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‘I drop you both off.’


‘Let Katie walk ahead.’

‘That won’t be a problem. She always does that anyway when we get off the school bus, keeping several steps ahead like she doesn’t know me.’

Thea stared at her nephew, feeling quite sad that his sister basically disowned him in public. ‘Then when she’s out of sight, you get back in the car.’

‘But why don’t I just get the school bus with her, and then hang around, and you pick me up outside the school entrance when everyone’s gone into school?’

Thea could see his point. The problem was that she didn’t know whether his name would be temporarily removed from the list of pupils getting the coach in the morning and after school while he was suspended. In any case, even though Toby had few friends, some of his classmates might be on that coach and wonder where he was when he didn’t attend lessons. She explained her thinking.

Toby nodded.

‘So, it’s agreed,’ said Thea. ‘The plan for the next few days.’

Toby said, ‘Yes.’

Katie walked into the kitchen and asked a question Thea had not prepared for. ‘Toby, what are you doing home already? Why weren’t you on the school bus?’

Thea sighed. She had never been good at telling lies and hated deceiving people. ‘Toby has been suspended from school, so I had to pick him up this afternoon.’

Toby turned around and pulled a face at his aunt. ‘But only for today.’

Thea looked at Toby.

‘So, you won’t tell Dad – right?’

Katie looked at her brother shocked. ‘You’re suspended? I don’t believe it.’

Thea said, ‘It’s true, I’m afraid.’

Katie said, ‘What did you do?’

‘I kind of got into a fight over a girl.’

‘A girl? What girl?’

‘I don’t want to talk about it.’

Katie shook her head. ‘Well, whoever it is, you know she’ll never go out with you, right?’

Toby frowned. ‘Why?’

‘Because you’re a dork!’

Thea stepped in. ‘Katie, haven’t you got homework to do?’

Katie flounced out of the room.

Thea turned to Toby, who was watching Katie walk out of the kitchen. ‘Ignore what your sister said. She doesn’t see what I see.’

Toby turned in his seat and looked at her. ‘Which iswhat?’

‘A boy who is turning into a handsome young man.’

‘You’re just saying that because you’re my auntie trying to make me feel better.’
