Page 36 of 23 Hours

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“Don’t do it. Don’t you do it. Don’t say that damn word. Say, I’ll see you soon.”

“Sure. Fine. I’ll see you soon.”

My nostrils flare in a heady blend of agitation and lust. “Woman, you’re infuriating.”

“I’m sorry. I’m not meaning to be.”

Like hell she’s not.

“Get over here.” I wave her closer.

The hottie doesn’t budge.

Fuck it.

I hop off the tailgate with the swing of my legs and go to her, but I don’t stop there. I do what needs to be done to get my intentions across. In the past week, my club was attacked, and I became a father. Kit handed me the best gift anyone has ever given me without even knowing it. To show her just how grateful I am, I grip the back of her neck and drag her closer. Our fronts meet, tits to abs, and I bend to take her mouth in a hard, knee-buckling kiss. She squeaks in surprise as her fingers grasp at the sides of my shirt.

Greedy for more, I claim a handful of that sexy ass and make her feel what she’s doin’ to me as I plunder that wicked mouth. And she lets me. Every bit of Kit submits to what I want. How I want it… Goddamn, if that doesn’t make me wanna bend her over my tailgate and screw her ‘til she can’t walk straight. But I won’t. She’s better than that, and we’ve got our own bullshit to deal with… for now.

Instead, I’m content to inhale her sweetness and lose myself in her even sweeter taste. My cock throbs in time with my heartbeat as her tongue dances with mine.

Sucking her bottom lip into my mouth, Kit emits a needy little sound as my fingers dig into her jean-clad flesh. A growl rumbles in my chest, traveling up my throat, low and hungry. Losing myself in all that is her, my mind goes hazy, and the dirty, depraved fragments I reserve for those who can handle the darkness of my soul slip through the cracks.

Before I realize what I’ve done, Kit’s back is flat on the bed of my truck, and I’m grinding between her legs, fucking her with our clothes on.

Her nails bite my shoulder blades through the cotton of my shirt, spurring the monster on. And he attacks as he always does, ripping through my tight-leashed control, swallowing the goodness only to leave behind the bad. This is what happens when I ride high on emotions for too long with no real outlet. This is what I get for depriving myself.

I grip a handful of soft, purple hair and yank her head back, exposing a milky strip of neck.

“Gunz!” she moans.

I freeze, my name still fresh on her lips.


I look down and see what I’ve done. What I’ve allowed myself to do. What I’ve done to her, here.

What the fuck’s wrong with me?

Easing my grip on Kit’s hair, I pry her legs off me and sit back on my knees. She watches in stunned silence as a cold sweat breaks over my skin.

“I’m sorry. I’m so fuckin’ sorry,” I croak, watching her sit up and adjust her shirt, then comb both hands through her disheveled hair.

Those lips, the ones I want more of, are swollen and red. I did that.

The sick part of me revels in the filth and wants to split them open with my dick and force her to choke on it. To gag her ‘til her eyes water and she begs for me to stop. Only I wouldn’t, ’cause she wouldn’t really want that. In my dreams, she’d want more. To swallow a mouthful of my cum. To lick it clean from my shaft.

Christ, I gotta go.

Shaking my head to clear the depraved thoughts before I follow through with them, I climb down off my truck.

Wordlessly, Kit does the same, and I help, not wanting her to fall. I brush away what little debris her shirt collected from the bed of my truck. It’s purely platonic. Not at all aimed to check out her ass for a second time or touch it as I remove the invisible dirt from denim.

“Gunz.” Kit sweeps her fingers over the back of my forearm, and I jerk away like she’s on fire. And because I’m a total fucking asshole, I do one better and shove my hands into my front pockets to keep them to myself as the wordssorry, sorry, sorry,tumble in my head like clothes in a dryer.

Jaw locked tight, I squeeze my eyes closed in shame.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
