Page 11 of Liberation

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“That’s so not what I was saying.” I roll my eyes dramatically. “But I’ll let it pass since you’re giving me a compliment. I think.”

“Of course it’s a compliment.” He rolls to his side to face me. “You don’t take those very well, do you?”

I didn’t realize I’d given off that impression, but since he’s not wrong I won’t argue. That doesn’t mean I’ll spill all my baggage about the challenges I face as a woman in the industry.

Rolling my head to face him I offer a weak smile. “Most of the time they come with a qualifier, at least in my experience. You ride wellfor a girl. You’re smartfor a girl. Stuff like that. Or they’re about something arbitrary, like how you look, and that’s more of a genetic outcome than something I actually did, you know?”

“So I shouldn’t say you’re good in bedfor a girl?” The corner of his lip pulls up as he tries not to laugh, though the laughter doesn’t quite reach his eyes. I wonder why.

I wrap my hand around his cock–how is it still sorta hard–and tighten my grip with a wicked smirk. “Sayfor a girlagain. I dare you.”

“Is this supposed to be a threat?” He arches a brow in that sexy way only guys can pull off.

“You think I won’t squeeze?”

“I hope you do. Maybe this time I can be on top. I’d like to watch you come next.”

That’s so unexpected I let go. “You want to…watch?”

“You say that like it’s weird.” A tiny line forms between his brows.

“Not weird just…not something I’m used to.” I trap my lips between my teeth, wishing I could take the words back.

Blake rubs a finger over the bridge of his nose. “I’m gonna need more information than that. Has no one ever watched you come before?”

“I…well…once or twice maybe.” I think back to the rebound guy, who wouldn’t let us cover our encounter in darkness. Then Brian, who always insisted on it. I’m not intending to mention either of those things until I realize Blake is still staring at me intently. “It’s not something you see very well in the dark.”

“I’m guessing since the lights are on now it wasn’t you who insisted on the dark?”

I shake my head no.

“Why didhe?” Blake doesn’t clarify whoheis, though I get the sense he can guess it’s someone who used to be important to me.

“If I had to guess, he could pretend I was someone else in the dark.”Shit. I didn’t mean to say that, either.Why do my words just spill out in front of him?

Blake brushes a pink strand away from my face. “I can’t pretend to know what that would be like–I’ve never really dated anyone so I don’t have that kind of scar–but I do know you shouldn’t let this one become permanent.”

I try to swallow the lump in my throat before it turns into a full-on sob–pretty sure crying is frowned upon during a one-night stand–although that’s no easy feat considering it’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me. Ever.

“I’ll try not to,” I whisper.

“Good.” He plants a soft kiss on my lips. “Now lay back and let me between those legs. I’d love nothing more than to see those pretty blue eyes staring at mine when I take you over the edge.”

Slowly, gently, he does.

Chapter 7


Oneminute,I’mnursinga beer, wishing Jace had been able to stay for another night. The next, a striking woman with bubble gum pink hair is at my side, and for the second morning in a row, I’m not alone when I wake up.

I’d like to claim that’s because I was feeling lonely without Jace’s company, but the truth is I was just as drawn to her as I had been him, and I’m not sure how to feel about that.

Up until last night, I was half convinced Jace would play a role in my future. The way we clicked—in bed and out—I’ve never experienced that before. The only reason I didn’t latch onto it and try to force another encounter is because in my gut I feel like that’s bound to happen with his best friend living in my hometown. Then I met Becca, and it was a lightning strike all over again. I didn’t want to admit it at first because it felt like that would be betraying Jace, even though you can’t betray someone you aren’t technically with. But the pull toward Becca was just as strong.

She’s a brave little thing under that soft outer shell. It’s clear she’s been hurt before, which makes me want to wrap her in my arms and shield her from the world. She doesn’t need that, though. She can hold her own, in conversation and in bed, where she's both ravenous and adventurous.

We got back to my room and straight up devoured each other, fucking against the wall because we were too turned on to make it to the bed. The next round was less frenzied, both of us exploring and savoring the way we moved together. And in between we talked with ease.
