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“I was hoping it would,” he admitted. “Did it work?”

She rolled her eyes. “Kinda.”

He smiled and kissed her. His mouth tasted funny, but she didn’t mind. She imagined her own mouth tasted funny as well. Neither of them cared. His body felt cool against hers, sweaty and firm.

He was still remarkably hard and there was only one thought running through Eleanor’s mind. She wanted to know what it felt like to have him inside her. Her desire for him wrapped around her head like a turban and it was the only thing she could think of.

She broke off the kiss and whispered, “Take me. I want to feel you inside me.”

Blake hesitated. “Are you sure?”

She shivered. “I am.”

He nodded and kissed her forehead. He ran a hand through her wetness and she moaned quietly. She looked up and saw him rubbing his hand on the tip of his hardness. He ran a hand through her wetness again and rubbed it on his tip.

How wet am I?she wondered. He had turned her into a human lubricant and that was the most disturbing and simultaneously thrilling thing she’d ever seen. It was also the last thought she had before Blake entered her slowly, temporarily separating her soul from her body.


Eleanor’s eyes rolled into the back of her head and spit dribbled in a line from her open mouth. She was still conscious, he knew. He could hear soft wheezing sounds of pleasure coming from her.

Her intense reaction terrified Blake, and he considered stopping several times. His fear for her safety was real, but she just felt so freaking good, and she was clearly enjoying herself. She was tight like a vise and as wet as a warm spring. When he threw her moans into the mix, the result was utter devastation.

All evening, he’d tried to keep his mind away from the reality of what was happening between them. From the intimate moment in Scarlet’s loft, to their kiss on the porch, to Eleanor giving him a blow job, and him returning the favor.

Now, they were having intense, forbidden, messy sex. Blake didn’t want to process any of it. His mind would crack like chinaware if he allowed himself to think of it all. There was no way back for them now, and somewhere deep down, he hid his guilt.

Eleanor’s eyes flew wide open and she jerked in his arms. She shivered, vibrated, spasmed, and scored deep gashes into his flesh with her sharp nails. She held him tight and a loud wail came from the back of her throat.

Her walls tightened, squeezing Blake’s cock with an impossible grip. He shut his eyes and bit back the pain that spread through his mind. He moaned as her grip on him grew tighter, and just when he felt like he would lose the use of the organ forever, she released him and collapsed on her back, wheezing.

Warmth and relief flooded through Blake as she climaxed again, and it was such a provoking sight that he released as well. His wolf wanted a taste and he became half-feral, but he held the beast back with all the power he could find. He would tear her apart if he transformed.

He collapsed on top of her and forced back his wolf. His muzzle turned into a nose and his tongue returned to its normal size. His claws had already ripped the fabric of the couch, but that was the only damage.

He was too overwhelmed with feelings to scold the wolf, but he intended to give it a stern talking to as soon as he could. Eleanor’s heartbeat was faint and he shifted, not wanting her to bear his full weight.

He’d seen women have a variety of reactions after intercourse with him, but Eleanor’s was by far the most maddening. Pride swelled in his chest and he smiled triumphantly.

“What are you smiling about?” Eleanor asked in a tired voice.

Blake froze but relaxed when she smiled. “That was amazing. Don’t you think?”

“It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced,” she admitted. She was quiet for a moment, and then she said, “I didn’t know that my first time could be like this. Nothing could have prepared me for how amazing this was.”

Blake cocked his head to the side curiously. “Our first time? Or…yours…?”

She smiled and nodded once. “Mine, Blake. I’m a virgin…well, I was. You’re my first.” She sighed and winced. “I’m glad it was you.”

Blake didn’t know how to react to what she had just told him. It had never occurred to him as a possibility, it had never even crossed his mind. It made what they had shared all the more special for him.

Instead of taking a step back, something possessive and protective came over him. He looked at Eleanor with a brand new set of eyes, smoothing the hair back from her face and wiping dried saliva from her jaw with the back of his hand.

“Well, get used to this, Eleanor,” he said.” I assure you that it’s going to happen again.” He leaned forward and kissed her, ignoring the salty taste of her mouth. They felt right together. This felt right. Felt beautiful. Perfect, even.

He got up and carried her without fuss. “What do you say we get comfortable?”

“I don’t see any reason why not,” she replied, kissing him again.
