Page 15 of Girl, Deceived

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‘We have a few around the premises. We're currently reviewing them, but it's too soon to say. Whoever did this knew what they were doing. The fact that we haven't found a single shred of evidence says just that.’

Ella's gaze followed the yellow tape's perimeter, ‘Any witnesses? Neighbors? Anything out of the ordinary?’

Chief Daniels shrugged, ‘Not much yet. Only two other neighbors, and neither of them heard a thing. But we're questioning everyone.’

‘Forensics have come up short, I assume?’ asked Ripley.

‘Afraid so.’ Daniels waved another officer over and took a plastic bag from him. He passed it to Ella. Inside was a pale, emotionless face. Black eyes, the devil’s eyes. The Halloween mask. Ella’s stomach tightened into a knot at the sight of it. Until now, she’d always associated this image with fictional terror, not the cold, grim reality of an actual murder.

‘Michael Myers,’ Ella said, her voice faltering a bit. The irony was not lost on her that here in Los Angeles - in the heart of the entertainment world - a killer was drawing inspiration from a silver screen slasher.

Daniels nodded, his expression grave. ‘Yes, but it's what we found inside that's got us baffled. Forensics discovered traces of hair conditioner and a segment of mesh netting.’

Ripley reached out and took the bag from Ella, inspecting it for herself. ‘Conditioner, you say?.’

Ella connected the dots, a new surge of dread fast approaching. ‘Christ. That means our unsub didn’t just leave the mask at the scene.’

‘No?’ Daniels asked.

‘No. He was wearing the mask when he killed her.’

Ripley passed the mask back to Daniels. ‘Agreed. The conditioner kept his hair from going brittle, so strands didn't snap off. The mesh is from a hair net.'

‘He’s taking precautions. He’s ensuring there’s no trace of him left behind.’ Ella finished.

Daniels removed his hat and pushed back a clump of sweaty hair. ‘Sick freak.’

Ella said, ‘This isn't just some horror fan killing for the thrill of it. This guy is an organized monster. He's communicating something. Blurring the lines between fiction and reality, but why?’

Daniels rubbed his temples, clearly frustrated and overwhelmed. ‘We’re hoping Clara might provide some clarity. Maybe she knows something she’s not yet realized.’

Ella nodded. ‘Right. Could we speak to her?’

‘She’s back there in the cruiser. Give me a moment.’

Daniels disappeared, unlocked his car door, and then summoned the agents over. Ella and Mia made their way to the police cruiser, where Clara was reluctantly stepping out, arms folded, a makeshift barrier from the horrors up ahead. Ella saw her distress a mile off; a pale, limp figure, around the same age as the victim. Her dark hair was disheveled and dry, eyes puffy from crying

Ella approached cautiously. ‘Clara? Hi, I'm Agent Dark, and this is Agent Ripley. We'd like to ask you a few questions if you're willing?’

Clara glanced up, her gaze settling on Ella, then darting to Mia. She swallowed hard, nodding slowly. ‘Okay.’

Mia, taking on a softer tone that Ella rarely heard, began, ‘We know this is extremely difficult for you. But anything you can tell us might help us catch whoever did this to Jessica.’

Tears welled in Clara's eyes, but she blinked them away. She wrapped her arms around herself tighter. ‘We... moved here together three years ago. Fresh start, you know? I... I just can’t believe she’s gone.’

Ella gently pressed, ‘Did Jessica have any enemies? Anyone who might hold a grudge or was acting strange towards her recently?’

Clara shook her head. ‘No, Jess was friendly with everyone. I mean, she had some fights with people, but who doesn’t? Nothing that could lead to... this.’

‘Did she have any relationships that ended badly or any recent friendships that turned sour?’

A pensive look crossed Clara’s face. She pursed her lips together and gazed off into the night.

‘Clara?’ Ella said. She could tell was fighting a battle between confession and repercussion. ‘If you know someone who might have done this…’

‘There was this guy, Mark,’ spat Clara. ‘Jessica dated him a couple of months ago.’

There it was.
