was damp from the shower. She reached for the blow dryer, watching in the mirror as her hair danced in the warm gusts.

But as she began brushing her locks, the mirror presented not only her own reflection but also a flood of memories. Suddenly, she was no longer in Huldra House but in her cozy apartment from what felt like a lifetime ago.

She saw herself struggling, a white cast enveloping her broken arm she'd damaged during an arrest, trying to manage the thick waves of her hair. A knock at the bedroom door, and Mark her fiance entered, his eyes filled with genuine concern. "Here, let me," he'd whispered, gently taking the brush from her.

Mark's touch was tender and patient as he brushed her hair, each stroke filled with love. "You know," he'd murmured, "I've always loved your red hair. To the world, it should flow like a fiery river. But whether it's up or down, you're always beautiful to me." And with those words, he'd leaned in, capturing her lips with his, their love palpable in the space between breaths.

But the memory, as sweet as it was, faded, pulling Amelia back into her room at Huldra House. The absence of Mark, the void left by his tragic departure, hit her all at once. Her eyes, filled with a mix of pain and longing, met her own reflection, showcasing a vulnerability that few ever saw.

A single tear escaped, tracing a path down her cheek. With a deep breath, Amelia wiped it away, resolving to keep moving forward. She let her hair fall naturally, choosing not to tie it up.

He'd have liked that, she thought.

Squaring her shoulders and drawing strength from deep within, Amelia dressed in her sharp detective attire. She knew the day ahead would be challenging, but she was ready. The mysteries of the Huldra Island murders awaited, and she was determined to unearth more about this supposed connection between the victims.

Stepping out of her room, Amelia let the weight of her memories linger for a moment longer. The house's corridors, filled with whispers of bygone eras, echoed the melancholy of her thoughts. But with the gentle sway of her red hair and the soft creak of the floorboards beneath her feet, she merged the past with the present, allowing Huldra Island's enigmatic pull to guide her onwards.

Amelia's fingers softly rapped on the wooden surface of Finn's door, the muffled sounds echoing slightly down the ornate hallway of Huldra House. She waited for a moment, listening intently for any sign of movement, but there was nothing.
