Page 34 of Liberation

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“Yeah, Blake.” Jace claps his roommate on the shoulder as he gives me a conspiratorial wink. “Can you show us some trails?”

“You don’t know them?” I squint in Jace’s direction.

“He only got his stuff unpacked the other day. I haven’t had time to show him much yet.” Blake ducks his head as he stuffs a piece of crust in his mouth.Odd.

My gaze darts between the two of them, confusion mounting. “The other day? I thought Jace said he got here last month?”

Jace’s Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows a mouthful of beer. Swiping his tongue across his upper lip—which I pretend not to be affected by—he locks eyes with mine. “I didn’t have a chance to move my trailer here until just this week.”

Focus, Becca. “If your trailer is here, how did you two end up as roommates?” I vaguely remember him telling me how nice that trailer is, and how much he loved having his own space.

“Trailers aren’t the most comfortable place to be in the winter, and Blake offered me a room.” Jace casts a quick glance in Blake’s direction as he clears his throat, leading me to conclude I imagined the husky tone in his voice. “Plus, I like the company.” Jace’s eyes find mine again, the chocolate depths making my stomach flutter. I make a mental note not to have another beer because it’s making me see things that can’t exist in his gaze.

“Well, Blake’s an easy guy to get along with,” I respond lamely.

“He is.” Jace nods without averting his eyes. “I like living here. And I like having you here, too. I’m glad you came over tonight. We both are.”

My skin was already starting to heat up under the intensity of his stare, but something about that comment has me peeking in Blake’s direction to find a matching look on his face.What is happening? Is this some kind of test to see if we really can be friends? And if it is, who are they testing? Me, or themselves?

“I’m uh, glad to be here, too. It was nice to have company over dinner. I should probably be going though.”

“What’s the rush?” Jace’s smooth voice wraps around me, causing tingles of electricity to erupt all over my body.

“You can stay as long as you want.” Blake’s soft invitation almost sounds like a plea. For a brief moment, I flash back to our night together, when he said the same thing after we devoured each other for the first time. Then it’s gone, replaced by two gorgeous faces that have a spark of desire mixed in with their intent focus.That’s…wow. Okay, I’m officially seeing things.

“Becca?” Jace prompts me when I don’t respond.

“I… Sorry, is this really not weird for you guys?” I blurt. “I’ve slept with both of you. I’m still attracted to both of you. I don’t know how to sit here and pretend that’s normal.”

“Why wouldn’t that be normal?” Jace asks. “We’re attracted to you, too.” His voice is eerily steady. Unaffected by the impossibility of his words.

My eyelids flutter in rapid succession as I process his words. “I’m sorry, you’re what?”

A hint of pink creeps into Blake’s cheeks as he clears his throat. “We’re both into you. The fact that you’ve been with both of us doesn’t make either of us want you any less.”

A rush of adrenaline floods my body. The notion that not one butbothof these guys could still have an interest in me is a heady thought, one that relieves me from the doubt I felt when I realized the sordid little triangle we make. Though, instead of making me jittery or excited, that adrenaline paralyzes me, pinning me to my seat.

“Shit,” Blake groans, shooting a nervous glance toward Jace as he runs a hand through his hair. “We’re fucking this up. I told you this was a bad idea.”

“Becca.” Jace takes my hand in both of his. “Are we making you uncomfortable?”

“I… I” Trying to swallow despite my dry throat, my gaze darts helplessly between them. “What are you fucking up?”

Jace’s warm smile is reassuring as he rubs his thumb over the back of my hand. “We’re coming on too strong. I’m sorry. It’s just that we know you’re still interested in both of us, and…we’re cool with that.”

I pull my hand back reflexively. “I can’t like both of you. That’s… It’s not… Someone would get hurt.” I’m sure there are at least a dozen other arguments to be made, but this one comes to mind first.

“People get hurt when there are secrets, but we’re not hiding the fact that we’re both attracted to you.” Jace’s voice is still calm. Meanwhile, my heart is ready to beat out of my chest.

“Great, no secrets. I still can’t pick between you.”

“He’s not asking you to pick,” Blake says gently. “He’s suggesting the three of us can…be together.Not you and I or you and him, all three.”

“Three?” The word feels weird on my tongue. “Huh?”

“Don’t choose between us, choose both.” Jace shrugs casually, as if the solution is obvious.

“Both. As in I take turns with…” My eyes bulge as they meet Jace’s serious gaze. “Together? At the same time together?”
