Page 7 of Liberation

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“Hey, at least you brought me back to your room. I don’t usually make it past the massage table. Or get the other person’s name.” I blow out a frustrated breath, wondering if my attempt to lighten the mood went too far. Fortunately, he doesn’t seem offended.

“Don’t give me too much credit. I still kept you up most of the night knowing, full well, you have a big meeting today.” He presses his lips together, eyes traveling over my body.

“And you’ve got a big drive.” My expression mirrors his.

“One more for the road.” Jace’s strong hand wraps around my neck and pulls me forward, crushing my lips to his in a bruising, breathless kiss. “Now get out of here before you make us both late.” He gives me a sexy little wink as he opens the door, and I steal one last kiss before I dart into the hall.

As far as goodbyes go, I think it went okay. If only I could kick this,I wish it didn’t have to end,feeling. I didn’t say anything about it—neither did Jace—but in my gut I know we were both thinking that. We also both seemed to sense that saying something out loud might ruin it.

Call it years of living with a secret, but for my part, asking to see him again when I’m not out didn’t seem fair. Even though he’s not shouting from the rooftops that he’s bi, Jace doesn’t appear to be hiding the truth the way I am. Asking to see him again when I can’t promise if or when I’ll come out seems selfish. Although, I might've spoken up if his best friend hadn’t just moved to Katah Vista. I figure with Axel living a few minutes away from me there’s a decent chance I’ll cross paths with Jace again, so I figured I’d play it cool instead of trying to force something. I’m letting my future unfold however it wants.

It's hard to explain, but something about being born this way left me with the sense I’m not fully in control. After all, being bi isn’t exactly an easy life, so I wouldn’t have chosen it. I guess that’s why I always believed that when I findthe one—man or woman—I'm meant to spend my life with, then their gender will determine what I tell people about my sexuality. After all, ifthe oneturns out to be a woman then there’s no point in saying anything. If it's a man, I’ll come out as gay. Either way, I’ve always assumed that I’ll identify as one or the other when the time comes, and the person I fall in love with will dictate how I ultimately choose to live my life. Some people might call it believing in fate, and to a certain extent I think that’s true, although it’s just as much about practicality. Letting circumstance determine the outcome.

I’m not saying it'll make Jacethe oneif we run into each other again, though at that point, I'm going to take it as a sign worth paying attention to, especially after the night we just shared. And I’m not just referring to the part between the sheets. Yes, the sex wasphenomenal—hands down the best I’ve ever had with a man—and yeah, that’s a huge part of what’s making it so hard for me to concentrate on getting ready. But what’s really got my mind spinning is that all the time before and in between sex was just as incredible.

Jace and I have lots of the same interests, from bikes to movies to the type of women we like (sporty yet feminine). He’s more worldly than I am, having traveled all over to film Axel’s videos and attend his events, and as a result he’s got a huge network of friends all around the world. But he never made me feel inferior about that. Actually, he seemed intrigued by my whole small-town existence, even though it plays a role in keeping me in the closet.

It didn’t feel like he was judging me for wanting to stay put, or for using my job as a way to explore and satisfy my needs. It was a huge relief, considering he isn’t actively keeping secrets the way I am. I appreciate the fact he didn’t challenge my reasons or press me to change my habits. He just accepted me at face value.

All in all, I felt comfortable with Jace in a way I haven’t experienced with anyone else before. I guess that’s why, if I ever decide to date a man, I could see it being him. And why I’m sort of hoping this morning isn’t the last time I see him. But I’ve never tried to force anything with someone I had an interest in, and I’m not going to start now. Whatever happens, happens. In the meantime, I’ll just take each day as it comes, the way I always have.


“Jackson.” A tall, wiry man with unruly blonde hair holds up his fist.

“Blake.” I bump my knuckles against his. “Thanks for taking the time to meet with me.”

“Of course. I never turn down an opportunity to show off our bike park. Have you ridden it, yet?”

“I got in too late yesterday.” I shake my head sheepishly.Nice job dumbass. How are you supposed to talk bike park details if you don’t know what they are?

“Well, this won’t take all day. I’ll give you a lift ticket so you can check it out when we’re done. Maybe I’ll even take a few runs with you. You know… to show you the key details it takes to make an epic park.” He grins widely as he holds open the door to his office, and I step inside to what's basically a shrine to biking.

Sketches of some of the first mountain bikes line the walls, showcasing the progression of the technology from those early models to what we use today. There are a few signed jerseys, framed along with action pictures of the rider on the track, hanging on either side of the door, where Jackson can see them from his desk if he’s facing the room. All he has to do is spin his chair for a clear view of the mountain, and the bikes careening down it.

I’m not an office guy, mainly because the ones I’ve seen make me think of a prison cell, but this one doesn’t give me claustrophobia. It actually seems pretty comfortable, although with a view like that I wonder how the guy gets any work done. I’d be too tempted to hit the trail. Then again, maybe that's the job, in which case this guy is who I want to be when I grow up.

Taking a seat in the chair across from him so I have a view of the desk, Jackson shows me some of the drawings used to obtain the permits they needed to build the park. Elevation changes are listed along the trail so things like runoff and erosion can be factored into any paths they carve or features they add. It’s similar to what I’ve seen doing trail maintenance, and yet so much more.

Back country trails follow the slope of the mountain while those at the resort sometimes go against it. Of course, all trails work their way down hill, but in the back country we just try to enhance the natural terrain, whereas at the resort they re-engineer it. In some places they’ve carved giant switchbacks into the side of the hill, effectively turning the trail into a luge. Bridges string gaps together that would otherwise be unrideable, and in some cases, they create a launch point to jump downhill over sections that are too rocky to navigate on a bike. It’s a literal playground for adults and it makes me sort of giddy.

I’ve seen stuff like this before, mostly on YouTube, and I've even ridden a small-scale version of what Jackson’s built here when I did my stint in California. But until today, I’ve never had a before and after glimpse of the trail. The final product is epic, which makes me realize I have zero idea how to build something like this myself.

My stomach sinks as reality sets in, and my breathing becomes labored. Though I suspected as much, some part of me was hoping my experience was enough to land the job of building a park in Katah Vista. That in sending me here, Carter was actually giving me a shot at a job I’m passionate about, one I could turn into a career. And maybe that was his intent. But plans are underway to make the skiable terrain in Katah Vista a world-renowned destination, so it stands to reason Carter will want the same for the bike park, and I’m not that guy. Not if this is the final product he wants.

“Does this help answer your questions about building a park?” Jackson says after finishing his overview of their process.

I offer a wary smile as I run a hand through my hair. “Not even close.”

He barks out a laugh. “I get it. A project like this has a way of raising more questions the deeper you dive into it.”

“Exactly.” I blow out a frustrated breath. “I don’t suppose you’re available to hire?” We both know that’s an offhand suggestion, though truth be told I’m not kidding. I have a feeling Carter wouldn’t object to tapping into Jackson’s expertise.

He gives me a headshake, wearing a proud grin as he does it. “Sorry. My setup here is too sweet to give up, although my assistant might be game.”

“I’ll mention that to Carter. Thanks again for your time.” I rise and offer him my fist just as he did when we first met. We bump knuckles, though he holds up a finger to keep me from leaving.

“Lift ticket.” He thrusts a card into my hand. “Show this to the guys at the counter and they’ll get you a day pass.”
