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He took her up the stairs, and somewhere at the back of his mind, he made a mental note to tell the staff to take the next day off. The sitting room wasn’t in any condition for any other pair of eyes, he was certain.

Chapter 13 - Eleanor

Eleanor didn’t remember going to bed, but she remembered waking up. Her entire body hurt as if she’d fallen off a cliff, and had been turned into a bloody mess by the rocks below.

She took in a deep breath and winced.What the hell?Everything hurt. She had no idea why it hurt so much. She wanted to go back to sleep and forget the brutal soreness she was feeling. Hopefully, when she woke up again, everything would make sense.

She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to sort through her memories. She hadn’t been drinking, she was certain. So why did she feel so groggy? Her mind felt foggy, her memories soaked in thick mists.

And then she noticed that the light entered the room through a pair of French doors. That was the one thing she was certain didn’t make sense. Her room also didn’t have concrete walls or a balcony. She wasn’t in her room.

The realization jolted her awake and she jumped into a sitting position. Pain lanced through her legs and her head swam with vertigo from the sudden movement. She ignored the wave of nausea and gritted her teeth as the dizziness passed and faded.

When she felt better, she turned slowly to the side. Blake’s red hair was like a jolt of electricity, and in what felt like an eternity, she relived everything that had happened to her the previous night.

Oh, hell no. She collapsed in bed and covered her eyes with her hands.Shit! Shit! Shit!She squeezed her eyes tight, trying to press out the images that flooded through her head. So many vivid images, more than she knew what to do with.

The moment in the living room was priceless, but everything had gone downhill from that point on.Everything. They’d been relentless the whole night. Now that Eleanor thought about it, she was certain she’d only managed to sleep for a few hours.

She hated how she felt now, as if a train had run into her, turning her to mush. But she definitely didn’t hate how she’d felt last night. She’d felt infinite. She’d felt complete. Enlightened. She saw Scarlet’s smug face in the back of her mind, smiling with a look that said, “I told you so.”

She loved that Blake had constantly stopped to check that she was okay, trying his best to be gentle. She could see how hard it had been for him to do that. The whole night, he’d been on the verge of turning into a feral beast. He’d wrestled for control with his wolf, eventually settling for something in between wolf and human, a kind of compromise.

Her body had tried to heal as best as it could, but there was just too much going on. She remembered her beast wanting some of the action too. She remembered how her wolf had snarled when Blake had eaten her out with his unusually elongated tongue, twisting in ways that should have been impossible, going deeper than it had any right to.

There had been so many orgasms. She’d lost count after a while, each one ripping out of her body with more force than the last one. The bed was a soaked, bloody mess the last time she’d seen it.

She glanced down and saw patches of dried liquid, and the dull brown of dried-up blood. Good thing she was a wolf. With healing abilities. She couldn’t imagine Blake sleeping with a regular human the same way. This would have been a murder scene by morning.

Good thing I’m not human, she humored herself drily. She took a deep breath and tried to take stock of her pain. The most pain came from between her legs. An image of Blake ripping into her from behind flashed across her mind and she shuddered.Of course that’s where it hurts the most.

She looked out the window. The sun was just breaking through the horizon. She and Blake would normally have been on the return lap of their morning run by now, or stopping by Mrs. Whitaker’s for an early morning coffee.

The mere thought of getting out of bed made her cringe, though. She wanted to remain in bed for the foreseeable future. She couldn’t imagine anything important enough to get her out of bed that morning.

“Want to tell me what’s on your mind?” Blake asked, kissing her shoulder.

She turned to him and smiled. She hadn’t heard him wake up. “I was just thinking what fine weather it is for a run. Too bad I’m too sore to get out of bed.” She eyed him. “You don’t seem keen on going on a run either.”

Blake shook his head. “God, no. Not a chance in hell.” He grinned. “Besides, I had more than enough exercise last night.”

Eleanor groaned painfully as she turned to face him. Her eyes lit up mischievously. “Oh you did, didn’t you?” She kissed him. “How about you tell me all about it?”

Blake smiled. “Actually, I was hoping I could show you instead.” He pulled her closer and grabbed a handful of her buttocks, moaning with satisfaction as he did.

Eleanor allowed him to pull her into his embrace and closed her eyes. She loved how he reacted every time he touched her body or felt her up. She knew she was beautiful, but Blake had a way of enhancing it with his touch.

He nipped at her neck gently, his hands moving up the groove of her waist and settling on the small of her back. She moved her knee and bumped it against his hardness. She pulled her head back and looked at him. “Already?”

He grinned and pulled her on top of him. “What can I say? You have a way of doing things to me that I can’t start to explain.”

She sat astride him and smiled at him. “I see. So what are you going do about it?”

“I was kinda hoping you would figure that part out yourself.”

Eleanor kissed him again. She still felt painfully sore down there, but she was also hot and wet too. She didn’t have to think about it for long. She raised herself up a bit and then guided Blake slowly into her dripping wetness.

They sighed at the same time and she had blinding flashbacks from the previous night, flashbacks vivid enough to sear her mind. She tried to focus on the now, on the look on Blake’s face as she twisted her hips in circular motions over him.
