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The way Eleanor saw it, a lot could happen in three hundred years. So much could change. But maybe it didn’t have to be drastic adjustments. Just little shifts, until she and Blake could get the pack right where they wanted it to be.

Shockingly, almost every head on the dais nodded appreciatively. The foreman even looked relieved. “Those in favor of Eleanor Bennett’s amendment to our pact with Moon Shadow say aye?”

The ayes carried through the room, strengthened by the unison of the voices. The foreman smiled. “The ayes have the day.” He banged his gavel, and then went on to read out another case to be settled.

Eleanor couldn’t believe it. They’d done it. They’d actually done it. She hugged Blake. It wasn’t what they’d wanted, but it was more than they’d expected to get. They’d torn down the old tradition, replacing it with a new, better one. That was enough.

Cheers rang through the hall as Blake led her out, and Eleanor couldn’t think of a moment when she’d felt more proud of herself.I really could get used to this, she thought as Blake helped her into the truck.I could certainly get used to this.


Eleanor eased the door of the nursery slowly open. She found Blake leaning over Joy’s cot, watching her in the darkness. She wrapped her arms around him and looked down on their daughter, sleeping peacefully.

“She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Blake whispered. “I can’t believe we created her.”

Eleanor smiled and kissed his arm. “Course we did. She has your hair, my eyes, your nose, my skin. The best of both worlds. We created her. She’s ours. And she’s not running away in the middle of the night, either. Come on. Let’s go to bed.”

Blake frowned. “You can’t know that for sure…”

“Well, I’d love to be surprised.” Eleanor pulled him away from Joy’s cot and toward their bedroom. “There are two women in your life, you know? And the other one needs you too.”

He looked down at her. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” He glanced into the nursery once more, and then shut the door behind him. He kissed Eleanor softly and draped an arm over her shoulder. “Come on, let’s go to bed.”

Eleanor loved the comfortable weight of Blake’s arm over her shoulder, and she shivered when he squeezed her breast gently. She’d missed that. The intensity of their moments together.

They had barely managed to shut their room door before they attacked each other with kisses. Eleanor kept her sounds as low as she could manage, Joy was a terribly light sleeper and the smallest disturbances roused her from sleep.

Blake eased her nightgown off, crawling out of his own clothes too. She giggled as he nipped at her neck, kissed her collarbone, and sniffed at her hair. Suddenly he stopped and looked up.

Eleanor sat up too, worried. “What? What’s wrong?”

“I think Joy’s awake.” He started to climb out of bed. “I need to go make sure she’s okay.”

Eleanor shook her head. “Blake?” He stopped and turned around. She pointed at the baby monitor resting quietly on the bedside table. “She’s my daughter too, you know? And I love her just as much.

“But listen to me. You’re not getting out of this bed again until you’ve pleased me. Now, quit your worrying and come make sweet love to me.”

Blake watched her for a few seconds, and then he smiled and returned to bed. “Fine. Now that you say it like that, I don’t really have much of a choice, do I?”

“Good, you’re finally all caught up.”

He laughed again and went down on her, the sweet sounds of her moans filling the room. She only prayed that Joy stayed quiet—this was her moment with Blake, and she had no intention of sharing him.


