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‘What was what?’

‘Oh, my god! The whole time we were sitting up the table, you made no effort at all to engage with them.’ She didn’t even know what to say about how rude he’d been to Gracie when she’d said,Have a nice evening.‘Why did you say to Gracie,what’s left of it? She was just being nice.’

Standing in front of him, arms folded, she watched him sit up and take his feet off the coffee table. He reached out, taking her hand. She had the impulse to pull away, but didn’t. His expression changed, dark brown eyes looking up apologetically. ‘Look, I was just surprised you were having people over, that’s all. I’m used to having you all to myself. You can’t hold that against me – can you?’

Thea sighed. He sounded sincere. ‘It was a spur-of-the-moment thing, really. I should have let you know in advance.’

‘Yes, you should have.’

‘I think the evening would have gone better if Gracie’s daughter had come.’ Although on the other hand, Thea did wonder whether Tanya would have failed to warm to Miles too. The problem was that they didn’t know him. He didn’t normally behave like he had in front of Gracie and Edward.

‘Come, let’s sit together and watch a movie.’

Thea didn’t sit down. ‘Why don’t we go out to a bar instead?’ It was Friday evening, and she felt like going out.

‘I’d prefer not to go out. I’m not all that interested in seeing a show. The time we get to spend together is precious. I’d much rather spend time with you here rather than sitting in a noisy bar where we have to shout at one another to be heard.’

They rarely ventured out, for that reason. Thea understood. How many times had he told her that he just wanted her to himself?

‘All right. Do you have to work tomorrow?’ Although it was the weekend, Miles had told her with the time difference that he often had to work at head office over the weekend. She hoped not. ‘I was thinking we could have a day out in London. Would you like to see where I work? We could go to the British Museum and I could show you The British Library and Archives. It’s not open to the public anymore, so it would be a rare privilege to see it.’

She stared at him eagerly, hoping he had the time off and would say yes. That was the problem with their long-distance relationship. Nothing was ever really planned. Even when he said he was in the country, his work intruded on their weekends together. Sometimes he flew in mid-week, and they were lucky to spend one evening together.

They’d been together months – if you could call ittogether. There was no sign of him leaving his high-flying jet-setting position to be with her. Obviously, the job came first. Perhaps it was just as well her friend hadn’t been able to come that evening. In the past, she’d told Thea to move on. Thea had thought Tanya might change her mind when she met Miles, but after the disastrous dinner party, she was beginning to doubt it.

‘Will there just be you and me there?’

‘Oh, yes. Nobody works there at the weekend, and as I said, it’s not open to the general public.’ She expected him to say no, as he did with most suggestions she came up with which involved doing things in London.

He had been very different when they had gone away together on a long weekend to Brighton, and there were lots of things he had wanted to do – seeing the pier and the Royal Pavilion, taking a long walk along the promenade, eating out. In fact, they had been out all the time, only spending time in their hotel room to sleep. It had taken her aback. She wondered why it wasn’t like that at home too, where they spent most of their time.


Thea looked at him. ‘Did you just say yes?’

He nodded.

‘In the morning?’

‘Why not?’

Thea sat down beside him and threw her arms around him. ‘You’re the best.’

‘Yes, I know.’ He reached towards the coffee table and picked up the remote. ‘Now, what shall we watch?’

Chapter 5

‘So, this is it!’ Thea opened the door, indicating the little office where she worked. She glanced over her shoulder at Miles. ‘I’ll show you the library next.’

‘What is he doing here?’ Miles whispered in her ear.

Thea turned from Miles. ‘Oh, hi Edward. I didn’t know you were working today.’

Edward had his back to her, and was hastily doing up his old leather briefcase. He turned around. ‘Oh, I’m not working today. I just came in to collect some paperwork I wanted to get done over the weekend.’

Thea walked into the room. ‘Oh, okay.’

He smiled at Thea. ‘Now, I’m the boss here, so I can do overtime. What’s your excuse?’ he said by way of friendly banter. His smile faded when Miles followed her into the room.
