Page 60 of Liberation

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Blake licks his lips with a shaky breath as Jace wraps a hand around his neck. Then their lips meet, right in front of my eyes, and a soft moan rumbles from Blake’s throat. Their eyes are delicately shut, tongues subtly meeting between barely parted lips, and it’s so beautiful I swear my eyes get a little misty.

Then I realize my eyes aren’t the only place I’m wet.

During a few of our encounters, Jace touched Blake, and I got a tiny thrill when I saw it. This kiss is even hotter, which has me wondering what else between them might turn me on. In fact, I’m pretty sure if shock hadn’t taken over earlier today, I’d have enjoyed watching them screw each other.

I must gulp or lick my lips or do something to give away the direction of my thoughts, because suddenly they’re both staring at me with a mix of curiosity and hunger that has me rubbing my thighs together.

“Sorta looks like she’s enjoying this little show, doesn’t it?” Jace’s mouth lifts in a lascivious smile.

“Something you want to tell us, Becca?” Blake’s grin rivals Jace’s.

Oh Boy.I want to see you rub your cocks together, I want to see you suck each other off, I want to watch you fuck.Lewd fantasies bombard me faster than I knew I could conjure them, the depth of my curiosity apparently bottomless. Instead, I trap my lips between my teeth and shake my head with wide, guilty eyes. Eyes that wander downward of their own accord.

“I think someone wants a better view.” Jace stands up and strips off his shirt before reaching for the button on his pants.

Blake follows suit, watching me with a sly gaze. “When I came home yesterday and saw you and Jace…Watching your lovers fuck is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. Also, the hottest. Is that what you want? To watch us?”

I’m not embarrassed to say that per se, this is just all so new I’m not sure how to put my thoughts into words yet. “Maybe?” I gnaw on my lip, glancing bashfully between them.

As is normal—probably since he’s the most experienced of all of us—Jace takes charge. Fully naked, he takes a step forward and drags the length of his rigid cock along Blake’s, letting out a contented sigh when they make contact.

Back and forth, their dicks grind against each other as they rock their hips, the swollen flesh growing firmer with the ebb and flow of their sensual dance. Blake rests a large hand on Jace’s waist, whether for balance or just to satisfy the need to touch him I’m not sure, but his movements seem to speed up, and both their tips start to glisten with tiny beads of precum.

Their eyes track from their faces to their cocks, over to me, and back, both of them absorbing every detail.

The way they move together.

The way I watch them.

The way we all start breathing heavily.

Jace is strangely silent, offering no instruction as their bodies come together. Then Blake reaches between Jace’s legs and cups his heavy balls in his hand, massaging them with his fingers. “This is Jace’s fantasy come true, Becca. The three of us together—no barriers. No secrets.” Jace’s head falls back as Blake teases him with his hands and his dick. “It’s making him so hard.”

The evidence of that is proudly displayed before me, and despite loving the image of the two of them I’m suddenly impatient to join in. Leaning forward, mouth open, my tongue darts out to lick across Jace’s tip. Then Blake’s.

By some unspoken agreement they angle their bodies toward me, taking turns offering me their cocks. With each pass one rubs the head of his dick along the other’s length into my waiting mouth, then pulls back to make room for the other. I lick and suck and even kiss the firm, smooth skin that strains toward me, loving the way their hooded eyes track the way the three of us move together.

Pressing my thighs together, I scoot forward, eager to explore this newfound dynamic. My excitement doesn’t go unnoticed.

“Look at how she squirms. This is turning her on,” Jace growls.

“What now, Becca?” Blake strokes my cheek as he rubs his swollen head over my tongue. “Tell us what you want next.”

Jace faces Blake and grips them both in his hand, stroking slowly as they watch me intently. Waiting.

“Um,” I swallow audibly as my mind runs through the possibilities.

Despite running away earlier, the glimpse I had of the two of them together has been playing on repeat all day. Part of that is because they were so clearly in tune with one another, but part of it is that I found it so erotic. The desperation in their breathing, the groans of pleasure rumbling from their throats, their declarations of love. I wasn’t willing to admit it when anger and hurt blinded me, but that was one of the hottest things I’ve ever witnessed, and instead of averting my gaze like I did before I want to look my fill this time.

“I want to watch. What you were doing this morning.” I can’t bring myself to say it, not because it offends me or I’m embarrassed, but because I’m not sure what to call it. Fucking seems too vulgar, and making love is… Well, it might be accurate, although I don’t want to presume since the moment wasn’t meant for me.

Wasn’t meant for me.That thought isn’t as harsh now as it was this morning. Maybe it should be—they were dishonest after all—but at least now I can appreciate why they felt they had to be, and I can respect rather than resent their feelings for each other. That, as Blake indicated, makes watching the two of them express those feelings a beautiful thing instead of a horrific one. And a massive turn on.

“Take us to your bedroom, then.” Jace lets go of their cocks and holds his hand out to me so he can help me off the couch.

I lead them to my room on shaky limbs, my heart beating erratically in my chest.I can’t believe this is happening.

“Lie down, Blake. Ass by the edge of the bed,” Jace commands. As Blake follows his instructions, Jace turns to me and gives me a tender kiss. “I’m gonna need your help, beautiful.”
