Page 6 of Liberation

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Axel and I virtually grew up together—he lived with my family for several years—so he knows all my secrets. And my sexuality isn’t a secret per se, at least not in the sense that it’s forbidden to talk about. I just don’t broadcast it.

There aren’t many gay or bi people in the world of motocross, at least not that I’ve seen, but women are plentiful. It’s not hard to find one to share a bed with. If I bumped into a man I wanted to sleep with I wouldn’t hesitate, but since that hasn’t happened there hasn’t been much reason to discuss the fact that I like men, too. And maybe it makes me an asshole, but I don’t feel like I should have to. Straight people don’t have to explain themselves, so why should I?

Would the guys around me be surprised to learn I like men? Probably. Would they care? I’m honestly not sure. Even if they did, it wouldn't bother me. Most of them come and go with the seasons since the sponsors dictate who goes where, so if anyone did object to my lifestyle it’d be no big deal. Axel is the only constant in my life, more brother than friend, and he doesn’t care who I sleep with. He’s also careful not to bring up my sexuality unless I do, which means I’m a little like Blake in that most people around me don’t know the real me. I do have Axel though, while Blake doesn’t seem to have anyone.

That must make him feel especially isolated. No wonder he’s comfortable in his little Katah Vista bubble. Even though he’s sort of alone inside it, he probably feels less alone there around his friends and neighbors than he does in places where no one knows him at all.

Blake shifts slightly, and the mattress dips under his weight. That’s not something I’m used to, but I enjoy it.I like the solid presence of another man next to me when I wake up.So does my cock, apparently. And his, if the tented sheet is any indication.

Reaching between my legs, I give myself a slow, firm tug to relieve the pressure. God, what I wouldn’t give for another night. But work calls. Axel’s competing this weekend, and I need to be there to film his run for the dirt bike movie we’re shooting. Even though it’s supposed to showcase his trail riding and not the competition circuit, the sponsors want footage to supplement what we recorded on the trails, and that means getting to the track early enough to scout out the best places to shoot.Damn, I wish we had more time.

I take my hand off my dick and brush a stray curl off Blake’s forehead.Why is that so satisfying?He stirs, eyes blinking the room into focus as he stretches his arms above his head, showing off two firm pecs with a smattering of hair dusting the nipples.

“Morning.” I trail my finger over his shoulder.

“Morning. What time is it?”

“Eight. What time is your meeting today?”

“Not until ten, but I need to get back to my room and shower.”

“You could shower here. Looks like you either need a cold one, or some company.” I jerk my head towards the erection he’s sporting, and a wave of lust washes over his face.

“Should’ve woken me up earlier,” he groans, fisting himself. “I’m not sure I’ve got time. When do you have to get on the road?”

“As soon as possible. I need to be at the track before tomorrow and it’s almost a ten-hour drive.” When I told Blake I had to leave today he was disappointed, but he didn’t try to make any plans or promises for a next time. I sort of expected him to since he knows Axel is living in Katah Vista now, which gives me more reason to be there. But I guess he doesn’t want anything more than a one-night stand. I’m not even sure I can offer more, anyway.

Now that Axel has made the decision not to travel as much, my future is sort of in limbo, professionally speaking.My future. That’s not something I’ve given much thought to before now. I took it for granted, focusing on Axel and hoping he'd ride forever. While he’s not retiring yet, it's on the horizon, considering he’s already decided not to make the bike movies that usually occupy our time in the off season.

What do I do when he retires completely? Do I hitch myself to another rider to film? Do I go to a network, filming entire competitions as opposed to individual riders? Do I leave motocross altogether and try to get a foothold somewhere else, like TV?

I’m fortunate in that I’ve made a lot of money and spent very little of it living on the road, but that doesn’t mean I can sit on my ass the rest of my life. And if I’m not working with Axel, my ass has no reason parking itself in Katah Vista. It’s not exactly a hotbed of activity for motocross. Or cameramen.

No, my future probably doesn’t lie in the valley, which means not making any plans is the smart move. That doesn’t mean I want Blake to leave without a proper goodbye.

I leap out of bed and hold out my hand. “Since we’re both in a rush, we better make this quick.”

“Make what quick?” He studies my hand a second before taking it.

“Getting each other clean.” I pull him up and lead him to the bathroom, where I make sure we’re both spotless, after we get dirty of course.

Chapter 5


MylastmomentswithJace run through my mind on a constant loop as I get dressed, making it hard to concentrate.

“How does this work?”

“How does what work?” He pauses at the door, tilting his head to the side as he studies me.

“The morning after goodbye. It’s not really a thing when you’re just having a quickie at the spa.” My neck heats up as the words leave my mouth.

Jace’s eyes grow wide. “You think I’m any better at this? I usually pretend to be passed out.”

“You sound even more shallow than me.” I can’t stop the laugh bubbling up from my chest, which expands fully, knowing I’m not the only one who tries to avoid these awkward situations. Strangely, this moment doesn’t feel awkward. Justunfinished.That doesn’t feel like something I should admit, though.

“I guess I’m better at sex than being a gentleman or whatever.” He rubs a hand over the back of his neck.
