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It was him. And he smelled good. Really good. Like oaky wood and forest dew.

“Yes?” I asked again, and shifted closer to him in my seat, hoping to set him at ease.

“Well, I was thinking I might take you,”—he swallowed, his forehead now joining his cheeks at the pink party— “out to dinner?”

“Dinner?” My jaw dropped. Was he trying to overcome his humanphobia?

“Yes, if you’d like to? There’s a great steak place downtown. We might, you know…”

“Oh, that sounds nice. But I get free food from the dining hall and was going to take some back for my mom. We always eat dinner together.”

He straightened up in his seat. “No problem, I’d love for your mom to come too.” He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose a fraction. “And if you guys don’t like steak, there’s an awesome Mexican place on the same street. You have to try the quesadilla to believe it. What do you think?”

I closed the book I’d been reading. Talk of my mom had me wanting to get back and check she was okay. “That’s so kind of you, professor. I really appreciate it, really, but…my mom’s not doing so well, and I don’t think she’d be up for going out to eat. I can barely get her to eat at all, half the time.”

Grimacing, he smacked his forehead with his palm, almost making a comedic dunce slap gesture. “I’m so sorry, of course your mom isn’t well. How insensitive of me. I wasn’t thinking.”

I felt myself making a face. I hadn’t hinted at or told anyone except Jax my mom wasn’t well. And that had literally been only minutes before. How did he know about—

“So, how about we get some takeout? My treat, of course. I know the best Chinese place in town. It’s not too far from here, actually. We can bring your mom a nice surprise?”

That did sound nice, and it might be an appealing change for her. But I wasn’t sure how appropriate this was, bringing my professor home with me. And she might not have enough energy for an unannounced visitor. “Well, I’m not sure…”

“You don’t like Chinese food?”

“Oh no, I love it. That’s not a problem—”

“What’s your favorite Chinese food?”

“Hmm, probably crispy shredded beef?”

“Really? Then youhaveto try it from this place.” He leaned back and did a chef’s kiss, with such eagerness it was adorable. “You’ll literally be addicted. I’m serious. You’ll literally have to check in to shredded beef rehab, after you try theirs, for real.”

Okay, he was really selling this meal and making me feel at ease, like I’d been trying to do for him earlier. “That good, eh?”

“The best. And don’t get me started on the special spring rolls. Why do you think I work this job? For fun? My spring roll habit won’t let me quit.”

I muffled a laugh. “Well, if it’s that good then…”

“Shall we?”

“Okay, but my mom won’t eat much, so maybe we shouldn’t order a mountain of food.”

Professor Belanger had ordered a mountain of food.

My mom was propped up on cushions, beside me on the sofa, nibbling at a small plate of chicken and cashew nuts, with a large spoon of fried rice and three prawn crackers on the side. I was surprised to see her actually enjoying it.

Or maybe it was the company. She seemed to have taken a real shine to Professor Belanger, or Aaron, as he’d insisted we call him.

Plunging my fork into the carton of shredded beef again, enjoying the delicious, salty, chewiness, I thanked Aaron for his kind gesture, and confirmed this was indeed highly addictive food he’d introduced me to.

“See? I told you. Just make sure you never eat it three days in a row, or you’ll be hooked bad.” He flashed an adorable smile, before shoveling another spring roll into his mouth, crunching, and gobbling the large piece in two bites. He was a big man, with a big appetite, that was for sure.

It seemed he had a big heart too. He was so gentle and charming with my mom. I hadn’t seen her so relaxed in ages.

Her plate was surprisingly clean when she laid down her knife and fork, signaling she’d finished. Just a scattering of fried rice and half a prawn cracker left said she’d found a stronger appetite than usual. I was very pleased to see her eat well, and her smiling brightly, eager to talk with one of my professors.

“Aaron, how long have you been a professor?” she asked, shuffling slightly against her cushions.
