Page 25 of Liberation

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“Um, wow. That was sort of beautiful.” She blinks wide blue eyes up at me. It makes me feel even more like shit.

“See you at work tomorrow?” I give her a hand to help her rise as her bus pulls up to the stop.

“Deal.” She takes it with a brave smile, then climbs inside without looking back. For the first time since Carter offered me this gig, I’m not looking forward to it.

Chapter 13


Thelasthourfeelsmore like ten. That isn’t a total shock—the last hour is always the longest—but it’s never felt this long before. I think that’s because I’ve never had anyone waiting for me at the end of the drive, and the anticipation of seeing Blake again has me on pins and needles.

Or maybe my ass is just asleep.

Pulling into the outskirts of town, my heartbeat accelerates, and my achy muscles itch to move. Although we’ve talked or texted every day, that didn’t even begin to fill the void of not being able to see Blake’s face or feel his body next to mine.Is that a new relationship thing, or will coming home to him always feel like this?I guess time will tell.

It’s going on six when I finally pull into the drive after I drop my trailer at Axel’s. Since the sun hasn’t set there aren’t any obvious signs that Blake is home, like lights glowing in the window. That kicks my heartbeat up another notch, and not in a good way. A mix of panic and dread floods my chest, and the idea that he might not be here makes me physically uneasy. And then the hum of the TV drifts toward me as I open the door, and the pressure in my chest subsides.

He’s here.

Trying to ignore the mini breakdown I just experienced, I step inside and watch Blake, unnoticed, while I take a moment to get myself in check. His hazel eyes are unfocused as he flips aimlessly through the channels, so deep in thought the images on the screen don’t seem to register.

I desperately want to know what’s going on in his mind, but rather than intrude I stay still and let my eyes roam. There’s a slight tension in his broad shoulders, a tiny crease between his brows, though he doesn’t look mad, just serious. It’s sort of hot.

Our short time together has already revealed that Blake’s a deep thinker, carefully weighing every angle before he speaks. I’m sure that stems from keeping his secrets locked down tight, and I wonder briefly if that means I’m the reason for his current state. If he’s having second thoughts about what it means to be with me. Then he blinks me into focus as he registers my presence, and he smiles so big I’m damn near blinded by his white teeth.

Whatever had him preoccupied seconds ago is gone—it straight up vanishes—as he leaps up from the couch and closes the distance between us, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and pulling me firmly against his chest.No second thoughts, then.

“Damn I’m glad you’re back.” His voice is raspy against my ear. “Do you need help unpacking?”

“Later.” I reach behind his head and pull him to me, crushing our lips together. The combination of soft lips and rough stubble brush against me. The sensation has my cock stirring, and after several days apart it’s eager for his touch. I drag my hand down his chest, over his flat stomach, until I find the button on his shorts. “It’s been too long,” I groan, tugging it open.

“Holy hell.” Blake’s head falls back as I take him in my fist, already hard as granite for me. “I guess you missed me, too?”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to play coy, to say something like I missed his dick, so I don’t come on too strong. The words don’t come, though. Instead, I pull my rigid cock out and line it up with his, stroking both of us together. “What do you think?” I rasp.

“I think there’s nothing hotter than feeling your dick rub against mine.” Blake puts just enough distance between our chests that he can watch my hand move. “Bedroom. Now,” he growls.

“Later. This feels too good to stop.”

Blake groans but makes no attempt to move. Trapped in my fist, he rocks his hips slightly, chasing the friction between us. It’s mind blowing.

If I’m being honest, a hard dick is one of my favorite things to feel next to my own. Not that I don’t enjoy a wet mouth, a warm pussy, or a tight ass. They all feel fucking incredible. But they’re all soft in their own way, and sometimes you just want the unyielding pressure of a firm cock pressing against yours.

Standing in the living room, shorts pooled around our ankles, I stroke and squeeze and fondle us both, coaxing him to the brink. Each time I feel him start to lurch in my fist, I let go and reach for his balls, massaging them until his release is out of reach. Then I start all over again, teasing him to the point of no return and backing off before he falls over it.

“Jace, please,” he groans after I’ve edged him for the third time. The desperation in his tone has me nearly ready to burst, and I work him until we both explode. Our cum mixes together as it drips over my fist.Best homecoming ever.

Blake staggers over to the couch and collapses onto the cushions, chest heaving underneath the thin fabric of his shirt. I strip mine off to clean up and pull up my boxers before flopping down next to him.

“If that’s what happens when you come home from a trip, I’m less opposed to Axel dragging you away for work.” Blake lifts his head up just long enough for his eyes to roam over me then lets it fall limp against the cushion.

“I’m not sure how much work I’ll have with him now that he’s got this new training venture.” I run a hand through my hair to brush the sweaty strands off my forehead. “We haven’t talked specifics about his future plans, although my guess is he’ll retire from the competition circuit sooner rather than later, which probably means less travel for me. Speaking of work, how’s the new boss.”

Blake opens his mouth and shuts it, opens it again, and blows out a frustrated breath. “She’s… cool.”

“She? You didn’t tell me it was a woman.”

“I didn’t know that myself until she was here. And that’s not the only surprise.” He lifts his head, eyes darting nervously to mine as he licks his lips.
