Page 12 of Liberation

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By some unspoken agreement, we didn’t delve into personal details. It's almost as if we purposely danced around them, knowing it'd make saying goodbye harder. But we talked about places we want to travel to, scars we discovered on our bodies, and her strange fascination with flamingos. Becca also confessed to being scarred by a former relationship, and I admitted to never being in one before, which led to what I can only describe as making love.

I’m not entirely sure that’s what it was, given I’ve never done anything besides fuck, but the gentle glide of our bodies, the way her legs cradled me and held me tight, our faces hovering so close we shared each other’s air as we came… It sounds cheesy as hell, but I swear I felt that orgasm in my chest, and not in a 'catch your breath after a workout'kind of way but in a 'did you feel that too'kind of way.

Now I’m lying here, Becca curled in my arms, and it feels just as right as waking up next to Jace did. How is that even possible? Throughout my entire life I’ve believed things would unfold the way they’re meant to, and in the span of two days I meet two different people I feel instantly connected to. Why is the universe fucking with me?

The only reason I’m not totally losing my shit right now is because neither Jace nor Becca live in Katah Vista. It's the only thing keeping me out of some taboo love triangle. Then there’s the fact, for all I know, the connections I feel are one-sided. Or I’m feeling them more deeply than they are. Either way, I’m sort of reeling over these two people who are each making me yearn for more.

My watch vibrates on my wrist, signaling it’s time for me to get up so I can make my flight. I reach over Becca to silence it, and movement makes her stir, nuzzling her face against my chest.Damn, that feels nice.

“Morning.” I kiss the top of her head.

“Morning.” Lithe arms reach above her head as she stretches, the sheet drifting lower until the tops of her perky breasts are exposed. It takes all my willpower not to cup one in my hand. My fingers ache to squeeze the plump mound and bring her nipple to a beaded point the way I now know she loves. “What time is it?”

“Seven.” I run a finger along her arm as she drops them back to her side.So smooth. “I’d ask you to go to breakfast, but I have to get to the airport.”

“Do you have time for a shower?” She twists toward me to run her fingers over my chest.

“If I knew that was on the table, I’d have woken you up earlier.” I twirl a strand of hair around my fingers.I love the feel of long hair, and I especially loved pulling on it last night.“I can’t miss my flight, though.”

Becca places a soft kiss to my pec before rolling away to get dressed. A part of me is relieved I’m still in bed because that sweet little gesture would’ve made my knees buckle.

As she’s dressing, I pull on my boxers so I can walk her to the door, and by the time they’re on, she’s wearing those cute bike shorts that highlight her sleek calves.Feminine and sporty – I love that combination.I hold out my hand and she takes it, allowing me to pull her against my body.

“I’ve only done the morning-after goodbye thing once, so I sort of suck at it.” I brush her hair behind her ear and place a gentle kiss on her lips.

“You’re doing fine so far.” She borrows my words from last night, looking up at me with a smile I know is forced.

Damn… I wish I knew what to do here. I don’t have the same gut feeling about seeing her again that I did with Jace, which makes me tempted to do something to change it. That would hardly be fair to her when I have no intention of leaving Katah Vista. That leaves me in the same place I was yesterday morning, at the mercy of whatever fate or the universe have in store.

“I’m sure it sounds cheesy, but I really do hope I’ll see you again one day.” Despite being totally lame, that feels like the only safe thing to say.

“I hope so, too.” She rises up on her toes to give me one last kiss. “Bye, Blake.”

“Bye.” I hold the door open so she can walk out, closing it before I’m tempted to see if she looks back. Then I get dressed and throw my shit in my bag, trying not to acknowledge that I’m suddenly reluctant to go home.


I don’t even drop my bags at home. Instead, I beeline for Murphy’s, my favorite restaurant, to grab a bite to eat and distract myself from the thoughts running through my head.

I’m no stranger to casual hookups, but I’ve never had one—let alone two—that stuck with me after it was over. More importantly, can I even classify what happened with Jace and Becca as casual? I might’ve had just one night with each of them, but those nights felt meaningful. I mean, pillow talk, cuddling, goodbye kisses—those are the kinds of things you do when the other person is important to you, I think. Could either of them be important after only one night? Could they both be? My brain wants to say no; there’s no logic to that train of thought. My gut is still undecided. Why else would I still be thinking of two people I can’t have?

Lost in my head my feet take me halfway to my favorite barstool before I register my name being called. Turning toward the sound, I find Axel, Deacon, Cade, Ryder and Carter sitting at a corner table.

“How was the trip?” Cade offers me a fist bump. I shoot Carter a confused glance as I press my knuckles against Cade’s.

“I told the guys I sent you to Utah to check out a bike park,” Carter confirms.Wow he’s got twelve percent of a plan and he’s sharing it with everyone? He’s come a long way from the days where he kept all his ideas to himself.

Pulling up a chair I sit at the head of the table and answer Cade. “It was great, actually. The bike park is amazing.”

“That’s one of Jace’s favorite downhill parks.” Axel reaches for a fry from a basket they’re all sharing. “Did you see him there? He said he was gonna hit the mountain a few days before meeting me at the next competition.”

“I did, actually. We grabbed a beer.” I turn to flag down a server before my expression can give anything away. Even though Axel knows about Jace, I’m not sure that means it’s okay to say anything beyond what I just did. And I definitely don’t need the rest of the guys to notice anything weird.

“Well, what did you learn?” Carter prompts after I place my order.

“We may have the basic infrastructure to get bikes up the mountain, but that’s about all we have.” I scratch my head, which is suddenly itchy with everyone watching me. Well, everyone but Ryder, who’s leaning his head against the wall with a distant look on his face.Maybe talking about bikes will get through to him. He loves riding as much as the rest of us.

“The right way to do this is to build trails with varying degrees of difficulty, just like the ski runs. Green would be nice and flowy without anything like rocks or tree roots on the trail, black would have lots of technical elements and jumps, and blue would fall somewhere in the middle. Anything we build would have to factor in snow runoff and erosion, and carving the trail won’t be as simple as digging with a few shovels. Depending on the features we add we’d need some heavy equipment.”
