Page 17 of 23 Hours

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“A little,” she admits with a small smile. “He looked at me like I had three heads and said he’d just gotten done fucking her in your bed. Then went on to explain Niki and you.”

Sounds like Viper.

“That I’m her favorite.” I am. By far. Big used to be her second favorite before he got with Bink.

Kit crosses her legs. “Basically.” She shrugs a shoulder. “Evidently, you have a sexual chemistry that none of the others have with her, and that’s why she’s been hanging around for years.”

Fuckin’ Viper. Kit doesn’t need to know all that. Sure, it’s true. But damn… Way to throw a brother under the bus.

Dropping my chin to my chest, I pinch the bridge of my nose, clench my jaw, and blow out an irritated breath. “Christ. He doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.”

“It’s fine.” When I glance up, Kit’s waving me off like it ain’t no thing. “That’s your life. Not mine. If you think that’s going to change my opinion of you meeting Adam, it’s not. I just appreciate you not making my life a living hell over this. It’s not like I kept him from you on purpose.” She chews on her lower lip, and I swear the softness of her voice combined with that type of vulnerability is what the best dreams are made of.

Not wanting her to think I’m ever gonna hold this against her, I say what I should’ve said an hour ago. “If ya need to hear it, I forgive you. You can’t change the past. There’s no use in making you pay for it when you’re trying to set shit straight now.”

Kit practically melts into the chair in relief. “Thank you. You don’t know how much I needed to hear that.”

Now that that’s outta the way, we lapse into an easy conversation about anything and everything. I learn she’s an online professor and Adam can’t keep a job to save his life—a rebel to the core, like his father. She explains Jeremy’s part in her past and how he left. The fucked-up shit she rationalizes pisses me off to no end, but I don’t let it show. The bastard doesn’t deserve them as far as I’m concerned. She’s where she should be, here.

Not wanting things to appear one-sided, I fill in what I can about the club and my part. I even tell her about Janie and Dom living with me. About my brother, Bonez, who’s a chiropractor by day, a biker by night, among a handful of other things I conveniently leave out for her protection. The more we share, the warmer, lighter, I feel. She smiles… a lot. Yet, I don’t get hard, not once. It’s a damn miracle.

When Kit’s eyes start to lower from exhaustion and she yawns adorably, I keep the conversation flowing, not wanting this night to end, needing her to talk more. To hear her voice one more time. Slowly, I watch her drift to sleep, sitting up, and my heart clenches at the sight. I think this was the most I’ve talked to a woman in my life at any given time.

Soaking up her presence a few seconds longer, I memorize the wave to her hair, the paleness of her flesh, the curve of her breasts, and the colorful ink wrapped around her arms from fingers to shoulder. When I’ve had my fill, I hop off the desk to get her to bed. She’s not going anywhere at this hour. It’s four in the morning.

Scooping her into my arms proves easy enough. Her face tucks into the crook of my neck as she mumbles something. I smile, not tired in the least. If anything, I’m energized.

Opening the door to exit, I jostle Kit a little to get a better grip, not wanting to drop her. I take her to my clubhouse bedroom to get some shut-eye. The door’s unlocked, and when I push it open with armfuls of hot baby mama, the sight I’m met with takes every ounce of me not to lose my cool. Asleep on the bed is Niki. Kai, once again, didn’t follow orders. Either that, or she snuck back in like a naughty whore. I’ll bet money on the latter. He isn’t stupid enough to fuck up this bad again. At least, he’d better hope not.

Screw it. I’ll deal with this later.

Blowing out a breath, I leave the door as-is and readjust a sleeping Kit in my arms before carrying her to the backdoor of the clubhouse. Again, I try not to wake her as I open the damn thing. She stirs for half a second as we step into the night. The stars are out in full force as I carry her from the front of the compound to the houses in the back—my house. The home I share with Janie and Dom.

I take the front steps of my place two at a time and see us inside without hitting her head or feet on the doorframe. It’s a miracle she doesn’t wake up when I finally lay her in my bed. Sweat drips from my forehead from exertion. It’s worth it. Every bit of it. Not a single club whore has been in my house. Until Janie and Dom, I rarely used the place. There was no need when my bedroom at the clubhouse is adequate.

Looking down at Kit tucked onto her side on my side of the mattress, I brush strands of purple hair off her forehead. She’s stunning—cute nose, sharp cheekbones, and the beginning of lifelines in places all of us tend to share when we age. I sweep my thumb across her jaw and her eyelids flutter from stimulation. It’s sweet.

For half a second, I wonder if I should change her clothes, then think better of it. The last thing I want is to offend her. I decide to remove her shoes instead. It’s the least I can do. I sweep my gaze down her body and the sandals she was wearing are missing.Shit.They must’ve fallen off on the way. I’ll deal with that in the morning.

Backing away from her twists my stomach in knots. It gets worse when I stand in the doorway, watching her sleep on my blue comforter. Not liking this view, I round the bed and fold the blanket in half to keep her warm. There, that should do. Kit’s cheek snuggles into my pillow as she adjusts to get comfortable. Unable to help myself, I do something I know I shouldn’t and drop a single kiss on her temple. My lips linger there, eyes closing as I inhale her fruity scent—peaches and cream.

My cock thickens as I drag my mouth down her cheek to press another kiss there.



Her pulse beats under my touch, offsetting mine that rushes faster.

“Goodnight, beautiful,” I whisper and tear myself away before I make things worse.

To avoid temptation, I shut my bedroom door quietly. In the living room, I remove my shirt and shitkickers before sprawling out on the couch. I tuck an arm behind my head and hit one of Dom’s toys. Chuckling at the plastic alligator, I set it and all his other items on the floor to get some shut-eye.

It eludes me.

For hours, I lay awake, staring at the white popcorn ceiling—thinking.

I grow hard, then soft, and hard again as fond memories and shameless thoughts tumble through my mind on a constant reel of good and bad. The sun eventually casts an early morning glow through the blinds, and I can’t seem to care.
