Page 18 of 23 Hours

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Today, I became a father for the first time. A real father. If I go to sleep, the day I learned of Adam will fade, as will the memorable night I spent with his mother.

I want it to last.

It’s not every day you’re given a gift.

There are very few I can count.

The day my mother died.

The day my father died.

The day I joined the club officially.

The day Bink came into the world.

The day Leech was born.

And today… The day I found out I’m a dad. Even if it’s twenty-two years too late, I’m gonna make the rest of ‘em count.



Standing in front of his chair, Prez slams a gavel on the large oak table with the Sacred Sinners emblem burned into the center to commence church before he takes a seat. The room is packed wall to wall with brothers. I sit to the right of Big at the head of the table. Kai, as a VP probie, takes Big’s left. As treasurer, Blimp’s beside me.

Getting down to business, Big dives straight into the hard shit we gotta navigate. “The attack on the compound must be met with power!” His lip curls back in feral hatred, and the side of Big’s fist comes down hard on the oak. The pens go airborne for half a beat from sheer force. “We won’t sit idly by and let Remy’s shitbag crew come into our home and fuck with our family,” he growls.

Prez’s statement is met with a chorus of approving grunts.

He keeps going. “I propose we start sendin’ members from all chapters to the locations Bongo scouted for us. Take ‘em out in high numbers. No more of this small-time shit. It’s time to put ‘em to ground, for good. It’ll be tricky to keep the law outta our way, but I don’t give a damn. My old lady killed those motherfuckers on our land. Remy’s shitbags willneverget within a mile of her or any of our old ladies again. Am I clear?” Too agitated to sit, Big pushes to his feet. His chair flies at Viper and he stops the thing before it slams into his legs.

Nods and loud, eager grunts echo throughout the windowless space, giving Prez all the support he needs to make this happen.

“The first set of runs will start in four days. You decide among yourselves who’s goin’ first. I want six brothers from our chapter goin’. Kai will help organize where you’ll be. Gunz has the specs.”

On cue, I stand and slide thick packets across the table for everyone to read. Brothers along the wall are handed sets by the officers at the table. The space goes quiet as they ingest the goodies I’ve provided, which includes Remy’s training grounds for his crews and the new spots they’re peddling flesh in and out of the US and Mexico ports. There are three in Florida, two in Texas, another in Southern California, two in Maine, one in North Carolina, and six in Mexico we’ve pinpointed with recent activity. That’s not including the large compound they just opened in the mountains of West Virginia. Those weasels so much as cough and we know. That’s why the attack on the compound was a surprise. We should’ve been prepared. We should’ve seen them comin’ from a mile away. Now we’re paying the price for our negligence. Bink’s paying the price. Big, too. That’s unacceptable.

Before all this went down, our Texas chapter and Rosie handled Remy and his crew. Big made a deal with Rosie years ago to let her run things how she saw fit as an unofficial club affiliate. Now that it’s escalated to this level, we’re bringing in big players, as it should be. You don’t have the prez’s old lady killin’ people on our compound and send a couple knives to battle.

“Any questions?” Big addresses the room, giving them a chance to speak.

White Boy, the young blond of our brood, steps out from behind Tripper. “When we free their merchandise, how’s that gonna work?”

Big’s gaze sweeps to me. “Gunz already talked to Whisky, and they’re prepared to handle the influx of newcomers.”

“And we’ve got safe houses stationed all over the US to assist in overflow,” I add on his behalf. There are gonna be a helluva lot more freed people than we think. Whisky, my brother’s club president’s old lady, and my brother himself, rehabilitate the captives, but they can only take on so many without raising suspicion. The other spots will serve as temporary quarters until they can process them.

“I take it we’re goin’ to war then,” Dallas pipes up.

“Yeah, brothers, we’re goin’ to war.” Big thumps the president patch on his chest.

“It’s about damn time,” comes from Mickey.

“Hallelujah. I get to kill these motherfuckers,” Viper announces.

Before church turns into a blood-lust confessional, I give Big a look. It’s a simple one I’ve used a thousand times before to request unspoken permission to address the brothers. He nods once and retakes his chair, effectively giving me the floor to do what I gotta do. We might as well get this over with before the rumor mill fires on all cylinders.

I raise a hand in the air and the chatter ceases. Just like that, all eyes are on me. I force myself to breathe as my heart beats a little faster. I rub my palms on the front of my jeans before I pull a Dum Dum from my cut and pop the sweetness into my mouth. It takes the edge off. I sigh in temporary relief.
